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News Documentary about our saint, the Supreme Gentleman, Elliot Rodger

Vanilla Latte :chad:
Calling him "the virgin killer" makes it sound like he killed virgins.
His roommates were asian and therefore probably were virgins. The sorority girls he killed definitely were not virgins.
Fuck that guy. He is not my Saint.
Fuck you, you curry faggot, he achieved more in his short life than you ever will In your pathetic existence. The world will remember his name meanwhile you will be forgotten like the trash that you are, as if you never existed in the first place, his legacy will live on forever.
Fuck you, you curry faggot, he achieved more in his short life than you ever will In your pathetic existence. The world will remember his name meanwhile you will be forgotten like the trash that you are, as if you never existed in the first place, his legacy will live on forever.
Fuck you and your gay saint. He doesnt represent truecels like me. Just stupid fags like you worship that little faggot.
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Fuck you, you curry faggot, he achieved more in his short life than you ever will In your pathetic existence. The world will remember his name meanwhile you will be forgotten like the trash that you are, as if you never existed in the first place, his legacy will live on forever.

Fuck you and your gay saint. He doesnt represent truecels like me. Just stupid fags like you worship that little faggot.

This in-fighting is pitiful...
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ER is a fakecel. He could of gotten a landwhale
Fuck you and your gay saint. He doesnt represent truecels like me. Just stupid fags like you worship that little faggot.

He raised awareness of inceldom and brought the social-sexual issues faced by low value males, into the spotlight. He did more for our cause than you can ever do
I don't get how he was an incel.
He called himself a god.
He wouldnt care about any of you if he was still alive.
You worship a sinner.
He raised awareness of inceldom and brought the social-sexual issues faced by low value males, into the spotlight. He did more for our cause than you can ever do
He didnt do shit. The only people who did something for incel and deserve the most respect are faceandlms and IncelTV, especially faceandlms who showed us what reality is. How this world really works.

I dont see how i am supposed to see some rich dude who mogs the shit out of me and wanted blonde white women as my saint.
You identify with more socially-inferior beings like Cho, I assume. I do as well, in some aspects.
Yes, i do.

And Wilkes McDermid, another incel i can totally relate to. A defeated ricecel who just couldnt take it anymore. Reading about his suffering is something i, as a fellow truecel, can totally understand. The guy was just done with life.
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not one normie will speak about how foid treated him.
ER is a fakecel. He could of gotten a landwhale
he drives a german luxury vehicle. he was a man of class. he was no normie. he wanted this world to be better , not this pathetic clown world where even chadlite has to settle for obese cunts.
he drives a german luxury vehicle. he was a man of class. he was no normie. he wanted this world to be better , not this pathetic clown world where even chadlite has to settle for obese cunts
Women don’t care about cars unless you plan on being a betabuxx. Second he didn’t pay for it. His dad did. Third he was a manlet all he could he get a is subpar woman.
$0.05 has been deposited in your account.
all your posts glow hard.
Me whern i expose the fbi informant
He didnt do shit. The only people who did something for incel and deserve the most respect are faceandlms and IncelTV, especially faceandlms who showed us what reality is. How this world really works.

I dont see how i am supposed to see some rich dude who mogs the shit out of me and wanted blonde white women as my saint.

How many news reports or articles exist about faceandlms or incelTV?

How much media coverage is there of Elliot Rodger compared to FaceAndLMS and IncelTV?

How many people even know about the existence of FaceAndLMS and IncelTV compared to those who know about Elliot Rodger?


Simply Having a YouTube channel with 50k subscribers doesn’t bring anywhere near as much fame or notoriety as having your face plastered all over the national news and media, becoming known worldwide due to your actions etc.

The world knows about inceldom because of Elliot Rodger, he brought attention to the situation that many men find themselves in just like himself, raising awareness of the fact that Elliot Rodger’s problems weren’t just an individual problem affecting only him, but rather a societal/systematic problem affecting thousands and millions of men just like him around the world.

FaceAndLMS and IncelTV never had such a profound effect on bringing awareness to inceldom and putting it in the spotlight the way Elliot Rodger did.
How many news reports or articles exist about faceandlms or incelTV?

How much media coverage is there of Elliot Rodger compared to FaceAndLMS and IncelTV?

How many people even know about the existence of FaceAndLMS and IncelTV compared to those who know about Elliot Rodger?


Simply Having a YouTube channel with 50k subscribers doesn’t bring anywhere near as much fame or notoriety as having your face plastered all over the national news and media, becoming known worldwide due to your actions etc.

The world knows about inceldom because of Elliot Rodger, he brought attention to the situation that many men find themselves in just like himself, raising awareness of the fact that Elliot Rodger’s problems weren’t just an individual problem affecting only him, but rather a societal/systematic problem affecting thousands and millions of men just like him around the world.

FaceAndLMS and IncelTV never had such a profound effect on bringing awareness to inceldom and putting it in the spotlight
He brought attention but NEGATIVE attention. Since then we are seen as terrorists. Our problems and feelings dont matter. We are seen as a threat because everytime they write an article about us they put that nutjob ER in that article and then justify that we are just some evil little dangerous terrorists and how our forum needs to be deleted or how the police needs to get us and shit like that. ER is dead for such a long time and still today instead of trying to solve our problems or help us in anyway OR EVEN LISTEN TO US WITHOUT JUDGING US IMMEDIATLY, soy-journalists first name ER in the beginning of their article and then just tell the reader how fucked up we are. How we are just crazy dudes, who want to kill people. How is that even a good thing? Thats bad for us and that will always will be bad for us.

Also braindead Normies look at ER and think that many or all of us are on his lookslevel and could easily ascend when we have men with deformed faces on this forum. Or balding dudes or manlets. I have seen many guys here say how ER mogs them.

ER shouldnt represent us at all because all in all we are peaceful lonely men who are just talking about our problems. We want to be finally heard without ER being named..as if he was our leader or something.

If you like him so much, okay. But he is not a saint of all of us, understand that.

And faceandlms actually helped me. Without him, i maybe would have roped or done something crazy because i wouldnt understand why things are just not working. I would be a bluepiller and the bluepill is dangerous. Very dangerous.
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He brought attention but NEGATIVE attention. Since then we are seen as terrorists. Our problems and feelings dont matter. We are seen as a threat because everytime they write an article about us they put that nutjob ER in that article and then justify that we are just some evil little dangerous terrorists and how our forum needs to be deleted or how the police needs to get us and shit like that. ER is dead for such a long time and still today instead of trying to solve our problems or help us in anyway OR EVEN LISTEN TO US WITHOUT JUDGING US IMMEDIATLY, soy-journalists first name ER in the beginning of their article and then just tell the reader how fucked up we are. How we are just crazy dudes, who want to kill people. How is that even a good thing? Thats bad for us and that will always will be bad for us.

Also braindead Normies look at ER and think that many or all of us are on his lookslevel and could easily ascend when we have men with deformed faces on this forum. Or balding dudes or manlets. I have seen many guys here say how ER mogs them.

ER shouldnt represent us at all because all in all we are peaceful lonely men who are just talking about our problems. We want to be finally heard without ER being named..as if he was our leader or something.

If you like him so much, okay. But he is not a saint of all of us, understand that.

And faceandlms actually helped me. Without him, i maybe would have roped or done something crazy because i wouldnt understand why things are just not working. I would be a bluepiller and the bluepill is dangerous. Very dangerous.

[UWSL]Bringing attention to inceldom in a positive manner will never work. You can writes novels and make movies in which the main character/protagonist is an incel, and attempt to showcase his story as a reflection and representation of a typical incel’s experiences in the real world. [/UWSL]

You can present him as a non-violent, law-abiding, non-rebellious, peaceful member of society who just wants to experience what the majority of society gets to experience easily and on a regular basis.

Won’t make a difference, you will never be able to garner any sympathy towards incels from normies, they are heartless, they will just laugh at the incel main character and call him a loser.

Negative attention is the only way we can bring attention to our problems, and it’s better to bring negative attention than to bring no attention.

Drawing ANY sort of attention from society to our plight as low value males (whether it be positive or negative attention) is important.

Otherwise how will anyone be aware of our situation? The rest of society would just live in blissful ignorance, living lives of hedonistic pleasure while remaining ignorant of those who are on the opposite side of the coin, such as us incels, who rarely get to experience such pleasure, if any at all.

They will hate us no matter what, might as well make them fear us.

It’s better to be feared than to be hated.

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