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NSFW Documentary about Mainländer and Edmund_Kemper pedophile child porn obsession!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20987
  • Start date
Deleted member 20987

Deleted member 20987

Sep 15, 2019



This is for you now liking children ages 9 years old or under.
Ad hominem attack. You could refute my arguments in the two threads about it instead. I just made some good ones.

I'm obsessed with the fact innocent men go to jail and have their lives ruined everyday unjustly for watching media downloaded for free from the internet.
Liking girls <16 when you’re 18> is wrong.
Cope tbh 19 year old freshman Chads are fucking 15 year old junior high as we speak and no one bats an eye
Yes the fuck it is. You are attracted to an 8th grader as a 18-40+ year old man?
Do you even pedophilia bro? I mean do you even know the definition of pedophilia?
Yes the fuck it is. You are attracted to an 8th grader as a 18-40+ year old man?
8th graders are 13, not 14-15. Also some 15 year olds look 21 even some 14 year olds look grown
moralfag = thinking that predatory tendencies aren’t okay
I'm just saying that if I like 15( fif TEEN) year old TEENS that doesn't make me a pedophile. You sound like a foid ngl
lmao no, nothing wrong with a 19 year old being attracted to a 15 year old
There's nothing wrong if a 40 yo man marries a 15 yo girl.
I suppose I am a “moralfag” can’t be christian and not be a “moralfag”. I’d understand how saying it’s “wrong” is gonna rub people the wrong way however imo having exclusive attraction to <16 is immoral.
Exclusive? Who told you they are exclusively attracted to them? Afaik there is no one here who exclusively likes teens except Napoleon.So yeah you should first lurk more tbh
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sexual feelings towards children.

Age doesn’t matter? As long as she looks the part it’s okay? There were multiple 13 year old girls at my middle school who looked like grown women, it didn't change the fact they were 13.
Doesn’t matter. People aren’t attracted to age, people are attracted to appearance and physical maturity. Our sexuality and biology doesn’t respond to laws and morals. If a 18 year old looked like a toddler we won’t be attracted, if a toddler looked 18 we’d be attracted (fortunately that doesn’t exist) etc if a 100 year old woman looked 18 we’d be attracted.
Exclusive? Who told you they are exclusively attracted to them? Afaik there is no one here who explicitly likes teens except Napoleon ( who was banned because of me btw in case you are wondering ). So yeah you should first lurk more tbh
Explicitly? You mean exclusively. Also, Napoleon is a hebephile meaning he had a predominant attraction to pubescent middle school age girls. Also, vippnor actually thinks we’re exclusively attracted to below 16? Men who find teen girls attractive are just as attracted to foids in their early 20s because foids in their 20s and teen girls aren’t physically different
What about mental maturity? A 14 year old who has barely experienced life should not be making the decision to have sex. It happens yes. But it shouldn’t.
Again our sexuality doesn’t respond to morals nor does it respond to laws. Also, the teen brain is a myth. Look up Robert Epstein (not related to Jeffrey) as he talks about it. The infantilization of teenagers and extending their childhood to 21 is what causes immaturity in them. In many other societies they found that teens were way more mature
Men who find teen girls attractive are just as attracted to foids in their early 20s because foids in their 20s and teen girls aren’t physically different
Based. Would still prefer 15 over 21 for the sake of fertility though.
The attraction is specifically tailored to those ages, how does that not seem predatory to you?
you're changing the argument, at first you say "pedophilia" and then you say "predatory".

plus how is it "predatory" if it's simply mere attraction?
I suppose I am a “moralfag” can’t be christian and not be a “moralfag”. I’d understand how saying it’s “wrong” is gonna rub people the wrong way however imo having exclusive attraction to <16 is immoral.
Show me in the bible where it's written that it's wrong to marry a young sexually-developed girl regardless of your own age.
Not hating = liking? Since when? And btw I voted "No" and I am not a pedophile.

Mainlander was alluding to the fact he downloaded child porn < ages of 9 years old (not teen porn if you read the entire thread) and alluded there wasn't anything wrong with that.
Mainlander was alluding to the fact he downloaded child porn < ages of 9 years old (not teen porn if you read the entire thread) and alluded there wasn't anything wrong with that.
Mainländer never said he looks at cp
Show me in the bible where it's written that it's wrong to marry a young sexually-developed girl regardless of your own age.
in Ancient israel, girls usually married at 12-13 and according to Talmudic literature, guys usually married at 16-24 usually 18. Mary was like 14 when she gave birth to jesus
Mainlander was alluding to the fact he downloaded child porn < ages of 9 years old (not teen porn if you read the entire thread) and alluded there wasn't anything wrong with that.
Don't twist what I said. All I argued all the time is that people who just watch it, downloading it for free form the internet, should not be legally prosecuted. Because LOOKING AT THINGS shouldn't be a crime to me. You guys think looking at criminal media should be a crime, then you either apply that consistently and criminalize simple possession of gore, revenge porn, violence in general, animal cruelty and so on and get half the population potentially jailed or you continue to be the emotionally-driven hypocrites you are.

There is something wrong with CP. It's morally wrong. But I don't think everything immoral should be a crime. Laughing at people dying shouldn't be a crime, fapping to gore shouldn't be a crime, and so on.
my point was pedophilia is predatory, you’re having sexual attraction to people not mentally mature enough to make the decision of whether or not they’d like to have sex.
you changed the argument though because I mentioned hebephilia and ephebophilia

also attraction is not a choice. it is only "pedatory" if you act on those actions
Matthew 18:6 (KJV 1900)
6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Jesus was talking about the little ones in the faith. Little ones which believe in me. People who just converted but are still weak in the faith. But even if you choose to interpret that literally as children, sexually mature teenagers are not children. In 1st COR 7:36, Paul uses the Greek word "hyperakmos" to define the virgins to whom men can get married without committing sin, which basically means "ripe". Sexually mature.

Sexually mature teenagers are not kids according to biology or to the word of God. Only to feminists and agecucks.

21 For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, 22 coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. 23 All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person.”
It's not sexual immorality if you marry.

Matthew 18:10 (ESV)
10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.
Same as the first one.
it is still sexually immoral regardless of marriage, ask any christian (not the new protestants) and they will agree with me.
Thanks, but I'd rather stick to what the apostle Paul said under inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

it is sexually immoral to act on attraction to someone that is not mentally mature.
Then why did God make women start and even finish puberty long before the point where they supposedly get fully mature mentally?
majority of women aren’t fully mature until 16?
Where do you live? Here I'd estimate 14 as the age most women are fully mature. Also, it varies a lot from individual to individual. Some women still look underdeveloped even in their 30s, some already look thick as hell at 12.
14 year old girls are full grown MILF adults!!! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
I live southern US, I know seniors who’ve dated seventh graders and so on but it seems wrong for a 12-14 year old to make a decision they may greatly regret later in life.
We could solve it by having the parents find a good suitor for their daughter. I think young attractive teens should use their peak looks and libidos to please their husbands, not to whore around. They shouldn't be forced to celibacy for years and years either, sex is something good if it's used within marriage.

But that would only work in sane society, nowadays we are way too far gone for something like that.
14 year old girls are full grown MILF adults!!! :soy: :soy: :soy: :soy:
Let's analyze the typical BR 14 yo girl:

Boobs :yes:
Ass :yes:
Pubic hair :yes:
Curvy waist :yes:
Can bear children :yes:

Yep... it's a woman to me.
it is still sexually immoral regardless of marriage, ask any christian (not the new protestants) and they will agree with me. it is sexually immoral to act on attraction to someone that is not mentally mature.
In ancient Israel girls married at 12-13 and Mary was 14 when Jesus was born
Why am I seeing this thread only now :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
Mary was 16 and she also stayed a virgin.
Actually based on data I read she was 14

she was born 18 BC while Jesus was born in 4 bc
Mary was 16 and she also stayed a virgin.
Actually based on data I read she was 14

she was born 18 BC while Jesus was born in 4 bc
Who cares about Mary. Age of consent in modern europe is 14 anyway in developed countries like Germany. And that's fine. That's not the point. The point is Edmund says he is not a pedophile but in the last 3 days he has used every tactic in the pedophilia debate textbook to try to prove that
1. There is nothing wrong with masterbating to child rape.
2. Pre puberscent Children(who btw cannot give legal conesnt) sometimes enjoy sex so making and consuming child porn should be fine.
3. Cp consumption deters child abuse. So cp consumption should.... go on? What?

This is what passes for "autistic intelligence" on .co

And we are supposed to believe that all this mental gymnastics is done because we are only having reasonable debate on specific niche "blackpill" topics.

Don't make me laugh.
Who cares about Mary. Age of consent in modern europe is 14 anyway in developed countries like Germany. And that's fine. That's not the point. The point is Edmund says he is not a pedophile but in the last 3 days he has used every tactic in the pedophilia debate textbook to try to prove that
1. There is nothing wrong with masterbating to child rape.
2. Pre puberscent Children(who btw cannot give legal conesnt) sometimes enjoy sex so making and consuming child porn should be fine.
3. Cp consumption deters child abuse. So cp consumption should.... go on? What?

This is what passes for "autistic intelligence" on .co

And we are supposed to believe that all this mental gymnastics is done because we are only having reasonable debate on specific niche "blackpill" topics.

Don't make me laugh.
I never said watching cp is ok, I said that if someone should be arrested for viewing it so should anyone who watches videos of people being murdered for entertainment. Most cp is amateur anyway. Just because I said they can enjoy sex doesn’t mean I thought they should have sex. I was pointing that out because you assumed all cp viewers are sadistic when that isn’t necessarily true. I never said that children enjoying it means it ok to watch cp also I never said cp deter child abuse therefore cp is good, what I said was that because it deters child abuse, that means many cp viewers aren’t potential abusers
I never said watching cp is ok, I said that if someone should be arrested for viewing it so should anyone who watches videos of people being murdered for entertainment. Most cp is amateur anyway. Just because I said they can enjoy sex doesn’t mean I thought they should have sex. I was pointing that out because you assumed all cp viewers are sadistic when that isn’t necessarily true. I never said that children enjoying it means it ok to watch cp also I never said cp deter child abuse therefore cp is good, what I said was that because it deters child abuse, that means many cp viewers aren’t potential abusers
I never said all cp viewers are sadistic. You assumed it on your own. But cp viewers should have better sense than to watch cp, knowing that the child can't give consent. The murder argument is addressed, frankly I don't understand what you want. That gore watchers should be jailed? (actually I do understand but lets pretend otherwise and hear your side). If its all about just pointing out hypocrisy then I have already addressed why infact it is not hypocrisy. My question is why would you even mention that children may enjoy it, that's so irrelevant ? (again I do know somewhat but lets hear you out). And you argue that cp viewers are not future abusers. So they should just.... keep on watching cp? Or what? You did say just now that you think watching cp is wrong.
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I never said all cp viewers are sadistic. You assumed it on your own. But cp viewers should have better sense than to watch cp, knowing that the child can't give consent. The murder argument is addressed, frankly I don't understand what you want. That gore watchers should be jailed? (actually I do understand but lets pretend otherwise and hear your side). If its all about just pointing out hypocrisy then I have already addressed why infact it is not hypocrisy. My question is why would you even mention that children may enjoy it, that's so irrelevant ? (again I do know somewhat but lets hear you out). And you argue that cp viewers are not future abusers. So they should just.... keep on watching cp? Or what? You did say just now that you think watching cp is wrong.
If I watched videos of the woolens being killed for sadistic reasons people would think therapy is right but cp means I need jail?
If I watched videos of the woolens being killed for sadistic reasons people would think therapy is right but cp means I need jail?
I never advocated for jail. If you reread my posts you'd find I was talking about preventive institutionalization. The system could go about it many ways electronic tagging, house arrest, or even time in mental institution. I dunno, how exactly they do it is beyond my scope, the idea is just to grab the subject and treat the cause for his behaviour so it is not repeated. Jail should be reserved for circumstances that call for and deserve such action. And again the fallacious equivalency between child porn and murder porn and the vast difference in the gravity of situation of people watching either media has already been addressed, not just by me but by others as well.

Frankly I am glad you are not arguing the morality of watching cp itself. (who am i kidding, but lets ignore your threads and assume you actually believe what you say)
I never advocated for jail. If you reread my posts you'd find I was talking about preventive institutionalization. The system could go about it many ways electronic tagging, house arrest, or even time in mental institution. I dunno, how exactly they do it is beyond my scope, the idea is just to grab the subject and treat the cause for his behaviour so it is not repeated. Jail should be reserved for circumstances that call for and deserve such action. And again the fallacious equivalency between child porn and murder porn and the vast difference in the gravity of situation of people watching either media has already been addressed, not just by me but by others as well.

Frankly I am glad you are not arguing the morality of watching cp itself. (who am i kidding, but lets ignore your threads and assume you actually believe what you say)
If professional killers uploaded videos of themselves murdering people for entertainment nobody would want us incarcerated for watching the videos
If professional killers uploaded videos of themselves murdering people for entertainment nobody would want us incarcerated for watching the videos

Even agreeing with a point like this is enough to get you branded as suspect in today's world. Seriously where is all the outrage about gore videos and sites that host them?
Even agreeing with a point like this is enough to get you branded as suspect in today's world. Seriously where is all the outrage about gore videos and sites that host them?
I bet some people might agree with me but might not have the guts to admit it

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