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Do you work? How much do you get paid per week or month?



ded srs
Nov 8, 2017
Enough to save up for surgeries?

I can't wait to workcel tbh
Weed said:
Enough to save up for surgeries?

I can't wait to workcel tbh

I make barely enough to survive on a regular basis.

Uni pays stipend but not enough to cover the cost of uni (lol?). Probably going to have to change degrees to get more of that sweet academia gold.

My "main" source of income is a fucking hassle to commute to so I barely work. Like 4-8 hours a month at $55/hour, 5-10 at 25$/hour.

My alternate source of income is fucking seasonal so I get slammed for about 6-8 months out of the year with work on a somewhat inconsistent basis; sometimes I'll make $2000 in one weekend, sometimes I won't get any work for two weeks straight. The uncertainty fucking blows.

I try to save up so that I'm never dead broke and I budget appropriately but I feel like I am always teetering on the edge of being legit broke. Some shit always happens and I have to drop a thousand here or there and end up with close to 0. No amount of savings makes me feel safe. And if I have money in my wallet, I burn through whatever I have there; if it's on my card, it's like fictional money, it doesn't have a limit until I run out of it because I can't budget my debit/credit cards.

Generally bring in about £1300 a month to £1500 if I get OT. Normally side hustle brings in another £400-£500 but some months I get no side hustle.

I got stung badly this year. I had to make some massive repairs to my car after it came off the road on some black ice last winter, it also badly needed a new clutch. Driving my truck for 7 weeks non stop while I scrounged for parts and repaired all the body damage and resprayed finally killed 4 out of the 6 injectors (340,000 miles will do that). I had to buy all new ones from the Toyota dealer which was a months pay.  :cry: 

My old second hand compressor also blew up after 7 years of hard work. Had to buy a new one.

Also had to buy a laptop. My faithful Lenovo thinkpad and my old HP both died this year.

Plus I am escortcel.
I live of my inheritance. I got several decades with my frugal LDAR lifestyle.
I don't work at all, and I probably won't until I get out of college. I'm too socially retarded to do any minimum wage jobs that require communicating with people.
Yes. I earn more than enough for a single person. My job is full of dumb femoids though. Fucking hate it. I wanna bash their heads in the coffee machine whenever they use it.
€1500 a month.
Enough to get by, but not enough for my only goal: my own house.
LynchingTriHards said:
Yes. I earn more than enough for a single person. My job is full of dumb femoids though. Fucking hate it. I wanna bash their heads in the coffee machine whenever they use it.

What do you do, if you don't mind my asking?
blickpall said:
What do you do, if you don't mind my asking?

I work in a large company that deals with many different clients. I specifically work in the IT Department.
LynchingTriHards said:
I work in a large company that deals with many different clients. I specifically work in the IT Department.

How are there a large number of females, then? Or do you mean that the clients you deal with are female?
The once time I workceled, I earned just over 22,500USD before deductions (nearly 18,500USD after) and I was able to save 1/3 of it. Now that I am on NEETbux, they pay me almost 11,700USD, nearly 6,700USD of which goes toward rent. After bills and expenses, I live on just over 2,500USD. All figures are annual at dollar value equivalent.
I wish I could get enough to looksmax, I work like 7-10 hours a week (uni student), the pay is decent though, like $12 an hour. Now if only I wasn't paid bi-monthly
I earn around £1500 a month after tax, with frequent bonuses. I could probably looksmax if I didn't spend so much money on alcohol and traveling.
I make pretty shit money, my looks definitely affected that
LeagueEuW said:
1.75k monthly from NEETBux

TT____TT I want NEET bux so bad. Why do I get punished for working and going to school? What is wrong with this world? Oh wait, everything.
I get paid $1k a week. Shitty dead end job.
wristcel said:
I get paid $1k a week. Shitty dead end job.

That is decent pay for what you call a shitty job. Dead-end part sucks though. Can you elaborate more on what you do, if you don't mind? If not that's cool.
blickpall said:
That is decent pay for what you call a shitty job. Dead-end part sucks though. Can you elaborate more on what you do, if you don't mind? If not that's cool.

I work in a call centre doing insurance sales. Not telemarketing per se, but business to business stuff.
wristcel said:
I work in a call centre doing insurance sales. Not telemarketing per se, but business to business stuff.

Oh jeez. Maybe if you can get into a managerial position it'll be less shitty?
30 hours. employer refuses to full time me.

30*11.50*4=1380 before tax

after tax, much less.

rent, none, live with parents.

i put it into my car mods. used to put it into drugs, then i was arrested and charged with multiple misdemeanor and felony counts.
300 $ a month as a civil engineer. Third world sucks you guys
I make $2800 a month from a service job.
A few times a year I make 300-500 from my side hustle.
I’m only saving the minimum for my retirement (100/month) but I’ll probably never be able to own an apartment unless I move to a small village and somehow find a job there.
Yes,  I make roughly $2040 a month ($AUD)
Dunarote said:
300 $ a month as a civil engineer. Third world sucks you guys

Jesus fucking Christ. I made $300 a WEEK when I worked at a "fast dining" establishment doing untrained labor (you order food at the register like in McDonald's, but we bring food to your table like a restaurant). How much is your rent?
blickpall said:
Jesus fucking Christ. I made $300 a WEEK when I worked at a "fast dining" establishment doing untrained labor (you order food at the register like in McDonald's, but we bring food to your table like a restaurant). How much is your rent?

Luckily I live with my parents but if I was to live alone it would be at least 200 $ + bills
Dunarote said:
Luckily I live with my parents but if I was to live alone it would be at least 200 $ + bills

Ah, okay. That explains it haha. In my area, to get a single shitty room in a communal townhouse of 4-5 people with only one bathroom, it costs $450+ a month.
right now i only work part time cuz they dont wanna give me benefits , its about 25 hrs a week ... making 500 every 2 weeks . luckily my student loans are on hold for a few more months but damn i need a job bad... anyone hiring IT lol
When I worked it was 400€/month for a entry level job like burgerflipping.
nope, too subhuman to get a job
Nope. My mental health don't let me interact with people most days. I'm a very poor jobless incel living with his parents.
I'm a part time minumum wage low iq workcel.

I get paid around $400 a month. Luckily I'm in government funded housing, so my rent is really cheap. I don't get much work hours, so most of the time I LDAR.
3K / month and 2K / month from side huztle
He necro'd his own thread from a year ago that was pretty gay

ironically no one would have noticed it, and he wouldn't have gotten in trouble, if he didn't

30 hours a week

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