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It's Over Do you unironically have no personality?



Your local pussy drier.
Sep 22, 2021
Personality is your face!
i think im very based n cool n funny n not a braggard
yes, absolutely. I'm also cold and distant, and don't know how to handle some life situations. For example, if my mom had to cry up, how would i comfort her? What would i say? I'm as empathetic as stone, i just don't have that "emotional intelligence" or whatever shit that gives the mental capacity to understand others' emotional needs. I'd probably be a terrible boyfriend, I honestly think so.
I'm a very kind, polite, loving and caring young man. I consider myself a gentleman too. My personality seems good enough
yes, absolutely. I'm also cold and distant, and don't know how to handle some life situations. For example, if my mom had to cry up, how would i comfort her? What would i say? I'm as empathetic as stone, i just don't have that "emotional intelligence" or whatever shit that gives the mental capacity to understand others' emotional needs. I'd probably be a terrible boyfriend, I honestly think so.
I'm a very kind, polite, loving and caring young man. I consider myself a gentleman too. My personality seems good enough
This doesn’t matter if your are not attractive
I have a bad personality
Personality is your face!
Literally yes, Every personality will be good as long as your face is. You could have the exact same personality as 10/10 chad who slays everyday.
My personality is actually pretty shitty. I try to be nice and friendly but everyone always treats me like shit, so I assume it's because I'm doing something wrong. Every time I try being friendly, people think I'm weird. At least I try though
No friends :yes:

Zero interests :yes:

Low social media presence :yes:

Not good at anything :yes:

We're ugly, alright, but a lot of us are losers as well.
meandering schizopost
I have no personality

I would, but IT members have dissuaded me by showing the corrosive effects of personality on the intellect, as well as its negative side-effects such as obesity and transsexuality
I actually do a have nice personality irl
I feel like this is the fate of most Incels who ascend. So many of us are past the point of no return. No matter how much surgery you undergo, you'll always be deemed a boring, friendless loser. Looks won't save you. There are millions of attractive men where you came from. Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.

View: https://youtu.be/3CGgvPGzUYs?si=LJtK96YZoXgAA1pM

View: https://youtu.be/d1ByUx35V6I?si=Y3YmgQCZzHBWUAJJ

I.... Don't know... I can only complain, quote brainrot and play videogames.... Does that count?
I feel like this is the fate of most Incels who ascend. So many of us are past the point of no return. No matter how much surgery you undergo, you'll always be deemed a boring, friendless loser. Looks won't save you. There are millions of attractive men where you came from. Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.

View: https://youtu.be/3CGgvPGzUYs?si=LJtK96YZoXgAA1pM

View: https://youtu.be/d1ByUx35V6I?si=Y3YmgQCZzHBWUAJJ

True, and guys here don't like it. Lack of social development and being isolated leads to this lack of personality. We just missed too many trains.
I only talk about videogames so I guess.
You mean being NT? Plenty of shit personality NTfags who do fine
No friends :yes:

Zero interests :yes:

Low social media presence :yes:

Not good at anything :yes:

We're ugly, alright, but a lot of us are losers as well.
99% of this forum is since Incels aren’t uncommon irl. I know plenty of KVs and KHVs irl with large social circles and doing fine with other stuff they don’t really care about their situation
I feel like this is the fate of most Incels who ascend. So many of us are past the point of no return. No matter how much surgery you undergo, you'll always be deemed a boring, friendless loser. Looks won't save you. There are millions of attractive men where you came from. Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.

View: https://youtu.be/3CGgvPGzUYs?si=LJtK96YZoXgAA1pM

View: https://youtu.be/d1ByUx35V6I?si=Y3YmgQCZzHBWUAJJ

Personality wise, Im Very Innocent, Gentle, Kind Natured, Shy, Boyish, very Brash, Direct and Nosy in a very childish and also autistic way, but Ive had to toughen up and become more defensive, more aggressive, more rage prone due to being treated like shit, made fun of in most of my formative years, being bullied for being a turbo sperg to cope and minimally defend myself agaisnt it, not shitty per se, simply a victim of my circumstances.
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No friends :yes:

Zero interests :yes:

Low social media presence :yes:

Not good at anything :yes:

We're ugly, alright, but a lot of us are losers as well.
No Friends
Cars, Trap metal, Guns are pretty much my life at this point
Low social media presence, have All the normie social medias but I dont post and use them much
Pretty Much True, But i really wanna practice and learn shit like auto repair, learn to mod cars, to really drive em hard, I also wanted to learn to how like make Trap Metal, Death Trap, but im too retarded to produce tbh + voicelet.
yes, absolutely. I'm also cold and distant, and don't know how to handle some life situations. For example, if my mom had to cry up, how would i comfort her? What would i say? I'm as empathetic as stone, i just don't have that "emotional intelligence" or whatever shit that gives the mental capacity to understand others' emotional needs. I'd probably be a terrible boyfriend, I honestly think so.
Have the same issue when it comes to being cold, and I am really cold, really distant unless I know you really well and I trust you, you are not tough because you truly are, its because you have to, rotting subconsciously toughens up, its one of your autonomic instinct's for you not to rope, your brain does not want you to die, being cold, distant is simply a survival mechanism in response to incel life.
I feel like this is the fate of most Incels who ascend. So many of us are past the point of no return. No matter how much surgery you undergo, you'll always be deemed a boring, friendless loser. Looks won't save you. There are millions of attractive men where you came from. Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.

View: https://youtu.be/3CGgvPGzUYs?si=LJtK96YZoXgAA1pM

View: https://youtu.be/d1ByUx35V6I?si=Y3YmgQCZzHBWUAJJ

No it is not. Personality isn't important. Real personality isn't important. They just want you to be NT
Foids damaged my personality
I only talk about videogames so I guess.
I sperg out about cars, motorsports, really knowledgeable about general culture so I can decently sperg out about a lot of things.
You mean being NT? Plenty of shit personality NTfags who do fine
True, autists will automatically get the ick no matter about what they sperg out about.
I sperg out about cars, motorsports, really knowledgeable about general culture so I can decently sperg out about a lot of things.
I talk about literally everything. Even things women are interested in usually. I am diagnosed non NT tho. It doesn't matter
autists will automatically get the ick no matter about what they sperg out about.
Thats my situation. ovER for all autismcels. Women aren't capable of loving someone they don't understand fully
Thats my situation. ovER for all autismcels. Women aren't capable of loving someone they don't understand fully
Even tho their "love" isn't real but when it comes to guys with autism even this "fakelove" is impossible
I talk about literally everything. Even things women are interested in usually. I am diagnosed non NT tho. It doesn't matter
80%+ of foids are only interested in "Muh Parties, Muh Socializing, Muh Travel and Muh how many guys they fucked", and even the foids that have interests? Not so fast fam, they want a Chad who is into that as well, lol.
80%+ of foids are only interested in "Muh Parties, Muh Socializing, Muh Travel and Muh how many guys they fucked", and even the foids that have interests? Not so fast fam, they want a Chad who is into that as well, lol.
Lol, the funny shit is i can talk about it. Even for a long period of time. It is like doomscrolling for me. But they just hate me for being a sperg
Lol, the funny shit is i can talk about it. Even for a long period of time. It is like doomscrolling for me. But they just hate me for being a sperg
Most normies, most normal people on dates and shit, what do they talk about? Their daily lives, the real world, only 'tist foids, aspies and sub5s would sperg out from the get go about something, but always remember, they want a mogger who would either tolerate their spergery or join them right in it, not you, lol.
You mean being NT? Plenty of shit personality NTfags who do fine
Nah. A shit personality is not the same as having none at all. For example, when the woman in the video asked the guy what his favorite book was, he just stared at her blankly. Watch the first video.

My point is that most of us are very behind socially and don’t know how to improve this. A foid may be patient with a good looking Chad who is out of touch, but she will eventually be irritated.
My personality would be ignored no matter what because of my face
yes, absolutely. I'm also cold and distant, and don't know how to handle some life situations. For example, if my mom had to cry up, how would i comfort her? What would i say? I'm as empathetic as stone, i just don't have that "emotional intelligence" or whatever shit that gives the mental capacity to understand others' emotional needs. I'd probably be a terrible boyfriend, I honestly think so.
Same tbh. Even if I end up with a girlfriend, they are gonna be miserable with me.
I feel like this is the fate of most Incels who ascend. So many of us are past the point of no return. No matter how much surgery you undergo, you'll always be deemed a boring, friendless loser. Looks won't save you. There are millions of attractive men where you came from. Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.

View: https://youtu.be/3CGgvPGzUYs?si=LJtK96YZoXgAA1pM

View: https://youtu.be/d1ByUx35V6I?si=Y3YmgQCZzHBWUAJJ

I used to have a “personality” back when I tried but nowadays I find myself being indifferent and not expressing myself in any way. I don’t talk because I’m self-conscious about my mouth and teeth.
True, and guys here don't like it. Lack of social development and being isolated leads to this lack of personality. We just missed too many trains.
Yep. Arrested development hits hard. Many of us not only had no GF, but no friends all throughout high school even (me). You ain’t ever fully recovering from that. I saw a great YouTube comment about this one saying how our train is so far behind the norm it’s 10 years behind where it should be on the track and that’s why we can never relate to people our own age
Yes, i'm boring as fuck.
Personality may be a big meme, but it does hold some weight.
It matters to an extent but only after you cross a certain looks threshold. Otherwise it's worthless. A good personality isn't going to compensate for subhuman looks. While good looks can and will compensate for a bad personality.
Everyone has personality. It doesn't have to be interesting to everybody. Only for you. I have personality even if I'm alienated to society mostly
I have no personality

I would, but IT members have dissuaded me by showing the corrosive effects of personality on the intellect, as well as its negative side-effects such as obesity and transsexuality
I try to be honest, and not follow trends, and be independent, but most foids don't like that
Good personality = loud, obnoxious dickhead
I actually go so far and say I am proud to be boring as fuck.
I dont think I could say I have a good personality but I wouldnt say Im that bad either

My main problem is that Im very paranoid

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