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Do you think you'd theoretically be a good husband?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7448
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Deleted member 7448

Deleted member 7448

Name is Abdu, live in Laos, born on 24.08.1992.
May 16, 2018
Despite what we say on this site, obviously irl we aren't nearly as radical or mean.

I think the years of loneliness and desiring a woman would make a lot of us very good husbands.

Irl I can be really kind and caring, I'd empathize and listen about her problems. I ask about their day. I'm playful and silly (although maybe in a slightly autistic way) etc...

Too bad I'll never actually get to that point. I need a time to warm up the the person, get more intimate etc... Cause initially I'm guarded, aloof and quiet/introvert. That and my baldness and other ugly traits are a powerful repellent.

All I'd ask for in return is kindness and reciprocity.
I would like to be
No, I could never commit to one woman.
Fakecel if you don't think so ngl
But could you theoretically find a good wife?
Really wouldn't want my child being raised in a broken home, it's disgusting that the wellbeing of children is so often determined by a woman's unyielding craving for Chad's cock.

If that happened I'd rather just flee the country with my kid and never return.
Most of us would probably make excellent husbands.
I would like to be but I doubt it would be possible, I prefer to keep my emotions in check.
why? how is that a fakecel trait?
Because it shows that your problem is obviously your personality :^)

Serious: I get that not everyone is made for marriage and most people are fucked because of their looks regardless of personality, but saying taht you would beat your wife or cheat on her just seems LARPy af
Because it shows that your problem is obviously your personality :^)

Serious: I get that not everyone is made for marriage and most people are fucked because of their looks regardless of personality, but saying taht you would beat your wife or cheat on her just seems LARPy af
Oh no no.

I say that because I've never been in a relationship so I'm unsure if I'd ever be able to handle one. Missing out on teen love developmental milestones is mentally scarring.
No, realistically woman dish out a lot of bullshit when they get comfortable in a relationship and i cant imagine taking that for 10+ years, i am already emotionally dead inside so whats the point? my lizard brain wants a female in my life but i know damn well i can't and wouldn't try.
Oh no no.

I say that because I've never been in a relationship so I'm unsure if I'd ever be able to handle one. Missing out on teen love developmental milestones is mentally scarring.
dunno I think its a mindset. Call me coper but I couldnt care less about "prom night" or some shit if I get a mid 20s roastie now that likes me
Yes, I would cherish the comfort of a female
Really? That’s all I ever wanted. Never had a desire to play the field.
Exactly, I don't want to waste my time with one woman after another. I just want one, so our intimacy and affection grows over time.
Don't think so after taking the blackpill i don't think so i can just suppress my hate for foids
I would likely say mean things occasionally
i hate living with other people, i would go insane quickly
It depends on what you mean by good. Money making depends on outer factors. I would not torture my wife but I would try to uphold a patriarchy. Morals trump feelings of guilt and loyalty.
dunno I think its a mindset. Call me coper but I couldnt care less about "prom night" or some shit if I get a mid 20s roastie now that likes me
I have absolutely no issue with mid 20s roasties except the fact that nowadays most of them would have taken miles of cock by this age. NO sloppy seconds.
Most people here wouldn't be. Humans in general are garbage.

I would be though.

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Oh no no.

I say that because I've never been in a relationship so I'm unsure if I'd ever be able to handle one. Missing out on teen love developmental milestones is mentally scarring.

I'd be cool if people still got married at younger ages. It'd be a win win. My father got married when he was 18. Nowadays we have this broken system where women ride the cock carousel sometimes up until their mid forties and then scower about for a beta-male provider. Only after she's been both mentally and physically destroyed by countless dark-triadmaxxing chads you get to experience the "privilege" of financing m'lady.
Despite what we say on this site, obviously irl we aren't nearly as radical or mean.

I think the years of loneliness and desiring a woman would make a lot of us very good husbands.

Irl I can be really kind and caring, I'd empathize and listen about her problems. I ask about their day. I'm playful and silly (although maybe in a slightly autistic way) etc...

Too bad I'll never actually get to that point. I need a time to warm up the the person, get more intimate etc... Cause initially I'm guarded, aloof and quiet/introvert. That and my baldness and other ugly traits are a powerful repellent.

All I'd ask for in return is kindness and reciprocity.
I spent the last 5 years NEETing my youth away and the last 10 years playing video games, skipping school, eating junk-food, doing drugs and jerking off to hentai. What kind of husband do you think I'd be?

Edit: I'm also a misogynist.
JFL, as a 19-year-oldcel this seems so far away.

I don't have to think about it because I won't ever become one. It's a lowIQcel high school dropout asking himself if he'd be a good doctor.
Absolutely, but wasn't there a study that showed that married females cheated on their husbands if they were kind because they believe he will be more accepting of it and stay with her. Absolute manipulative cunts. That's why you can't be too nice to a woman. Just throw in a few punches and kicks here and there and you'll be good.
Despite what we say on this site, obviously irl we aren't nearly as radical or mean.

I think the years of loneliness and desiring a woman would make a lot of us very good husbands.

Irl I can be really kind and caring, I'd empathize and listen about her problems. I ask about their day. I'm playful and silly (although maybe in a slightly autistic way) etc...

Too bad I'll never actually get to that point. I need a time to warm up the the person, get more intimate etc... Cause initially I'm guarded, aloof and quiet/introvert. That and my baldness and other ugly traits are a powerful repellent.

All I'd ask for in return is kindness and reciprocity.
Tbh yes
I'm sure I would. My only real problem would be laziness, other than that, I have everything to be a good husband (minus looks of course lel).
I don’t think that there is a woman in this world that will be loyal to you who deserves a good husband. So hypothetically no, but in a Utopia where the foids are loyal I would be.
According to Bible is almost impossible to find a good wife:

Proverbs 31: 10: Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
no.Women only love chad so it would be impossible for me to be "good" husband.
According to Bible is almost impossible to find a good wife:

Proverbs 31: 10: Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
why did you get banned my friend?
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I would be more driven then now, be more inclined to groom myself, would find it more enjoyable socializing with others, and would probably be in a better mood during the honeymoon phase. But seeing as how like 50% of marriages end in divorce? Probably I wouldn't be an exception to this statistic.
I will not be a great husband, foids don't know what they want
but I will be a great father
No way. I wanna fuck as many holes as possible.
Maybe, I don't know.

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