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Serious Do you think school grades is purely genetics?

is school grades genetics

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Femcel Slayer
Jan 26, 2024
Do u think ur grades in school is GENETICS?
Yes. My IQ cucked me out of having a good life. This is why I hate all the collegefags "incels" here that genetically mog me.
Teachers have bias towards better looking boys and all the girls.
Yes it is. Saw niggERs in my school who didn't even have to try and got the best grade in class while my subhuman ass had to try super hard to pass the tests.
The more intelligent you are, the less you have to study. But if you want good grades without studying, you need to be extremely gifted, like 170IQ or more. At least where I went to school.
Genetics is the biggest thing but not 100%
Unfortunately yes
i have autism and i always had very bad grades in presentations and being active and shit (they where good in exams) but it dragged my average down a lot. After i got my official diagnosis i no longer had to do presentations or say anything in class.
So yes its genetics and if you live in a country with decent disability rights you SHOULD make use of them to your full advantage.
i have autism and i always had very bad grades in presentations and being active and shit (they where good in exams) but it dragged my average down a lot. After i got my official diagnosis i no longer had to do presentations or say anything in class.
So yes its genetics and if you live in a country with decent disability rights you SHOULD make use of them to your full advantage.
bro my parents use to blame me for having shitty ass grades, when my parents are both boardline retarded my dad never even graduated elementary school, and my mom only graduated from highschool
Yes. My IQ cucked me out of having a good life. This is why I hate all the collegefags "incels" here that genetically mog me.
You and me both brother except I went to college a little bit I got low grades but it was mainly because of my genetics stupidity
No, it's not purely genetics. How you're raised and fed, the treatment of the teachers based on your looks and status, as well as the disposition of the teachers, and your IQ genes all play a combination role.
No, it's not purely genetics. How you're raised and fed, the treatment of the teachers based on your looks and status, as well as the disposition of the teachers, and your IQ genes all play a combination role.
And don’t forget about gender. All the old hags that gave me bad grades, because I’m a boy.
The more intelligent you are, the less you have to study. But if you want good grades without studying, you need to be extremely gifted, like 170IQ or more. At least where I went to school.
80% of school is just remembering and repeating what you learned. I'd argue memory is more important than IQ
I don't think so tbh when I was in primary school I had top grades and now I flunked the first year of uni if it was 100% genetics then I should be having top grades today, genetics certainly do play a factor in primary school grades but not purely
Memory is a part of IQ.
I have my doubts on that. I have an above average IQ put a terrible memory meanwhile i saw plenty of average or below average IQ fags having a normal or good memory
Absolutely not. Teacher favoritism and upbringing/environment arguably play a bigger role than IQ. So many low & midwit IQ curries with 4.0 GPAs
genetics can only get you so far
Yes it is. Saw niggERs in my school who didn't even have to try and got the best grade in class while my subhuman ass had to try super hard to pass the tests.
No lol my iq officially tested is decent enough to have done good. The issue is I’m legit non NT (autism + adhd) aka not only is socializing impossible but so is work ethic/skill/doing anything productive which includes school.

Yes. My IQ cucked me out of having a good life. This is why I hate all the collegefags "incels" here that genetically mog me.
Cope your iq is fine. Nigga you legit are diagnosed with ASD and something else I forgot.
Niggers are stupid because genetics so not even throwing $ at their schools helps.

I was going to a white school and managed to do well, then I was moved to a shit skin school and my grades dropped.
Genetics play a big role but trying harder will inevitably boost your grades, you will always be capped by your genetic potential. No matter how many books you make the drooling retard read he will never succeed. Genetic determinism pill is brutal.
Yes 100%
I knew a high iq chink who was lazy as hell, he played vidya on the middle of the class and didn't gave a shit. He still was an A student

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