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Discussion Do you think it's possible to reduce the amount of incels in denial in the future?



Philosophymaxxer and whitepill enjoyer
Jan 2, 2024
Maybe by making the blackpill even more mainstream or by some systematic solutions. Because as much as I cringe watching some simps trying to jestermaxx and betabuxx some foid out of the friendzone, I personally can't just say to myself "fuck them", because after all they are just confused and are victims of the bluepilled propaganda

So, do you think that they are a lost cause, and being blackpilled is only for "the chosen" ones like us, or maybe there is some option to help them?
Anything is possible
The blackpill DID go mainstream but it devolved into looksmaxxing faggotry.
> "Muh PSL god/goddess, muh bonesmashing, muh negative canthal tilt.":soy: :foidSoy:
You just know they don't know what PSL means, otherwise, they would've acted like IT fags.
Yeah, I've noticed it too. I guess most people in our individualistic and "muh self-improvement" soyciety can't just accept the fact that there are things BEYOND our control. It's considered as heresy by the bluepill and redpill religion
TikTok dropped only 20% of nuclear ICBM blackpills. In 10 years number of brocels will grow exponentially. Only complete retards will continue coping.
I'm talking from my experience. I did almost everything, got nothing, went through all phases from soy wahman defender to war criminal redpiller, to finally dropping all autist copes and becoming blackpilled.
The Gen z gen should be the most blackpilled gen of all time because of social media (hello tiktok) and the next gen even worse there gonna be a point where the cope is not gonna work anymore.
They would have to get conditioned as a child to get blackpilled on female nature (which we damn well know will never happen)
I actually think it'll happen naturally because hypergamy and hoeflation have been exploding upwards so much that today's dating market is unrecognisable from even 5-10 years ago. The line between normie and incel is barely perceptible nowadays. There will always be bluepilled cucks no matter what, but inceldom has only been going in an upwards direction, so expect the black pill to become more and more popular each passing month.
I don't understand how being bluepilled is even possible in 2024
You should hate those people more than foids. They would throw you into a woodchipper if it meant they got pussy.
You should hate those people more than foids. They would throw you into a woodchipper if it meant they got pussy.
True that they would, but as a Christmaxxer I'm trying to not hate my enemies

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy'. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
~Matthew 5;43-48
Blackpill them in their youth
Blackpill them in their youth
Our cucked society would never allow it, at least at some systematic level (in public education for example)
By any means possible

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