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Serious Do you think if that whore fucked CHO he wouldn't have gone Vtech???



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
This ties into the broader question that I find it extremely hard to believe that a whore has the ability to treat an incel like a fucking human being. I get that if you pay for sex, it's realistic to NOT expect the whore to treat you like Chad for an hour, but I HIGHLY doubt if you throw $5000 at their face, they would even treat you like a low-tier human being. Most whores don't even kiss. It sounds like a WASTE of fucking time, money, and dignity for EVERYONE. A whore fundamentally has to hate herself, her job, and her clients (most of all). If anyone gets anything out of fucking a whore they are lying to themselves.

In all likelihood if you go to see a whore, it will end up like CHO's interaction with a whore. If you don't know the story, Cho months before committing Vtech, hired a whore. To me, I saw this act as Cho's LAST chance he gave to humanity. It was a veiled "please just this LAST fucking time, don't treat me like shit" attempt to swing back his mental health. If this FUCKING WHORE just did her FUCKING JOB she could have saved 33 people. BUT NO. Cho, like the autist he is, gave off "creepy vibes" even though he was polite the entire time, and even still payed her for a job not done. She FAILED as a professional. At the same time, let's be real, Cho was fucked at the start, because he EXPECTED too much.

When you have all kinds of men and women in a pandemic risking their lives to provide healthcare, deliver foods, and supplies for paltry wages, it's fucking idiotic too to expect a WHORE of all people to live to these standards of altruism, and be your love savior, because at the end of the day, a WHORE is a WHORE.
I saw a whore and I enjoyed it.

Then again Cho did it in the USA where its illegal.
This ties into the broader question that I find it extremely hard to believe that a whore has the ability to treat an incel like a fucking human being. I get that if you pay for sex, it's realistic to NOT expect the whore to treat you like Chad for an hour, but I HIGHLY doubt if you throw $5000 at their face, they would even treat you like a low-tier human being. Most whores don't even kiss. It sounds like a WASTE of fucking time, money, and dignity for EVERYONE. A whore fundamentally has to hate herself, her job, and her clients (most of all). If anyone gets anything out of fucking a whore they are lying to themselves.

In all likelihood if you go to see a whore, it will end up like CHO's interaction with a whore. If you don't know the story, Cho months before committing Vtech, hired a whore. To me, I saw this act as Cho's LAST chance he gave to humanity. It was a veiled "please just this LAST fucking time, don't treat me like shit" attempt to swing back his mental health. If this FUCKING WHORE just did her FUCKING JOB she could have saved 33 people. BUT NO. Cho, like the autist he is, gave off "creepy vibes" even though he was polite the entire time, and even still payed her for a job not done. She FAILED as a professional. At the same time, let's be real, Cho was fucked at the start, because he EXPECTED too much.

When you have all kinds of men and women in a pandemic risking their lives to provide healthcare, deliver foods, and supplies for paltry wages, it's fucking idiotic too to expect a WHORE of all people to live to these standards of altruism, and be your love savior, because at the end of the day, a WHORE is a WHORE.

Ive had some great experiences with escort foids. You need to go in there and be low inhib.
I saw a whore and I enjoyed it.

Then again Cho did it in the USA where its illegal.
Where did you see this whore? Why do you think she didn't treat you like shit?
I think he would've gone CHO either way.

Fucking a whore solved only one of my many problems, and Cho had far bigger problems than I do now. He would still be socially ostracized. He would still be awkward. He would still be a failure in every aspect of life.
Where did you see this whore? Why do you think she didn't treat you like shit?
Mexico. and idk I'm guessing because I'm not a ricecel with an oval face
I saw a whore and I enjoyed it.

Then again Cho did it in the USA where its illegal.
You can still fuck them easily in the US if you try. Police usually don't waste time going after escortcels.
Where did you see this whore? Why do you think she didn't treat you like shit?

I've had good and bad experiences with escorts. It's just the luck of the draw, really. Some escorts give shit service. Some escorts give great service. Some escorts were feeling nice that day, some of them were having a bad day. Some of them are somewhat more dominant and are fine with seeing inexperienced clients and "taking the lead", while others are not.

Most of it is RNG. Of course, you can read online reviews to ensure you won't be robbed, or mugged, or scammed. You can hire whores from upmarket agencies that run "quality control" as part of the hiring process so that the foid you visit will probably be attractive, but there's no predicting the actual dynamic of the visit.
You can still fuck them easily in the US if you try. Police usually don't waste time going after escortcels.

In the U.S., police and prosecutors are working on a quota. More often than not, they're targeting working-classcels who are looking for quick $50 blowjobs by drug-addled whores standing on street corners, and not middle- or upper-classcels meeting whores and sugar babies in upscale hotels. The poorcels will probably take a plea deal instead of hiring an attorney. It's pretty fucking scummy.

SESTA/FOSTA made things worse for American whores and escortcels, though. Finding sex workers in the U.S. was already expensive and difficult to begin with and now it's even worse.

I don't regret moving to the UK at all.
In the U.S., police and prosecutors are working on a quota. More often than not, they're targeting working-classcels who are looking for quick $50 blowjobs by drug-addled whores standing on street corners, and not middle- or upper-classcels meeting whores and sugar babies in upscale hotels. The poorcels will probably take a plea deal instead of hiring an attorney. It's pretty fucking scummy.
That's true. Cops are riddled around the crack head hooker areas like voltures. But you don't have to worry about them unless you don't know anything about the law and snitch on yourself. Most likely the hooker knows what to say too because she's been out there for a long time. But you're right it's safer to go to the more professional hookers.

They took advantage of me with a plea deal one time about something else because I couldn't afford a lawyer, they're slimy creatures.
SESTA/FOSTA made things worse for American whores and escortcels, though. Finding sex workers in the U.S. was already expensive and difficult to begin with and now it's even worse.

I don't regret moving to the UK at all.
I'm thinking of leaving the west entirely, but too bad you can't make as much in less cucked countries as you can in the west, so I'll save for a while before I can leave.
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That's true. Cops are riddled around the crack head hooker areas like voltures. But you don't have to worry about them unless you don't know anything about the law and snitch on yourself. Most likely the hooker knows what to say too because she's been out there for a long time. But your right it's safer to go to the more professional hookers.

They took advantage of me with a plea deal one time about something else because I couldn't afford a lawyer, they're slimy creatures.

I'm thinking of leaving the west entirely, but too bad you can't make as much in less cucked countries as you can in the west, so I'll save for a while before I can leave.

Cops are scum.

I wouldn't be caught dead in those crackhead hooker areas in any case, but it is maddening that my tax money is going to the oppression of poorcels who are guilty of nothing but loneliness.

Every time a cop gets run over by a drunk motorist, I do a little happy dance.
Cops are scum.

I wouldn't be caught dead in those crackhead hooker areas in any case, but it is maddening that my tax money is going to the oppression of poorcels who are guilty of nothing but loneliness.
I see some ok looking hookers there sometimes, so I just swallow my pride and go when I have extra money and feel horny enough. It's hard to find them any other place where I live, and get to bargain their prices down. All non-chads should stop paying taxes that help enforce cucked laws on incel men.
Every time a cop gets run over by a drunk motorist, I do a little happy dance.
:feelskek: But ragefuel that's usually the most common way they get killed. Not because they were fighting violent thugs and "protecting the public" like they want tax payers to believe.
I see some ok looking hookers there sometimes, so I just swallow my pride and go when I have extra money and feel horny enough. It's hard to find them any other place where I live, and get to bargain their prices down. All non-chads should stop paying taxes that help enforce cucked laws on incel men.

:feelskek: But ragefuel that's usually the most common way they get killed. Not because they were fighting violent thugs and "protecting the public" like they want tax payers to believe.

In all seriousness, DUI is bad. Despite a certain user keeps saying, being driven around is not "cucked", drunk normies should call an Uber instead.

What are the chances that an "OK looking" hooker is a policefemoid running a sting?
In all seriousness, DUI is bad. Despite a certain user keeps saying, being driven around is not "cucked", drunk normies should call an Uber instead.
0.8 blood alcohol is way too low, it used to be .15. You're not even buzzed until you get to .12. In mexico they aren't as strict with dui's, and they don't have more accidents on average than americans with all the harsh dui laws.
What are the chances that an "OK looking" hooker is a policefemoid running a sting?
You have to touch her boobs or let her touch your dick before you give her the money. If she just asks for the money right away and won't even let you touch her boobs first then it's probably a cop.
0.8 blood alcohol is way too low, it used to be .15. You're not even buzzed until you get to .12. In mexico they aren't as strict with dui's, and they don't have more accidents on average than americans with all the harsh dui laws.

You have to touch her boobs or let her touch your dick before you give her the money. If she just asks for the money right away and won't even let you touch her boobs first then it's probably a cop.

I'm also pretty sure that putting the drinking age at 21 has something to do with it. The only way you learn how many drinks you can tolerate is through experience, and Americans don't figure it out until well after they start driving.
I'm also pretty sure that putting the drinking age at 21 has something to do with it. The only way you learn how many drinks you can tolerate is through experience, and Americans don't figure it out until well after they start driving.
The best thing to do is see how many beers you can drink and still be able to ride a bike before you apply it to driving.
The best thing to do is see how many beers you can drink and still be able to ride a bike before you apply it to driving.

bud light tastes like piss, how do Americans drink that shit
She needs to be jailed for being responsible for the deaths of 30+ people
bud light tastes like piss, how do Americans drink that shit
It's terrible and it makes my stomach hurt. Americans have no taste buds left from all the junk they eat. Coors light tastes bad too but it doesn't hurt my stomach that much, even after drinking 7 in two hours.
It's terrible and it makes my stomach hurt. Americans have no taste buds left from all the junk they eat. Coors light tastes bad too but it doesn't hurt my stomach that much, even after drinking 7 in two hours.

It's not that hard to find good food in the U.S. Maybe it is more sparsely populated areas.

The problem with that ridiculous drinking age is that I couldn't pick the stuff I wanted, I had to make do with what my friends and classmates had supplied, which was usually shit alcohol.
It's not that hard to find good food in the U.S. Maybe it is more sparsely populated areas.
There's lots of healthy foods they can buy, but 95% of americans keep buying the junk.
The problem with that ridiculous drinking age is that I couldn't pick the stuff I wanted, I had to make do with what my friends and classmates had supplied, which was usually shit alcohol.
18-20 is a grown man, how dare they tell them what they can and can't consume, but will let them get drafted to a war at those ages. America has better quality beer and liquor, but your friends must've wanted the most bang for their buck at that time.
There's lots of healthy foods they can buy, but 95% of americans keep buying the junk.

18-20 is a grown man, how dare they tell them what they can and can't consume, but will let them get drafted to a war at those ages. America has better quality beer and liquor, but your friends must of wanted the most bang for their buck at that time.

Conscription is cucked. If men are conscripted, so should femoids. I mean, the Israelis and Norwegians force women into the military and they seem to be doing fine. Or better yet, don't conscript anyone at all.

And yeah. There were a few acquaintances who would bring in decent bottles from their parents' collections -- I was 16, 17 when I had my first tastes of Brunello di Montalcino, Courvoisier*, Veuve Cliquot, and Macallan -- but 90% of the time I had to make do with something really nasty.

*this reminds me of the time where a Stacy told me that "cognac is for niggers", her exact words :feelsbadman:
Heaven let your light shine down.
This is the only thing that pops in my head when I think about this and I enjoy it. I'm glad almost no one gets why the song gets in my head and don't catch the reference.
Idk tbh

I think he still would’ve made the same CHOice unless he had the best hooker ever that treated him like a CHAD
Conscription is cucked. If men are conscripted, so should femoids. I mean, the Israelis and Norwegians force women into the military and they seem to be doing fine. Or better yet, don't conscript anyone at all.
These are my exact thought on this. Either draft every able bodied person or draft no one.
And yeah. There were a few acquaintances who would bring in decent bottles from their parents' collections -- I was 16, 17 when I had my first tastes of Brunello di Montalcino, Courvoisier*, Veuve Cliquot, and Macallan -- but 90% of the time I had to make do with something really nasty.
I never even tried most of those fancy ones yet. Maybe that's a good thing or else I'd be an alcoholic. The kind I get are usually the mid tier range stuff, but it still hurts my stomach and tastes horrible, so I drink only occasionally.
*this reminds me of the time where a Stacy told me that "cognac is for niggers", her exact words
:feelskek: When white foids are not afraid of being judged they might say racist things they learned from the racist white chads who fuck them.
I will never use a whore because of this. It must be humiliating to be rejected even when your sex life has been broken down to the point of being a product that you pay for. Even though escorts are doing a job, they cannot escape their female nature, and they will judge you against chad.
I never even tried most of those fancy ones yet. Maybe that's a good thing or else I'd be an alcoholic. The kind I get are usually the mid tier range stuff, but it still hurts my stomach and tastes horrible, so I drink only occasionally.
these aren't really fancy fancy, they're mid, or maybe mid-high range

:feelskek: When white foids are not afraid of being judged they might say racist things they learned from the racist white chads who fuck them.
foids are every bit as capable of racism as men are, something that cucks will refuse to admit
*this reminds me of the time where a Stacy told me that "cognac is for niggers", her exact words :feelsbadman:

If some huwhite bitch said that in front of me I would start breaking shit. How did you contain your rage?
these aren't really fancy fancy, they're mid, or maybe mid-high range
"Fancy" liquor to me is more than $30 per 750 mL bottle. I usually buy the stuff in the $15-25 range per 750 mL. I don't see a need to spend almost double. But maybe I'm missing out on something that I don't know.
foids are every bit as capable of racism as men are, something that cucks will refuse to admit
They are even worse because no one will judge them as harshly as men.
If some huwhite bitch said that in front of me I would start breaking shit. How did you contain your rage?

We were drunk, and at the time I didn't fully process how bad that actually was.
"Fancy" liquor to me is more than $30 per 750 mL bottle. I usually buy the stuff in the $15-25 range per 750 mL. I don't see a need to spend almost double. But maybe I'm missing out on something that I don't know.

They are even worse because no one will judge them as harshly as men.

I'm not entirely sure what $30 per 750ml bottle translates to, because different locations have different taxes, and different distributors and brands adjust their prices based on the market in the country they're selling in.
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I'm not entirely sure what $30 per 750ml bottle translates to, because different locations have different taxes, and different distributors and brands adjust their prices based on the market in the country they're selling in.
Lately I've been only drinking coors, but when I have liquor I usually get these in at least 750 ml bottles.

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No. This was likely his "fuck it I'm dead tomorrow" moment. Much in the same way if you're gonna rope anyways, might as well make the best CHOice.
Never heard this Cho story before. So did he fuck?
Yeah, looks mid-range.
If I got the better stuff I'd probably be addicted to it for not making me as sick as the cheaper brands do.
If I got the better stuff I'd probably be addicted to it for not making me as sick as the cheaper brands do.

im a ricecel so it doesnt even take that much for me to get nicely buzzed

russians drinkmog me brutally
Cho was fucking batshit crazy all along. He used to stalk people on the regular.
im a ricecel so it doesnt even take that much for me to get nicely buzzed
Lucky. It takes a lot to get me buzzed or drunk, but I always end up feeling sick during and after. I wish I can just get buzzed off two drinks.
russians drinkmog me brutally
Them, irish, and lots of black peple can drink for days without vomiting.
Lucky. It takes a lot to get me buzzed or drunk, but I always end up feeling sick during and after. I wish I can just get buzzed off two drinks.

Them, irish, and lots of black peple can drink for days without vomiting.

2 drinks will be enough on an empty stomach, although it takes more if im also having a meal
2 drinks will be enough on an empty stomach, although it takes more if im also having a meal
I think I get sick because I usually drink at night on a full stomach. Then I have to drink a lot more because of the food. I'll start drinking on an empty stomach and see if I feel less sick, and hopefully I won't have to drink as much as when I'm full.
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Women could have prevented every single mass shooting. But they would rather the death toll rises than simply treat an incel like a person
Women could have prevented every single mass shooting. But they would rather the death toll rises than simply treat an incel like a person
Really gets the noggin joggin'
If he would have been goodlooking enough to fk with her he wouldn't have gone Vtech in the first place. It's a paradoxon

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