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Do you think a girlfreind will fix your self-esteem?


SA incel life

Sep 28, 2018
I think most incels crave a girlfreind. i certainely crave one. you feel like there is a giant whole in your heart and a girlfreind can fill that. Talking to your parents is like talking to a brick wall, siblims are shit. you see couples, the girl is probably a large component of the guys self-esteem. i have never kissed a girl, no sexual contact, its a strange alien situation. women claim they hate it when men treat them like sex objects and then the only men who treat them like sex objects are their boyfreinds. i cannot tolerate the monstrous hyprocrisy and coward attitudes that women have. Do you think a girlfreind will fix your self-esteem?
No it wouldn't. I would still be aware that I'm inferior and she will fuck chad right after our first date. It would probably just make me kill her.
but I will never have one.
yes. it will fix everything.
I crave a girlfriend but I'll be paranoid
It will fix all my problems
No, I'm far too damaged to get my self-esteem fixed overnight by a roastie who pledges a semblance of monogamy to me. Years of rejections and humiliations cannot be healed by a girlfriend alone.

Talking to your parents is like talking to a brick wall, siblims are shit. you see couples, the girl is probably a large component of the guys self-esteem.

Thank God I don´t have siblings!
It boosts the ego, for sure, but should not affect self-esteem.

Foids affecting how you view and esteem yourself is an indirect form of foid worship. Fuck that !
Its not possible to have one.
What’s self esteem?
No, I'm far too damaged to get my self-esteem fixed overnight by a roastie who pledges a semblance of monogamy to me. Years of rejections and humiliations cannot be healed by a girlfriend alone.

Thank God I don´t have siblings!
yeah its a fucking nightmare. i hate my parents and my siblims. i wish my brother dies, it will feel like a million bricks just came off my shoulders
yeah its a fucking nightmare. i hate my parents and my siblims. i wish my brother dies, it will feel like a million bricks just came off my shoulders

There are many people that told me this. It's incredible to think that instead brothers should be like a team.
I’ll probably always hate myself tbh.
Yes. I think that feeling,about being loved, is something awesome.

A girlfriend will tell you things such as: I love you, you are cute, there is nothing wrong with you and that kind of stuff.
It would. My self-hatred comes from not being loved.
Dunno. I can't even imagine having a girlfriend.
Partially. 1/4...

And other components?

1/4 - taking pride in my righteousness
1/4 - pride in my fighting ability
1/4 - pride in my financial success

It would make me paranoid about getting cheated on.
No. A gf won't give me a shorter midface.
Do you think I will ever get a girlfreind?
I think most incels crave a girlfreind
I do not even know if I would like to have a GF at all at this point anymore tbh. I am a sub 8, so even if I had one, as soon as she had the chance to leave me for a Chad she would do it anyway. So what's the point of the whole shit then ? If you are not Chad then it's over you!
There is nothing wrong with my self esteem I'm just critically depressed and lonely so I'm basically a screaming animal nobody wants to get near. But a gf would help me feel better even though I would suspect something is up
Incels can have girlfriend only by betabuxing. And she will fuck chad when we at work.
yes. it will fix everything.
Having a gf is pretty much the essence of life itself.
Love and be loved. Have something to live for, something to protect and care for.
Never be sad again, because no matter how shit people treat you, you know there's somebody at home who loves you unconditionally.
Procreate. Pass your genes to the next generation. Die in peace because you know, you did your job and your genes will live on.
Cuddle, when you're feeling down. Experience the comfortness of human warmth.
inb4 gay
It's so far away I don't even have any hope or expectation I will have any kind of meaningful relationship. It doesn't feel real.
A girlfriend doesn't make you not ugly either.
you know there's somebody at home who loves you unconditionally.
Women do not love men unconditionally! And certainly not such sub 8 men as me and you!
Women do not love men unconditionally! And certainly not such sub 8 men as me and you!
Go away! :feelsbadman:
Leave me alone in my dream bubble.
I'll be depressed again, soon enough.
It will definitely help a lot but it won't make up for all these years of loneliness.
Yes. I think that feeling,about being loved, is something awesome.

A girlfriend will tell you things such as: I love you, you are cute, there is nothing wrong with you and that kind of stuff.
Yeah maybe a 16 yr old virgin gf
No. I am likr l am and it wont change.
If l get a gf now, l would just be happier. Nothing else. I have money to spend, l can offer her some little gifts.
And when l say gf, l dont aim landwhales and whores.
At this point I don't even care. I don't want a girlfriend so much as some woman that allows me to have sex whenever I want.
I’ve learned far too much for a girlfriend to change anything
No. At this point I simply can't see modern women as anything but a pump and dump.

Getting into a relationship with a modern foid is just asking to be cucked and then divorce raped. Even if you don't marry the woman, the courts will still give her your money if you were living in the same house/apartment for a long enough period of time.
I dont engage in such silly daydreams
The word "girlfriend" is so mainstream and charged with normie ideas and values I dont want nothing to do with it, I will NEVER marry and I will never have a girlfriend
Will I perhaps meets foids in my life? Who knows, but ill never give them the pleasure of calling them my girlfriend
, too big of a word, too much for a foids ego
Only a good face and body could fix me at this point. Nothing else.
No. A girlfriend is a hole, a well. If you're not already super solid psychologically, you're not ready to ascend. Having a gf is absolutely not an illumination. Even worse, you're at risk of falling in her own mindless vacuity through her petty social negociations and her numerous attempts of psychological manipulation. You must be ready for it and embrace the truth of female nature before ascending if you don't want to end like all the deluded cucks from IT.
Our idealized loving relationship that only the top 10-20% can possibly have,... Yes, absolutely. I would be a high value human and society would treat me as such.

That's so far from reality for genetic shit like me.

The best I can realistically hope for is finding some mentally broken chubby 3/10 that will let me fuck her whenever I want. I doubt that would raise my self-esteem, although it would make me much happier.
Yes. I think that feeling,about being loved, is something awesome.

A girlfriend will tell you things such as: I love you, you are cute, there is nothing wrong with you and that kind of stuff.

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