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Do you talk to women randomly on the street?



Nov 22, 2017
One thing I noticed about people in general, looks aside, is nobody really looks at each other for more than a second, usually ignoring them totally. On my shitty days I fixate on the idea that if people are not looking at me then I'm ugly, and if they do then I'm still ugly.

On my extremely rare days where I have low inhibition for whatever reason, I'll make it a point to initiate eye contact with girls I find attractive, sometimes even saying 'what's up' or 'how are you'. Sometimes they look right at me, other times they could care less.

Just yesterday I locked eyes with a chick while she was walking. I said 'how are you' but she kept walking so I said 'wow I don't even get a hi', when she was a good bit away she turned around with a little smile and waved hi. I'd rate myself a 3.5/10 honestly. Is my problem, along with being unattractive, that I don't even try to talk to women and expect them to initiate with me, or is it a combo of both?
QuantumDummy said:
One thing I noticed about people in general, looks aside, is nobody really looks at each other for more than a second, usually ignoring them totally. On my shitty days I fixate on the idea that if people are not looking at me then I'm ugly, and if they do then I'm still ugly.

On my extremely rare days where I have low inhibition for whatever reason, I'll make it a point to initiate eye contact with girls I find attractive, sometimes even saying 'what's up' or 'how are you'. Sometimes they look right at me, other times they could care less. Just yesterday I locked eyes with a chick while she was walking. I said 'how are you' but she kept walking so I said 'wow I don't even get a hi', when she was a good bit away she turned around with a little smile and waved hi. I'd rate myself a 3.5/10 honestly. Is my problem, along with being unattractive, that I don't even try to talk to women and expect them to initiate with me, or is it a combo of both?

"Who do you think you are Chad? Only Chad is allowed to act confident, not an ugly loser like you Tehehehe!" Random Roastie
>Do you talk to women randomly on the street?

No, I don't want to be arrested.
The fastest way to get arrested or at least a restraining order if you're sub8.
I only talk to femoids if I have to, plus I would only creep them out trying that shit, especially ones of fertile age.
Who the fuck talks to strangers in the street
Dingus_Incel said:
>Do you talk to women randomly on the street?

No, I don't want to be arrested.

Dingus_Incel said:
>Do you talk to women randomly on the street?

No, I don't want to be arrested.

Lol I don't think I'd let it get that far. Just a simple 'what's up' and if she smiles or looks interested I might try to continue the conversation. The problem here is that this low inhib state starts in the morning and slowly fades as the day goes by. It also only happens like once randomly every few months. Then I'm back to the realization that I'm ugly and every look or lack thereof bothers me. I've also never initiated a convo with a woman, ever.

justforlulzandkeks said:
Who the fuck talks to strangers in the street

I see nothing wrong with that. A lot of places in the world, people are super friendly to each other and acknowledge each other's existence. Oh wow, this just reminded me of this fuckin super built Russian dude that came up to me one day asking for a cigarette. This fuck was built like a super soldier with a good face but was popping pills. He told me everyone ignores him and he feels invisible when outside.

modus_coperandi said:
The fastest way to get arrested or at least a restraining order if you're sub8.

I don't think it's that serious.

jagged0 said:
"Who do you think you are Chad? Only Chad is allowed to act confident, not an ugly loser like you Tehehehe!" Random Roastie

Haha. It's like just for a couple of hours I gain this false confidence and I feel like women are returning my eye contact. Nothing ever comes of it because I don't know what to say or do.
QuantumDummy said:
see nothing wrong with that. A lot of places in the world, people are super friendly to each other and acknowledge each other's existence.
Ye this is definitely a cultural thing cause where I am that shit is weird
QuantumDummy said:
Lol I don't think I'd let it get that far. Just a simple 'what's up' and if she smiles or looks interested I might try to continue the conversation. The problem here is that this low inhib state starts in the morning and slowly fades as the day goes by. It also only happens like once randomly every few months. Then I'm back to the realization that I'm ugly and every look or lack thereof bothers me. I've also never initiated a convo with a woman, ever.

I see nothing wrong with that. A lot of places in the world, people are super friendly to each other and acknowledge each other's existence. Oh wow, this just reminded me of this fuckin super built Russian dude that came up to me one day asking for a cigarette. This fuck was built like a super soldier with a good face but was popping pills. He told me everyone ignores him and he feels invisible when outside.

I don't think it's that serious.

Haha. It's like just for a couple of hours I gain this false confidence and I feel like women are returning my eye contact. Nothing ever comes of it because I don't know what to say or do.

Returning? GTFO Chad.
QuantumDummy said:

I don't think it's that serious.

Totally depends on your location. In my country (Germany) it actually is that serious. People are generally autistic and distant and every ugly guy is perceived as a potential rapist.
justforlulzandkeks said:
Who the fuck talks to strangers in the street

yeh wtf. if someone spoke to me on the street, i'd be a little freaked out no matter who it is?

unless you live in a small village, but that means you wouldn't be strangers.
jagged0 said:
Returning? GTFO Chad.

LOL if I wasn't worried about being doxxed I'd show you my face but i don't think my already nonexistent ego can take that hit. You guys would tear me a new asshole and say my nose is big, eye area is terrible, weak jaw, big head, oval face. The list goes on. I'm below average looking in every way. Very few return eye contact and probably honestly because I kind of force them into it. 99.9% of women don't acknowledge my existence.
modus_coperandi said:
The fastest way to get arrested or at least a restraining order if you're sub8.

All men can be arrested

talking randomly to strangers in 2017 has simply become a no-no, there's no need for it anymore
even a goodlooking man will be met with hostility
modus_coperandi said:
Totally depends on your location. In my country (Germany) it actually is that serious. People are generally autistic and distant and every ugly guy is perceived as a potential rapist.

I live in a big city in America. I don't see what's wrong with hollering at a chick you find attractive. How the fuck else does someone with 0 friends or social circle get chicks? Not like I'm giving them a serial killer stare or stink eye lol.

7339er said:
yeh wtf. if someone spoke to me on the street, i'd be a little freaked out no matter who it is?

unless you live in a small village, but that means you wouldn't be strangers.

I don't know what to tell you then. What would freak you out about being talked to in broad daylight by someone you don't know?
Nope, I am a curry, curries already have a bad rep for beeing creeps, I have no wish to go to jail, my brown hairy butthole is extremely tight, it will tear apart.
If you need to talk to women on the street then it's 100% over.
With my face? Nah.
No, I don't feel like getting arrested daily.
Anon said:
If you need to talk to women on the street then it's 100% over.

I pretty much knew this for a long time. Should I just not do that?
QuantumDummy said:
I pretty much knew this for a long time. Should I just not do that?

Just stop. You are hurting yourself. It won't do you any good.
I hate this word but thats cringeworthy
chudur-budur said:
Nope, I am a curry, curries already have a bad rep for beeing creeps, I have no wish to go to jail, my butthole is extremely tight, it will tear apart.

Lol just don't drop the soap
kodoku said:
I hate this word but thats cringeworthy

The low inhib wore off in the afternoon, now I'm back to being a bitch and ignoring everyone. I rarely ever do what I posted, only happens rarely.

Anon said:
Just stop. You are hurting yourself. It won't do you any good.

Yea, I'm not doing it anymore.
Of course not.

The fucked up thing was when a couple of FHOs smiled at me many years ago. I was shocked. What the fuck could I have done with that? What could I have said that didn't make me look creepy or needy? Same thing if they turn around to look at you after passing you. Speaking to strangers in the street is such a social taboo, even a smile doesn't really overcome it. Such is city life.
I can't even make eye contact with family, how the hell would I manage that?

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