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Theory Do you support Marxism-RodgERism?


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Marxist-RodgERist Subhuman
Jul 9, 2024
There are alot of fascistcels, but isnt it chad worship which makes you cucked?

This ideology is more Pan-Incel that strives to end the inceldom and unite all incels, just like how marxists strive to end capitalism and unite workers

Elliot RodgER is our charactER while marxists have Karl Marx

Since marxism failed today and evERy “communist” country nowadays adapted capitalism (without North Korea) will the new incel ideology work? Or will we surrendER to the bourgeois chads and be cucks.
There are alot of fascistcels, but isnt it chad worship which makes you cucked?

Its about wanting to live in a country full of white people
Nationalism isnt about loving an arbitrary piece of land, its about loving the people that live in that arbitrary piece of land.

When america was white, you could walk down to the gas station to buy something and return home unharmed. Nowadays, youll get mugged or more likely killed if you try that. Im not sure if id label myself a nationalist, but regardless, nationism is not cope. I want to live in a safe country without thugs in it.
I know you didnt mention nationalism but i feel this response is pretty relevant because of how closely related to fascism it is.

Ngl i truly dont know why everyone always calls fascism chad worship. Yes, nazi propaganda depicted chads but thats because nazi propaganda was... well, propaganda. It was just a visual way they tried to represent the white races superiority. The same way modern propaganda is full of niggers in an attempt to show how great and intelligent niggers are (lmao)

TLDR fascism is just about wanting to live in a clean and safe country with no degeneracy. That's it.
No, because it's an impossible autistic fantasy with many plot holes.

Its about wanting to live in a country full of white people

I know you didnt mention nationalism but i feel this response is pretty relevant because of how closely related to fascism it is.

Ngl i truly dont know why everyone always calls fascism chad worship. Yes, nazi propaganda depicted chads but thats because nazi propaganda was... well, propaganda. It was just a visual way they tried to represent the white races superiority. The same way modern propaganda is full of niggers in an attempt to show how great and intelligent niggers are (lmao)
But wouldnt that split the other race incels which makes us not able to end chad hierarchy? (sounds like fantasies but only if that would happen)
But wouldnt that split the other race incels which makes us not able to end chad hierarchy? (sounds like fantasies but only if that would happen)

Im not sure i understand what you mean. Particularly this part
But wouldnt that split the other race incels
Im not exactly sure what youre asking
There are alot of fascistcels, but isnt it chad worship which makes you cucked?
About this... Don't all ideologies use attractive people in their propaganda since that will make it more effective? Any propaganda that isn't explicitly incel propaganda is going to use attractive people and even in incel propaganda I doubt it would be wise to use a 1/10 truecel as the face of the movement...
Most fascists today and in the past were not "chad worshipers" but normal average people that were/are tired of living in a degenerate broken world with no hope. Stop believing jew propaganda please.

Im not sure i understand what you mean. Particularly this part

Im not exactly sure what youre asking
If we evER revolted against bourgeois chads it wouldnt work because of race wars
We lost the war years ago
With how everything is going there's no redemption

Just sit back and observe
We lost the war years ago
With how everything is going there's no redemption

Just sit back and observe
Just think about us incels uniting in one militant organisation, then overthrowing bourgeois chads and establishing our incelistan fantasies

EvERy incel will get a wife, unless we fight. All we need to do is spread propaganda to closeted incels that are bluepilled which is like 60% of men
Just think about us incels uniting in one militant organisation, then overthrowing bourgeois chads and establishing our incelistan fantasies

EvERy incel will get a wife, unless we fight. All we need to do is spread propaganda to closeted incels that are bluepilled which is like 60% of men
A few hundred will probably show up against 10 million chads
If we evER revolted against bourgeois chads it wouldnt work because of race wars
I see what you mean now

Honestly, i dont think incels would even need to revolt under fascism, because i dont think inceldom would even be a problem under fascism. Feminism, hypergamy, etc. would all be suppressed and i believe after a while the dating scene would revert back to similar to how it was in boomer times and before.

Also because one of the reasons women nowadays are chad only is because they are not dependent on men. They can work jobs and support themselves. But under fascism, for the most part Hitler was strongly against women working and wanted them to only serve as housewives and teachers. Under this system, women are not independent and cant just hook up every other day, they have to commit to a man early on.

Also this is worth mentioning
As for hitler specifically, the incel crisis wouldnt have happened under hitler. He subsidized couples having kids. He wanted the white race to have a population boom. Married couples would get a bunch of money and a bigger discount on their mortgage for every child they had. He wouldve found a way to prevent the incel crisis. He wouldnt be able to handle the idea of 70% of young males being single. He would be working day and night to find a solution
Not to mention all young girls (aged like 8-20 years old or something) in nazi Germany would be very strongly encouraged to take part in the female version of the hitler youth where they would all be taught how to cook, how to clean the house, how to take care of and raise a kid, etc. All the trad stuff that so many people here want in a wife

Not even joking, Hitler should be seen as a hero by incels

I dont think any system at all would be a silver bullet to end inceldom, but i truly do believe that taking away womens rights and not allowing them to work would largely get rid of inceldom.
I see what you mean now

Honestly, i dont think incels would even need to revolt under fascism, because i dont think inceldom would even be a problem under fascism. Feminism, hypergamy, etc. would all be suppressed and i believe after a while the dating scene would revert back to similar to how it was in boomer times and before.

Also because one of the reasons women nowadays are chad only is because they are not dependent on men. They can work jobs and support themselves. But under fascism, for the most part Hitler was strongly against women working and wanted them to only serve as housewives and teachers. Under this system, women are not independent and cant just hook up every other day, they have to commit to a man early on.

Also this is worth mentioning

I dont think any system at all would be a silver bullet to end inceldom, but i truly do believe that taking away womens rights and not allowing them to work would largely get rid of inceldom.
That sounds good but if we would try recruiting the closeted incels (which is heavily propagandised by bluepill and cuckoldry) into our organisation they would be like “hitlER bad we no join”

So we need anothER propaganda tool and “unity” is always the best one. But if we establish incelistan (fantasy thought) we could have those trad things and stop inceldom
Give me one plot hole
Depends of your concrete vision and implementation of MR. First, to assign a woman to each man, you'd have to be a dictator, so we're already in the realm of pure fantasy. Then you'd have to force the women to have sex with sub 5s because a dead bedroom is arguably worse than being single. Then even if you forced them, the sex would suck because the foids would not be into it and they wouldn't love their sub5 assigned mates. Now you have your MR utopia, and what's the actual result? You're wage slaving every day to keep your assigned sub5 sex slave, which you will fuck for 20 minutes a day until you get bored of it soon. And you'll raise dysgenic sub5 children. And actually your country will go bankrupt because the rest of the world will put heavy sanctions on a country with state mandated sex slavery.

It's like the religious concept of heaven, the more you think about it, the more it sounds like hell.
About this... Don't all ideologies use attractive people in their propaganda since that will make it more effective? Any propaganda that isn't explicitly incel propaganda is going to use attractive people and even in incel propaganda I doubt it would be wise to use a 1/10 truecel as the face of the movement...
Most fascists today and in the past were not "chad worshipers" but normal average people that were/are tired of living in a degenerate broken world with no hope. Stop believing jew propaganda please.
^ Perfectly said. This is what i tried to say in my first response but i believe you worded it a lot clearer than me
Depends of your concrete vision and implementation of MR. First, to assign a woman to each man, you'd have to be a dictator, so we're already in the realm of pure fantasy. Then you'd have to force the women to have sex with sub 5s because a dead bedroom is arguably worse than being single. Then even if you forced them, the sex would suck because the foids would not be into it and they wouldn't love their sub5 assigned mates. Now you have your MR utopia, and what's the actual result? You're wage slaving every day to keep your assigned sub5 sex slave, which you will fuck for 20 minutes a day until you get bored of it soon. And you'll raise dysgenic sub5 children. And actually your country will go bankrupt because the rest of the world will put heavy sanctions on a country with state mandated sex slavery.

It's like the religious concept of heaven, the more you think about it, the more it sounds like hell.
Brutal debunk. Just be Chad, no ideology for our faces
That sounds good but if we would try recruiting the closeted incels (which is heavily propagandised by bluepill and cuckoldry) into our organisation they would be like “hitlER bad we no join”
Hitler is the only cure for the degeneracy in the west.
There is a reason jews go out of their way to demonize him. Anytime we start advocating for anything actually effective normies will be like "omg that sounds like what the nazis did" and it will be dead in the water. The current political meta is to label anyone you don't like as "nazi". But this meta is slowly dying since it is becoming less taboo to speak freely about these things and even many normies now have beliefs such as the holocaust being fake or exaggerated. The less taboo Hitler and fascism becomes the easier it will be to advocate for things like abolishing foid's rights and racial segregation.

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