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Serious Do you seriously think that girls approach guys they are attracted to ?



Apr 15, 2018
I know it happens but generally speaking, it is far from being the rule. Sometimes girls (in social settings) will directly or indirectly let guys know that they are attracted to them but how could girls approach guys when we know that their egos are 100 times more fragile than the guys one ?

If a guy gets rejected, he has no other choice than accept it and move on (after all, society expect him to do that and to be the one that has to get rejected).

But if a girl gets rejected, what do you think that's gonna happen to her ? Moreover, what will happen if she gets rejected by CHAD ? Her whole little world will crumble and she might also have a mental breakdown because of that.
They cannot even get turn down by average men, let alone HIGH value men.

That's why I'm highly skeptical of the argument that girls only approach Chads when we already know that they are not only socially expected to NOT do it, but they can't make the first move because they have too much of sensivity and a very fragile egos.
They throw their egos and even risk their life to be with chad
Doesn't happen.
Why would they when they can go on tinder and get chad with one swipe
Lol at people thinking it doesn't happen. It is very common for girls to throw themselves at guys they are attracted to. The reason it seems uncommon is because they are only attracted to an incredibly small portion of men.
I know of a foid back in highschool who approached the guy she liked and asked him out, she eventually got dumped though when he had sex with her friend.
Lol at people thinking it doesn't happen. It is very common for girls to throw themselves at guys they are attracted to. The reason it seems uncommon is because they are only attracted to an incredibly small portion of men.
it happens but its definitely not every time
Cope. A foid will grab the cock of a 8/10 PSL male or catcall him on the street. A foids lust for Chad is insatiable.
Yes OP.
Women only approach men that are above 8/10 PSL.
Even Sean gets rated 7 PSL.

They throw their egos and even risk their life to be with chad
this ngl
Ofc they don’t, because looks don’t matter.
They don't and then they complain. Even Chad doesn't really get approached. Women expect the guys to. They will just give you shitty body language or something
what is the use of this shit scale?
/9? why not 10?
Perfection doesnt exist
They don't and then they complain. Even Chad doesn't really get approached. Women expect the guys to. They will just give you shitty body language or something
Cope. You've probably never seen an 8 PSL Chad in the flesh.
In my experience in college and highschool, girls do approach guys. And quite frequently as well. Since girls typically experience positive outcomes with approaching, denial by chad will hurt a bit but will not discourage them that much.
Lol at people thinking it doesn't happen. It is very common for girls to throw themselves at guys they are attracted to. The reason it seems uncommon is because they are only attracted to an incredibly small portion of men.

Why you never had any girl thrown herself at you ? Don't tell me that it's because you ain't no Chad, if girls were truly approaching, then all of us (including you) should at least have sub 4 and fatties girls approaching us in our lifetime but it never happened to none of us.
In my experience in college and highschool, girls do approach guys. And quite frequently as well. Since girls typically experience positive outcomes with approaching, denial by chad will hurt a bit but will not discourage them that much.
It happens but it's not like it was that common. A girl may have at least approached only 1 guy in her whole lifetime..how could that compare with men who approach girls anyday anywhere ?
It's rare so see foids approach guys in real life. They will use their social media apps that they are glued to 24/7 though. They can deceive Chads with it through filters and all kind of crap.
If they are interested, they will make it very easy for the guy to know, and to approach.
Yes they do. And i love your username by the way bro
Why you never had any girl thrown herself at you ? Don't tell me that it's because you ain't no Chad, if girls were truly approaching, then all of us (including you) should at least have sub 4 and fatties girls approaching us in our lifetime but it never happened to us.
I already explained. Females are only physically attracted to a very small portion of the male population. I am not part of that group, which is why women aren't throwing themselves at me.
Of course they do. Not as often as guys approach girls, of course, but they do. Any guy who's at least average looking will have been approached by a girl at least once by the time they're in their 20s. If you've never been approached at all that's when you know it's over.
Yes I've seen it happen lots of times
bluepilled cuckery thread

Women do not even think they are going to get rejected because they rarely do get rejected, AND EVEN THEN they would approach another chad knowing the chances of rejection are small.
I've seen some girls asking a guy(attractive ofcourse) number. Most of the time the mighty chad gives them a chance to have the divine sword. Although many girls take their turn to the divine sword, It doesnt rusts because it always get sharpened
Lol at people thinking it doesn't happen. It is very common for girls to throw themselves at guys they are attracted to. The reason it seems uncommon is because they are only attracted to an incredibly small portion of men.
this. I saw it happen irl but they only do it to the 5% of gigachads

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