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Do you need to be a virgin to be an incel?

Do you have to be a virgin to be an incel?

  • You need to be a virgin to be an incel (Escorts don't count)

    Votes: 33 62.3%
  • You don't need to be a virgin to be an incel

    Votes: 20 37.7%

  • Total voters


Dec 9, 2017
For the sake of the poll we will consider people that have only fucked escorts as virgins.

I have seen several """"incels"""" that have actually fucked girls without money exchanging hands and yet they still proclaim themselves as incels and victims of society.
Times have changed and as an oldcel what used to work before doesn't anymore.

by definition you have to be a virgin *

escorts don't count
you cannot under any circumstance call yourself incel after having sex with a willing female partner (other than prostitutes obviously), no matter how ugly you may consider the female to be.
yes other than that youre just a failed normie.
You just need to be unappealing to women tbh. @FaceandLMS is not a virgin but he is a truecel
_incelinside said:
You just need to be unappealing to women tbh. @FaceandLMS is not a virgin but he is a truecel

try forming uglies.me then cuz that's definitely not what "involuntarily celibate" means.
_incelinside said:
You just need to be unappealing to women tbh. @FaceandLMS is not a virgin but he is a truecel

That doesn't make sense. Incels have never had free sex, normans have sex. Although I believe it gets a little murky with a person who has been with only 1 woman or so who never gets sex again after that for years. I guess you could say such a guy is a failed normie.
KvltWarrior98 said:
That's what they are, not incels, just that.

How can they be victims of society when women have confirmed (by having sex with them) that they have a place in society?
Fuck anyone who says a 40 year old who got laid once 20 years ago isn't incel, but an 18 year old whining he hasn't got his dick sucked yet is.
VST said:
How can they be victims of society when women have confirmed (by having sex with them) that they have a place in society?

The context matters, think of how societal views and norms change with years. That which is an "oldcel" today, was maybe a normie 10 years ago, yet, I intentionally put the term between apostrophes.

But as said, they are not incels per se, just victims of society. One like that can be blackpilled and still yet not a virgin anymore.
No man, I haven't fucked in 2 weeks, I'm a truecel just like you guise
yeah bros.. no one has given me attention for like 12 hours i think im gonna end it!!!
No, maybe to be a truecel, but not an incel.
Yes. If you have consensual sex once but can't do it again then you are  just unlucky. If you are, let's say, a 22+ year old virgin , you are beyond hope.
Obviously, no woman would have sex with a true incel without money.
In the eyes of normies, you are an incel if you havent had a gf in more than 2 years.
I'd say so, unless the sex came from a prostitute.
Not if he is an oldcel where his last time was 10 years ago
Morpheus said:
Yes. If you have consensual sex once but can't do it again then you are just unlucky. If you are, let's say, a 22+ year old virgin , you are beyond hope.
You need to be a virgin to be an incel (Escorts don't count)* AKA TRUECELS.
itsOVER said:
Fuck anyone who says a 40 year old who got laid once 20 years ago isn't incel, but an 18 year old whining he hasn't got his dick sucked yet is.


Teenagers OUT
key word: C O N S I S T E N C Y

being consistent at getting laid is how you break out of inceldom. you could have a guy get laid at 15 then when he finishes puberty fully he becomes subhuman and hasnt got laid for a decade. this means he is an incel. lest we also forget about alcohol and how easy it is for biocunts to fuck subhumans when heavily intoxicated.
knajjd said:
you cannot under any circumstance call yourself incel after having sex with a willing female partner (other than prostitutes obviously), no matter how ugly you may consider the female to be.
Incel = involuntary celibacy

So yes, you must be a virgin. Discussion closed.
A couple years back Id say no, but in 2018 the line has never been more clear: either you are able to get laid or you are not, personality no longer matters in 2018 so theres no grey area

If you lost your virginity pre2014 you can be incel without being a virgin necessarily

Post2014 you cant be a truecel without being a virgin
Facade said:
Not if he is an oldcel where his last time was 10 years ago

See that's me. 12 years going on 13 at 33. Ok, yes I had sex with a whole TWO GIRLS in college willingly and tbh they weren't like ugly or anything, probably solid 6-7s. I had sex with one of them ten times and the other one twice, the second time being my last on my 21st birthday where birthday sex was like my present. 

I have tried and tried and tried since and I haven't been able to. You guys forget about the mentalcels. It's not that I'm so ugly or my actual personality is fucked, it's that I have a personality disorder.  That has been exacerbated by life situation and extreme social isolation to the point that I freeze up around women and say weird shit without realizing it and can't manage my emotions in the moment at fucking all because my disorder is a goddamn emotional dysregulation disorder and I freak the fuck out when I think a girl doesn't like me or takes something I say bad. Not like make a scene freak out like freeze and have to go to the bathroom and have a quiet panic attack and come back sweating and never get a second date. 

Yes, if I didn't have a mental illness I probably would have a steady girlfriend. So my struggle is way fucking different and I've been in therapy and on meds for fucking years and it doesn't help because I am just too goddamn broken to not be a hermit who doesn't inflict his existence on anyone and I am the family shame and I probably would ACTUALLY in the real world be better off dead because of the hell I live in and my complete lack of ability to provide anything stable for anyone around me to connect with or enjoy being around.
Thunderjaw said:
See that's me. 12 years going on 13 at 33. Ok, yes I had sex with a whole TWO GIRLS in college willingly and tbh they weren't like ugly or anything, probably solid 6-7s. I had sex with one of them ten times and the other one twice, the second time being my last on my 21st birthday where birthday sex was like my present. 

I have tried and tried and tried since and I haven't been able to. You guys forget about the mentalcels. It's not that I'm so ugly or my actual personality is fucked, it's that I have a personality disorder.  That has been exacerbated by life situation and extreme social isolation to the point that I freeze up around women and say weird shit without realizing it and can't manage my emotions in the moment at fucking all because my disorder is a goddamn emotional dysregulation disorder and I freak the fuck out when I think a girl doesn't like me or takes something I say bad. Not like make a scene freak out like freeze and have to go to the bathroom and have a quiet panic attack and come back sweating and never get a second date. 

Yes, if I didn't have a mental illness I probably would have a steady girlfriend. So my struggle is way fucking different and I've been in therapy and on meds for fucking years and it doesn't help because I am just too goddamn broken to not be a hermit who doesn't inflict his existence on anyone and I am the family shame and I probably would ACTUALLY in the real world be better off dead because of the hell I live in and my complete lack of ability to provide anything stable for anyone around me to connect with or enjoy being around.


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