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Do you incels do what you can to ruin a femoids day?



Dec 6, 2017
R/incels and all of our other stuff has come under fire for "encouraging violence" and other bullshit. This is not that, though. I'm not saying "go out and rape women" or "shoot up X location". I'm talking about small, petty, stuff that can still have an impact. Learn through example. Here is some real-life stuff I've done.

  • I was a server at Denny's for a few months and whenever there was a table full of girls I would always make sure their order came waaaaaaay late and the food was cold and such. Often times I would spit on their food but only when I was 100% sure my manager or my coworkers weren't looking.  On busy days it was really hard to do that so I couldn't do as much spitting as I liked but oh well.
  • If I'm getting in an elevator and its closing and some femoid is running up and says "hold itt!!!!" I just ignore her and let the doors close. She can wait for the elevator to come back down.
  • I was working as a data entry/administration clerk at a logistics company one time, and whenever a resume was submitted (either by hard copy to the desk) or emailed to the HR email line I would just throw it out or delete it. So no women were being considered.
Now you might be thinking "lol this is so petty you are pathetic" but let me make something clear to you:

Women live lives free of any hardship or suffering. They live on easy mode. They can put a picture online and get 10000 likes, they can sit on the Subway and get hit on by 10 guys, they can go to a nightclub and have a free buffet of cock to choose from. Magazines, TV shows, and pretty much everything else will always be saying "you are beautiful no matter what".

In other words, women are CONSTANTLY being reminded that their existence is important and valued. Every second of their lives is filled with social validation. They can never feel lonely because the attention of men is always within arm's reach.

And for this reason, I feel I have an obligation to negatively affect their lives in whatever way I can. I'm not assaulting them or causing any real damage, but just creating minor inconveniences because I am left with no choice.
I'm stuck in my room all day every day so I don't have access to femoids.
LOL I enjoyed reading this. This is how you get revenge
I once made a 65 dollar payment in nickels. The cashier girl lost count 3 times and ended up just taking my word on how much money it really was. It took like 15 minutes and she was getting increasingly annoyed.
IronMike said:
LOL I enjoyed reading this. This is how you get revenge

There's more. I don't know if you remember a popular story on r/incels but a woman came to the Wal-Mart electronics section and wanted a camera desperately because she had to attend her sister's wedding in another country and the flight was tomorrow and such.

I told her we didn't have it in stock, even though we did. She said "ommgg nooo the website said you have it!!!" and then I said "I'm sorry ma'am but sometimes the website is inaccurate because it doesn't update and maybe we sold the last unit a few minutes ago".

She couldn't get an alternate camera because the one she picked was an amazing fucking deal (Sony a5000 with lenses and bag for $400 off). I told her a store in another city had it. She left there. HAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHA.


  • approx. $1000 taken from my store's revenue for the day, but I don't give a fuck
  • I'm lucky she didn't ask one of my coworkers, that would have fucked me up badly lol
  • made a femoid drive to a WalMart in another fucking city when the camera she wanted was in stock at the store the whole fucking time

kkt6 said:
I once made a 65 dollar payment in nickels. The cashier girl lost count 3 times and ended up just taking my word on how much money it really was. It took like 15 minutes and she was getting increasingly annoyed.

You are a good man. We need more stories like this. I don't encourage incels going out into the world and doing shootings and rapes, and that's the type of shit that gets our websites shut down.

BUT going out into the world and finding safe, legal, ways to ruin a femoid's day...that is GOLDEN. Every incel should do that.
rotting-alone said:
There's more. I don't know if you remember a popular story on r/incels but a woman came to the Wal-Mart electronics section and wanted a camera desperately because she had to attend her sister's wedding in another country and the flight was tomorrow and such.

I told her we didn't have it in stock, even though we did. She said "ommgg nooo the website said you have it!!!" and then I said "I'm sorry ma'am but sometimes the website is inaccurate because it doesn't update and maybe we sold the last unit a few minutes ago".

She couldn't get an alternate camera because the one she picked was an amazing fucking deal (Sony a5000 with lenses and bag for $400 off). I told her a store in another city had it. She left there. HAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHA.


  • approx. $1000 taken from my store's revenue for the day, but I don't give a fuck
  • I'm lucky she didn't ask one of my coworkers, that would have fucked me up badly lol
  • made a femoid drive to a WalMart in another fucking city when the camera she wanted was in stock at the store the whole fucking time

You are a good man. We need more stories like this. I don't encourage incels going out into the world and doing shootings and rapes, and that's the type of shit that gets our websites shut down.

BUT going out into the world and finding safe, legal, ways to ruin a femoid's day...that is GOLDEN. Every incel should do that.

brutal af, I don't have the balls to do that
Follow the teaching of Calculatorcel, may peace and blessing be upon him.
Minamoto said:
Follow the teaching of Calculatorcel, may peace and blessing be upon him.

The guy that denied a calculator to some roastie who desperately needed one during a physics exam! I remember that story...pure legend.

IronMike said:
brutal af, I don't have the balls to do that

Don't be a fucking pussy. What's stopping you?

Don't get fired, but just calculate the risk. AT WORST what could have happened to me was they say "Hey OP the camera was actually in stock!" and I say something like "oh sorry I probably read the inventory screen log". I won't get fired and at most I'll get a verbal slap on the wrist. So have the balls and fucking do it.
if the denny's thing is true, then i have cause to refuse payment if they bring the food out cold. i learned this by watching a few niggers perform this con. the downside is, you cannot eat most of the food. you can only take a few hearty bites
HAHAHA I remember the camera thing. That's awesome. I just need some ideas that don't get me in trouble and don't make me have to put up with whiteknight cucks.
I simply walk and public and thats usually enough to ruin a femoids day, but staring at my face is enough to ruin anyones face tbh
I've called out a few women trying to pull shit. But usually they are middle age cunts. I remember being at some Jamba Juice and some old bitch, either genuinely blind or pretending to be, kinda inserted herself in front of me trying, or pretending, to read the menu. She was about to just assume her spot in front of me and order but I cut her off as she started and said "what are you doing!?!" Real loud, and told her I was next. She got flustered.

I was at a farmer's market and one of the kiosks had amazing empanadas. I just walked up to order and some stupid middle-aged woman walked up and said "can I go in front of you, I'm in a hurry." I was dumbfounded. But I was in no hurry so in a bemused sort of way I just relented and said "ok." She orders two (one probably for her SO, not present) and they are $5 each. Then she goes to try to pay for that shit with a fucking credit card. This was several years ago but even today I say you shouldn't make these purchases with a credit card. The dude at the stall then has to jack around with the gay-ass bullshit crap dongle on his phone to fuck around with a credit card sale. While he is doing that I get his attention and give him my order, just one empanada. Five dollars, boom. Cash. Done. All way faster that the stupid bitch and I glower at her and say "boy, cash sure is faster" and leave while they are still fucking around. So much for being in a "hurry."
Tuttle said:
I've called out a few women trying to pull shit. But usually they are middle age cunts. I remember being at some Jamba Juice and some old bitch, either genuinely blind or pretending to be, kinda inserted herself in front of me trying, or pretending, to read the menu. She was about to just assume her spot in front of me and order but I cut her off as she started and said "what are you doing!?!" Real loud, and told her I was next. She got flustered.

I was at a farmer's market and one of the kiosks had amazing empanadas. I just walked up to order and some stupid middle-aged woman walked up and said "can I go in front of you, I'm in a hurry." I was dumbfounded. But I was in no hurry so in a bemused sort of way I just relented and said "ok." She orders two (one probably for her SO, not present) and they are $5 each. Then she goes to try to pay for that shit with a fucking credit card. This was several years ago but even today I say you shouldn't make these purchases with a credit card. The dude at the stall then has to jack around with the gay-ass bullshit crap dongle on his phone to fuck around with a credit card sale. While he is doing that I get his attention and give him my order, just one empanada. Five dollars, boom. Cash. Done. All way faster that the stupid bitch and I glower at her and say "boy, cash sure is faster" and leave while they are still fucking around. So much for being in a "hurry."

women always take forever at cash register lines, srsly wtf.
gstvtrp said:
women always take forever at cash register lines, srsly wtf.

LOL!  Yep.  They take any excuse to draw out some transaction so the attention is on them.
I do. I've stolen a girl's phone before and threw it in the trash
Just recently is Stacy asked me if I could help her with homework before class, it was due that day and the dumb bitch didn't bother even starting it. So I did what any other incel would do, I gave her all the wrong answers. It was math so it was pretty easy to fake my confidence in the answers I was giving her. She's so retarded that she didn't catch on at all to my blatant wrong descriptions on how I was getting the answers lol. She confronted me once she got the assignment back saying that I was dumb and don't know my shit, asked how I even got into that class blah blah blah. Fuck that whore.
throw acid in her face :D
TheVman said:
I do. I've stolen a girl's phone before and threw it in the trash

Oh lol, I was thinking I've never done anything like this but now I remember.

One time a girl dropped her phone on the floor and I tried giving it back to her but she and her friend just ignored me. So I just kept.
TheVman said:
I do. I've stolen a girl's phone before and threw it in the trash

What was the context? Just out of nowhere or did she provoke you?
jackbud said:
TheVman said:
I do. I've stolen a girl's phone before and threw it in the trash
What was the context? Just out of nowhere or did she provoke you?
Not really. It was a late night at the library and i was about to leave. she went to the bathroom and left her phone on the desk, I just casually picked it up on my way out. nothing happened of it though.

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