Probably yes even tho they werent abusive and here are the reasons:
1. My father nearly died in his 20s due to food poisoning where he had a 5% chance of survival, his liver was swollen like a balloon. Then he nearly died again by falling through a glass roof and got deep cuts all over his body. He still found it to be a good idea to impregnate my mother even after these experiences.
2. My mothers reason for having me was quite literally 'An experiment'. She was abused by her mother when she was a kid and wanted to try it out herself in order to prove to her mother - a mentally unstable lunatic - that she can be a better mother. Unfortunately im a Neuro Untypical Freak who never received good parenting as her parenting method was basically: "Give him no boundaries and just let him grow naturally".
3. My mother decided she wanted 2 kids - ultimately she ended just with me because i had a birth defect that gave me several skin diseases.
4. My mother decided it was a good idea to have a child despite that she was still in college and BARELY made it. My father was, for the most parts of his life, jobless or worked as a painter.
5. Before I was born, my parents lived in a shit suburb where they were robbed, at their home 5 fucking times!
6. My parents worked each for almost 35 years, and both of them own...nothing. They own 1 Apartment and 2 cars worth about 30k COMBINED. They have no money and are sick of me Betabuxxing, despite that i live alone and they rarely visit me.
7. My parents have no social circle. Similar to me, my parents, especially my mother have no friends. They gave 2 close friends but those arent much of friends either. They have no connections, ever, and where unable to teach me that GRADES are irrelevant bullshit and CONNECTION means everything.
8. They have discouraged and bullied me all over my life which made me depressed - now they wonder why Im a doomer lmao They are both crazy people.
9. Life is pointless - and they should have known, now im here, lonely, owning nothing, wagecucking till death or rope.
Thanks for nothing.