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JFL do you hate anti feminist women?

At least they are a little bit woke thats already an achievement in our society
Only if they're hypocritical. If an anti feminist woman isn't a virgin and planning to get married in her early 20s and have kids and live a trad monogamous lifestyle, she is part of the problem. If she is already married with kids but wasn't a virgin, its very contextual but very likely part of the problem aswell.

Tradthots, anti fem whores, these roastie scum that larp as good women are the biggest snakes there are. If they're actually good women I of course have no complaints, very unlikely tho.
if you don't hate all femoids you are a bluepilled WK cuck piece of shit and you need to kill yourself ASAP
You just have to be careful around them, as most of them are still clueless/faking it. I don't hate them instantly, I give them a chance, and most to the time, they disappoint.
the anti feminists are usually the stacys, so yes. They are just virtue signaling pieces of shit that talk about men exclusion, while wishing for low value men to fuck off

What she means by "men" is Chad, and high tier normies.
the anti feminists are usually the stacys, so yes. They are just virtue signaling pieces of shit that talk about men exclusion, while wishing for low value men to fuck off

What she means by "men" is Chad, and high tier normies.
Those shoulders seem kinda broad, might be a tranny.
i dont hate feminist women
I don't hate women in general.
Hating women is one of the dumbest copes of all time. You don't hate a dog or a child for being cognitively inferior and extremely unethical/acting instinctively bad, you just overpower them. Hating women is recognizing them as equal, and it is by definition a laughable idea if you take 2 minutes of your life to look at them interacting with anything.
They mostly claim being anti femoidist to get attention/validation, you just can't hate them. Despise, maybe.
There okay sometimes on political opinions that I sometimes agree with but they're mostly coalburners or mudshark whores most of the time.
Hating women is one of the dumbest copes of all time. You don't hate a dog or a child for being cognitively inferior and extremely unethical/acting instinctively bad, you just overpower them. Hating women is recognizing them as equal, and it is by definition a laughable idea if you take 2 minutes of your life to look at them interacting with anything.
I don't hate dumb women who have just gone through life constantly making bad decision, after bad decision, driven completely by emotion, but women who are anti feminist, create youtube channels, and try and actively pretend to be anti feminist despite being a whore themselves, and not living a traditional lifestyle, have the cognitive ability to be aware of their actions more so than the average childlike roastie and they deserve to be hated, because they are being manipulative at a much more intelligent level.

Of course men who actively promote degeneracy, pump and dump, etc are much more of a problem because of their cognitive ability to be aware of their actions.
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You don't hate a dog or a child for being cognitively inferior and extremely unethical/acting instinctively bad, you just overpower them.
High IQ statement.
Their words mean jack squat, at the end of the day the entire system is rigged against us, the legal system is in their back pocket regardless of their words, and they know that. So their words are meaningless, and yes i still hate them.
I don't hate dumb women who have just gone through life constantly making bad decision, after bad decision, driven completely by emotion, but women who are anti feminist, create youtube channels, and try and actively pretend to be anti feminist despite being a whore themselves, and not living a traditional lifestyle, have the cognitive ability to be aware of their actions more so than the average childlike roastie and they deserve to be hated, because they are being manipulative at a much more intelligent level.

Of course men who actively promote degeneracy, pump and dump, etc are much more of a problem because of their cognitive ability to be aware of their actions.

You got the issue: Manipulated beta incels on negation (inceltears) or betabuxxes who have sex 4 times on their lifetime seeking validation. They listen and replicate what women tell them because they are agreeable inferior manginas seeking for that validation.
Once we can soft the blackpill and our ideals to become more acceptable to the average beta out there we are setting an end to their empire.
Women only pretend go be anti feminist so they don't scare away woke Chads.

To incels they are as feminist as Anita Whateverhernameis.
they are just antifeminist to get more attention from antifeminist chads.
Antifeminist women mostly just want to be paid for by their chad husbands and not work. They don’t have any sympathy for men and they still hate ugly men.
I don´t hate anti feminist women.

I hate all women.
no women wants me, regardless of their political opinions. I wish every single one of them a death of unimaginable pain and a life of constant grief and fear.
I hate shit. The most woman were shit. So I hate them!
All women are brutal and cruel to us. The anti feminist ones only want Chad too.
I hate everyone
No such thing as a non-feminist woman. Most "anti-feminist" women are low-key second wave feminists.
i do, they are the same
These women are just virtue signalling. I would love to see the day they voluntariliy want to give up their voting rights.
I dont hate Women I just wish they would be more understanding, accepting and tolerant of guys that dont fit the societal archetype. I also wish they would stop giving men such a hard time and start having more realistic standards they hold men to.

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