The Big Bang did happen. We still get cosmic microwave background radiation that proves it.
the Higgs Boson particle was proven to exist and also successfully recreated 150 times. It is the biggest discovery science has done in our century. And somehow few people know about this...
The idea of an above-everybody-else entity controlling us and the existence of an afterlife becomes ridiculous after knowing all of this.
Deities have "existed" since the very beginning of mankind. They give us a purpose since we became aware of time itself. No other living in this planet does. Hibernation is a natural trait that came from evolution.
Lion Man, the oldest known deity
You might be thinking "Something must have caused the Big Bang, and that is God".
But that is sadly not correct.
Before the Big Bang, time did not exist.
Time was actually the position a particle took in a certain space.
The big explosion was an inevitable consequence of possibly trillions of trillions of years if we could measure it. Nothing was random or done by an omnipotent entity. It was meant to happen after reaching a specific sequence.
Religion has been used for centuries as a method of domination. Give your people a reason to live and they will blindly follow it. You got it in ISIS. The idea of an afterlife that aided the poor is just an attempt to cover every bad thing coming out of it. It was also used as an excuse for the famous "God Emperors" and kings.
A lot of people who died for 1~2 minutes said that they saw a light coming upon them and other delusions.
There's a lot of studies on it that confirm that what you actually experience is your brain hallucinating due to the lack of O2 and what you see will depend on what's the strongest image you have about life.
The Bible is just a collection of really old tales and fragments. It is known to have originated at the 4th century.
Survival was overshadowed by civilization, so
there is really no purpose in life.
How you will live is upon you.
But prepare to accept the fact that you will be completely forgotten in one or two generations.
Also the universe isn't infinite and eternal. the Heat Death theory every day becomes more plausible.