My temples are completely gone now.
I use Nizoral every 2 days, rub castor oil into the skin and hairs at my hairline. I also take cod liver oil, omega 3 fish oil, a multivitamin and 10,000 micrograms of biotin (which is 20,000% of the daily recommended intake) every day. Also brushing my scalp (particularly my temples and the front of my head) religiously until red. My hair quality (density, texture, oiliness, sheen) is probably top percentile but that doesn't stop balding.
Currently wearing my hair like this:
This hairstyle covers up the temples well.
I will start scalp wounding with a derma pen soon and may use minoxidil if it gets bad enough (although I am wary about minoxidil because A: it destroys your skin and ages your face and B: it can kill cats.
Going to try nofap for 90 days to see if that will help at all, althought I doubt it will do anything at all (doesn't hurt to try it).
Good luck to everyone trying to escape the reaper.