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Experiment Do you guys ever approach women irl?



Doomed 4 Inceldom
Jan 21, 2019
If im lucky i get to talk to a cute foid a little bit in class

Then its back to being alone

Some of yall say you approach but tbh how the fuck do you even do that. Call me a pussy or a mentalcel but it just seems awkward going up to a foid and say “hey can i b ur boyfriend”

Tinder is the only viabel option and its infested with landwhales

Time to cope till ya rope
Not anymore. After being called ugly many times, I REFUSE to approach.
I'll approach tomorrow to train for the animecon.
too much of a high inhib pussy cuck
I cold approached a lot when I was 18/19, hundreds of women, I always got rejected, but I decided I wouldn't do that seriously anymore until I lose like 100 more pounds, get fit, and some other looksmaxxing, i'm 22 now.
Not anymore. After being called ugly many times, I REFUSE to approach.

Im afraid of the awkwardness personally. I fucking hate awkward moments my life is full of them
No point in approaching if you are not somewhat GL. Trust me, I approached many times and I know what I'm talking about.
I'm an ethnic in Toronto, I'd be accused of rape if I tried that.
Never talked with a female for more than 5 mintues.
You don't need to approach to know its over.
I used to when I still had hope and was brainwashed into PUA garbage.

Never again.
I have never approached and I never will, why start a battle you know that you cannot win, because of your physical deformities, its a pointless act of hope
Cold approach? No,because that is the worst thing that an incel can do. I mean,we are ugly!. What the hell do you expect?.

Last year,I talked to 3 or 2 femoids. I just talked to her with a simple "hey,do know something about...." and thats it!.

I am too low inhib actually. So,is kinda easy to me.
No point, there's always a more attractive guy she can choose from. Why stick to me?
I've approached 164 girls. None of them have gone on a date with me.

I very rarely approach now. The constant rejections have worn me down and eradicated any motivation I had to do it.
I havent as of yet,since im a shut in neet.Though i know its gonna end in failure since im a manlet curry.I plan to record every approach in the future that ends in rejection and upload them online,i'll stop when i reach 1000 rejections over a 2-3 year time period.
Used to, but then I started balding
I cold approached a lot when I was 18/19, hundreds of women, I always got rejected, but I decided I wouldn't do that seriously anymore until I lose like 100 more pounds, get fit, and some other looksmaxxing, i'm 22 now.
Weight loss doesn't help ugly manlets like us.

t. was as fat as you and lost 100 pounds
There is no such approach culture in the place I live currently as far as I know. People hardly stare each others eyes on the streets. There is no small talk culture existent. Unless people are crazy drunk they don't open up. So approaching a totally random person on the street or grocery or whatever would look very creepy. Pretty much no option other than nightclubs.
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He might have a story or two to tell
Problem is that I can’t do it with other normies watching or hearing. The embarrassment factor is just way too high idk how other people do it. It’s over for high inhibcels
have in the past. the last rejection I had, I freaked out and thought about killin myself.
The only way I approach is to hurt females with some shoulder slaps.
If im lucky i get to talk to a cute foid a little bit in class

Then its back to being alone

Some of yall say you approach but tbh how the fuck do you even do that. Call me a pussy or a mentalcel but it just seems awkward going up to a foid and say “hey can i b ur boyfriend”

Tinder is the only viabel option and its infested with landwhales

Time to cope till ya rope

You are right man, it is fucking awkward.

You kind of have to develop this whole "false personality" to approach with.

My whole life growing up I was afraid of awkwardness. I refuse to let it rule my life anymore. I have made some "daring" approaches, but this just leads the foid to assume you are special needs and have no social awareness at all.

I have lowered my inhib considerably after always being high inhib when I was young, which is a good thing and it has helped me in other situations a bit.

It's a last gasp attempt for me. In some ways, I really don't want it to work, because if it does then I'll think "Well, I could have just been doing this back in '08 when I was the same age as the foids I was attracted to" then I'll have to swallow the brutal age pill.

All those wasted years when I could have been going up to foids.

My whole nearly 30 years have been devoid of foid contact, I have been through massive depression about it in my horniest years and it's like "Damn, if this was what I needed to do all along, then I'll be damned".
If you have to approach you've already lost, if a woman wants you she'll make it known. Men have no power in the dating game today, the ball is entirely in foids court.
Yes, a couple of times a week.
Sometimes I take a few weeks off because getting rejected so many times makes me insane
Well I try to but then I become aware of my face and get deeply sad and back off in a sullen mood
if you have to approach it's already over
No, but I have tried in the past.
I cold approached a lot when I was 18/19, hundreds of women, I always got rejected, but I decided I wouldn't do that seriously anymore until I lose like 100 more pounds, get fit, and some other looksmaxxing, i'm 22 now.
TF? You said on that podcast show that you were a locationcel but now you need to lose ONE HUNDRED fucking pounds?

Obesecel = volcel = fakecel. Why didn’t you mention this on air?
Yes out of desperation. Only like once in a blue moon though.
livestream pls
Maybe I can try to film the animecon. Or record my approaches. But it will be all in Portuguese, I'd have to subtitle it.

Not just desperation though. There are like three girls in my school who are actually not total sluts (of course they don't like me like that, but at least they're nice to everyone) and I just live for when they hold the door open or say have a nice day or whatever. It's the nicest thing from a female that I'm ever going to get.
Most of them see me as a resource
I'm just a gateway to money or chads
u didnt really answer my question my man

I can see it now: extreme awkwardness
Gave up on it、 cause i got rejected so many times.
Sometimes i approach in the hopes to start a fight with her bf

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