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Toxic Femininity Do you get the impression that foids are crazy? Like textbook definition of insanity? Like all of them?



Jun 20, 2022
I dont have much to prove this, but i dont think they are as sentient (at least in the same way as of we) as we would like to believe it.

They are MASTERS of disguising it, though. Like, you could talk to one of them for HOURS (if you're up for the task, that is) and NEVER notice something is up.

Its the little slip ups in their usual programming. Like they let something slide that you werent supposed to know about, and if you inquire them on about it, they just pretend it never happened, that they never said or did such thing, and life just goes on.

Its these moments that make you go: its there really someone up there? Like you and me? That breathes, shits and wakes up in the morning like everyone else? And thinks of these things LIKE everyone else?
Does this get a pin? This is the real question up here :feelskek:
The Hot-Crazy matrix does say in a scale of 0-10, every woman is at least a 4 crazy.
Evolution operates on the basis of short-term gains, not long-term gains. This is why most humans are so selfish, despite this trait constantly handicapping our species.
More proof we need eugenics.
I dont have much to prove this, but i dont think they are as sentient (at least in the same way as of we) as we would like to believe it.

They are MASTERS of disguising it, though. Like, you could talk to one of them for HOURS (if you're up for the task, that is) and NEVER notice something is up.

Its the little slip ups in their usual programming. Like they let something slide that you werent supposed to know about, and if you inquire them on about it, they just pretend it never happened, that they never said or did such thing, and life just goes on.

Its these moments that make you go: its there really someone up there? Like you and me? That breathes, shits and wakes up in the morning like everyone else? And thinks of these things LIKE everyone else?
i feel like ever since i went to high school They have gotten more insane and delusional.
Evolution operates on the basis of short-term gains, not long-term gains. This is why most humans are so selfish, despite this trait constantly handicapping our species.
that's why laws were invented to stop people from stealing shit
i feel like ever since i went to high school They have gotten more insane and delusional.
its (((social media))) that makes them this way, they want to be the same as every other foid
Im talking something more deep seated then regular social media drama broskis, but i think y'all just dont get it.
its (((social media))) that makes them this way, they want to be the same as every other foid
yeah and i think that stupid tiktok has made shit worst. it’s a shame things won’t ever be the same again(by that i mean less worst) Things are just gonna get worser from here. It’s getting to the point where foids hate it when you even stare at their direction and now chads and normies have became absolutely arrogant and cocky. The uglies in denial have became more frustrated too. I notice how incel terms are starting to get acknowledged and used by normies too. I wonder if this will convince people to accept us incels or if it’s just gonna be worst for us due to the world being more superficial then ever before
Yes, our ancestors were wise enough to accept this fact and create civilization. Blackpill = Civilization, Bluepill = Eternal tribal nignog warfare
Of cousre I think these hoes insane, i've seen the crazy shit they've done.
They are insanely retarded sure
I dont have much to prove this, but i dont think they are as sentient (at least in the same way as of we) as we would like to believe it.

They are MASTERS of disguising it, though. Like, you could talk to one of them for HOURS (if you're up for the task, that is) and NEVER notice something is up.

Its the little slip ups in their usual programming. Like they let something slide that you werent supposed to know about, and if you inquire them on about it, they just pretend it never happened, that they never said or did such thing, and life just goes on.

Its these moments that make you go: its there really someone up there? Like you and me? That breathes, shits and wakes up in the morning like everyone else? And thinks of these things LIKE everyone else?
give a few examples. i have a few
women casually say insane shit in middle of talking but you have to pay attention
most guys learn early to not listen when foids talk and just go yes yes uh oh uh, aha
but you have to listen seriously
heres some shit foids have said IRL around me

- girls talking about casual sex in school cafeteria "if you are naked you might as well put it in"
- girls talked about swallowing cum while waiting for teacher to dismiss class
- two foids behind me in nursing school, one about 40 the other in her 20s. Showed each other photos of them having sex on their phones. I turned around and the older one flipped on me

- my mom said she didnt want to hold me after birth, that she didnt care when her first husband was put in a coma ("i thought hes gonna die anyway"), that she only married my dad cuz she thought he would be rich

- my younger step sister had a fight with my older one because they lived together. Casually drops that my older step sis is having orgies and needs the entire apartment for her fuck sessions

- my grandma was tipsy and admitted to hoeing around in front of entire family. My aunt said "but this was before you met grandpa right" and she nodded and then my aunt said its ok then. For reference, my grandma was born in like 1935. She said back then you would go to these local celebrations and wear maks and drink and shit and thats where it would happen.

- had a foids mom casually say in front of me, that she threatened her husband and said she would leave with the kids if he didnt leave the military, and move to another state. I was just looking at her like wtf and she noticed and went just kidding

- one time i came out of a train after school, and 2 girls walked in front of me. One of them said she has this guy she doesnt really like but at least she would get free dinner (dude probably wanted to take her out). Both laughed.

- one girl was with her bf and her twin sister was there and she got jealous, so she said to the dude that her sister was constantly talking to dudes on tinder
Of course they are insane, that’s why they make chaos in every single thing they’re in. Whether it’s hobby or an empire
Yes Agree GIF
give a few examples. i have a few
women casually say insane shit in middle of talking but you have to pay attention
most guys learn early to not listen when foids talk and just go yes yes uh oh uh, aha
but you have to listen seriously
heres some shit foids have said IRL around me

- girls talking about casual sex in school cafeteria "if you are naked you might as well put it in"
- girls talked about swallowing cum while waiting for teacher to dismiss class
- two foids behind me in nursing school, one about 40 the other in her 20s. Showed each other photos of them having sex on their phones. I turned around and the older one flipped on me

- my mom said she didnt want to hold me after birth, that she didnt care when her first husband was put in a coma ("i thought hes gonna die anyway"), that she only married my dad cuz she thought he would be rich

- my younger step sister had a fight with my older one because they lived together. Casually drops that my older step sis is having orgies and needs the entire apartment for her fuck sessions

- my grandma was tipsy and admitted to hoeing around in front of entire family. My aunt said "but this was before you met grandpa right" and she nodded and then my aunt said its ok then. For reference, my grandma was born in like 1935. She said back then you would go to these local celebrations and wear maks and drink and shit and thats where it would happen.

- had a foids mom casually say in front of me, that she threatened her husband and said she would leave with the kids if he didnt leave the military, and move to another state. I was just looking at her like wtf and she noticed and went just kidding

- one time i came out of a train after school, and 2 girls walked in front of me. One of them said she has this guy she doesnt really like but at least she would get free dinner (dude probably wanted to take her out). Both laughed.

- one girl was with her bf and her twin sister was there and she got jealous, so she said to the dude that her sister was constantly talking to dudes on tinder
I can only remember examples of my mom, but i dunno if she was tauting me or actually meant what she said:

1# "i cried when you came in the room as a baby for the first time cause you were such an ugly baby (i was though, ngl) but the nurse said to me the ugliest babies make the best looking children"

2# "you were supposed to have an identical twin, but one egg swallowed the other one"

Actually i have some more examples:

3# I was tauting my aunt (just as a joke) and she said out the fucking blue that i was gonna become a crackhead when i was older. I was probably less than 5 yrs old at the time

4# My neighbour's mom once convinced me that nazism was good and that "hitler was my friend, and loved me" and, being just a dumb kid, i accepted it obv. She wasnt a nazi, she was just playing with my head. I was younger than 6 or 8.

5# not crazy per se, but lets treat it a such. My mom used to slap my face off when i was a kid, whenever i did something really wrong (or that she thought it was wro.g enough). Suffice to say she stopped at a convenient age (meaning i could hit her back).

6# she used to slap me and my brother with a flip flop (not on the face this time, but on our feet and legs).

I thought she was going to admit AT LEAST this one, since it was fairly frequent, but she pissed i even INSINUATED she did (and would do) such things.

My brother was in the room, and sided with her, that fucking simp...

And the last one:

7# i think one of my family's friends kidnapped me when i was 5 or 6. She put me in a seperate room and, when my mom and dad discovered it, she claimed it was a joke or something.

Foids are naturally sick in the head. I think they actually thrive (psychologically speaking) in a way by doing nasty shit. Its like an escapist valve they engage in.
I can only remember examples of my mom, but i dunno if she was tauting me or actually meant what she said:

1# "i cried when you came in the room as a baby for the first time cause you were such an ugly baby (i was though, ngl) but the nurse said to me the ugliest babies make the best looking children"

2# "you were supposed to have an identical twin, but one egg swallowed the other one"

Actually i have some more examples:

3# I was tauting my aunt (just as a joke) and she said out the fucking blue that i was gonna become a crackhead when i was older. I was probably less than 5 yrs old at the time

4# My neighbour's mom once convinced me that nazism was good and that "hitler was my friend, and loved me" and, being just a dumb kid, i accepted it obv. She wasnt a nazi, she was just playing with my head. I was younger than 6 or 8.

5# not crazy per se, but lets treat it a such. My mom used to slap my face off when i was a kid, whenever i did something really wrong (or that she thought it was wro.g enough). Suffice to say she stopped at a convenient age (meaning i could hit her back).

6# she used to slap me and my brother with a flip flop (not on the face this time, but on our feet and legs).

I thought she was going to admit AT LEAST this one, since it was fairly frequent, but she pissed i even INSINUATED she did (and would do) such things.

My brother was in the room, and sided with her, that fucking simp...

And the last one:

7# i think one of my family's friends kidnapped me when i was 5 or 6. She put me in a seperate room and, when my mom and dad discovered it, she claimed it was a joke or something.

Foids are naturally sick in the head. I think they actually thrive (psychologically speaking) in a way by doing nasty shit. Its like an escapist valve they engage in.
yeah they do seem to thrive in filth
just look at the media they love, its all stuff like 50 shades of grey, a bizarre mix of violence, sex and the macabre.

Also they are unhygienic, which is why they always tell men to shower more:

Almost everything they say is projection. Other users here like @WorthlessSlavicShit have done brilliant work by digging up research data that shows that women commit just much rape as men + are just as physically violent as men.

They are not non-confrontational at all. Anyone who has been inside female bathrooms also knows they are filthy as fuck.
I don't want to make this reply too long, but on your last point about your mom not admitting to the beatings:

My family had frequent fights when I was a child, my dad would spank me, my sister, my brother etc... there is damage to the house that is still there today. The front door is smashed, the kitchen door was smashed, so was the bathroom door. In my childhood room, there is also damage. My mom participated with this shit and never intervened. I wonder if she got joy from it, she seems to have a sadistic side.

Despite this, when I brought it up casually, not to start a fight or put them in a corner mind you, they vehemently denied everything.
Bro, there is a head size hole in the front door (its a huge glass pane), taped over with duct tape on the outside and inside. Like JFL
My mom participated with this shit and never intervened. I wonder if she got joy from it, she seems to have a sadistic side.

Despite this, when I brought it up casually, not to start a fight or put them in a corner mind you, they vehemently denied everything.
1st paragraph: thats a default state of normies.

Even between the "good vibes" ones, there's this love for violence and preying on the weak and feeble minded.

Its like they cant help themselves. Some are conscious about it and feel guilty, others simply dont care.

2nd paragraph: they thrive on lies, misjudgement and callous behaviour. Truth is their kriptonite. If they could lie and fairytale their life 24/7 and still have people believe them and cheer them on, that would be their heaven. Disney brained...

Politicians and criminals (basically all the filth of society, on a nutshell) are secretly envied by normies, cause they do all their shit on the open and have the courage and the backing to do so (while normies have to promptly sweep their wrongdoings under the rug).
1st paragraph: thats a default state of normies.

Even between the "good vibes" ones, there's this love for violence and preying on the weak and feeble minded.

Its like they cant help themselves. Some are conscious about it and feel guilty, others simply dont care.

2nd paragraph: they thrive on lies, misjudgement and callous behaviour. Truth is their kriptonite. If they could lie and fairytale their life 24/7 and still have people believe them and cheer them on, that would be their heaven. Disney brained...

Politicians and criminals (basically all the filth of society, on a nutshell) are secretly envied by normies, cause they do all their shit on the open and have the courage and the backing to do so (while normies have to promptly sweep their wrongdoings under the rug).
interesting observation at the end there, about how they love people that are unabashedly like they want to be. Explains movies a lot and the kind of narratives people like. Think of john wick for example. John Wick helped build a criminal organization that has probably killed and tortured countless people. So right off the bat, he is evil.
What happens to John Wick? His dog gets killed. The dog was his last connection to his wife.
Bing bing

1. foid worship
2. criminal worship

the next thing is that these two minuscule and commonplace events, the death of a loved one and a pet, are given as justification for John Wick turning into a psychopathic murder machine that eliminates 100s of people without remorse.
Yet somehow, in normies brains this is justified and he is the hero.

You can see this in many of the narratives people like. A small moral trigger justifies a ridiculous hellstorm of revenge violence, torture and death.

Game of thrones, remember Sanza got raped by Ramsey?
This one event, one woman getting raped
is used as justification for why Jon Snow can not make peace with Ramsey, who literally offers Jon peace and says verbatim "there is no need for a battle."

Jon Snow declines in favor of killing 1000s of men in a pointless battle because one womans coochie got hamstered.

so again:

1. foid worship
2. one tiny event triggers a cascade of pointless violence and somehow this is justified in the minds of the normies watching.

If you asked most people, what is worse, rape or the death of 1000 people, they would pick the later. But if it's done subtle and packaged in a juicy narrative, it inverts.
interesting observation at the end there, about how they love people that are unabashedly like they want to be. Explains movies a lot and the kind of narratives people like. Think of john wick for example. John Wick helped build a criminal organization that has probably killed and tortured countless people. So right off the bat, he is evil.
What happens to John Wick? His dog gets killed. The dog was his last connection to his wife.
Bing bing

1. foid worship
2. criminal worship

the next thing is that these two minuscule and commonplace events, the death of a loved one and a pet, are given as justification for John Wick turning into a psychopathic murder machine that eliminates 100s of people without remorse.
Yet somehow, in normies brains this is justified and he is the hero.

You can see this in many of the narratives people like. A small moral trigger justifies a ridiculous hellstorm of revenge violence, torture and death.

Game of thrones, remember Sanza got raped by Ramsey?
This one event, one woman getting raped
is used as justification for why Jon Snow can not make peace with Ramsey, who literally offers Jon peace and says verbatim "there is no need for a battle."

Jon Snow declines in favor of killing 1000s of men in a pointless battle because one womans coochie got hamstered.

so again:

1. foid worship
2. one tiny event triggers a cascade of pointless violence and somehow this is justified in the minds of the normies watching.

If you asked most people, what is worse, rape or the death of 1000 people, they would pick the later. But if it's done subtle and packaged in a juicy narrative, it inverts.
It all fades out in how the media is brainwashing people to like and reveer evil and wrongdoing, to justify the villain-now-turned-hero narrative.

Its funny to me when normies in video essays (done by ytbrs) bash and criticize how movies in the 50s and before had to make the villain lose and the good guys win.

Like, they openly, unashamably admit that they think its boring and one sided. Therefore, rooting for the criminal/bad guy/villiain is not just something they like now, its something they LOVE and expect to be able to do so.

Sickening bastards, its what they are.

Tbh, its also a reflection of how powerless and purposely made thoughtless and souless most people are made to feel, think and be nowadays. So you cant blame them 100%, but im not the one to forgive either.
interesting observation at the end there, about how they love people that are unabashedly like they want to be. Explains movies a lot and the kind of narratives people like. Think of john wick for example. John Wick helped build a criminal organization that has probably killed and tortured countless people. So right off the bat, he is evil.
What happens to John Wick? His dog gets killed. The dog was his last connection to his wife.
Bing bing

1. foid worship
2. criminal worship

the next thing is that these two minuscule and commonplace events, the death of a loved one and a pet, are given as justification for John Wick turning into a psychopathic murder machine that eliminates 100s of people without remorse.
Yet somehow, in normies brains this is justified and he is the hero.

You can see this in many of the narratives people like. A small moral trigger justifies a ridiculous hellstorm of revenge violence, torture and death.

Game of thrones, remember Sanza got raped by Ramsey?
This one event, one woman getting raped
is used as justification for why Jon Snow can not make peace with Ramsey, who literally offers Jon peace and says verbatim "there is no need for a battle."

Jon Snow declines in favor of killing 1000s of men in a pointless battle because one womans coochie got hamstered.

so again:

1. foid worship
2. one tiny event triggers a cascade of pointless violence and somehow this is justified in the minds of the normies watching.

If you asked most people, what is worse, rape or the death of 1000 people, they would pick the later. But if it's done subtle and packaged in a juicy narrative, it inverts.
In fucking old-ass epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata as well. It doesn't change. It never fucking changes. And when the soy professors or literary critics acknowledge that, they romanticise it so much. Fucking ragefueling.

Irrelevant but another shit they have also started heavily romanticising is the 'broken, trauma-ridden, flawed' male hero archetype.

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