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Venting Do you ever feel like life is a joke?



Chad but they let me post here anyway
May 23, 2019
I’m not talking only about being incel, but all the other shit things I’ve been dealt. It feels like one day I’ll wake up and god will be like just kidding..here’s your real life.

I can’t believe this is/was my one life. Guess I have to keep reminding myself others have it much worse.
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy.
I think the same thing, every fucking day
Pretty much Ellsworth.

Though I’ve been watching NDE accounts and contemplating what if Jesus and Christ insanity are real?

And what if Jesus is an actual good guy and good god and not an evil, sadistic, cunt that revels in our suffering after all?

What could possibly then be his or his father Yahweh’s ultimate purpose in having created so many suffering and despised social outcast incels and wizards not to mention all the other tragic and suffering unfortunate people out there like the quadriplegics and paraplegics and people with various other fucked up conditions and disorders that really make them suffer?

Most Christians will cop out to questions like this and give the low IQ tarded “the devil is doing this!” brainlet tier response but anyone with any intelligence or honesty about their person knows that if Jesus/Yahweh are real and are god/s then the proverbial “buck stops with them” meaning Satan/the devil literally has no power to do anything without their say so, thus anything bad or good that happens ultimately rests on their shoulders.

So all that I can think of that would maintain a happy Christian narrative of Jesus being a good god is that he made people like us to suffer so terribly so perhaps we develop the mental strength to help him do great things in heaven and on the earth and perhaps in other spiritual realms (mostly after we all die and are then provided superior spiritual bodies with spiritual gifts and powers to do great things) and all of this suffering that appears needless and useless to us now is really all about preparing us as in providing us for this with massive spiritual development.

Not that such a powerful being would ever truly need our help or support mind you but certain NDE accounts and perhaps even the Bible itself seem to point to Jesus wanting us all to be a part of his kingdom for various reasons.

The alternative to my above pro Christian narrative is the grim and fucked up possibility that he is simply an evil god playing a sick game with us and may in reality be what many consider to be an evil deity known as the demiurge who has somehow for a long time now overpowered the real and truly good god who would of made our lives a paradise if only he’d of been able to remain in control.

Another alternative is the Linda Moulton Howe/John Keel/Richard Dolan/Jacques Vallee ET hypothesis that basically says we’re all just labrats in a massive ET or “Ultraterrestrials”(meaning “they” are not really space aliens but an ancient advanced and well hidden earth based break away civilization) experiment and these super ultra powerful beings are simply LARPing as various gods to us at times to manipulate us down certain ideological pathways for reasons unknown.
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Pretty much Ellsworth.

Though I’ve been watching NDE accounts and contemplating what if Jesus and Christ insanity are real?

And what if Jesus is an actual good guy and good god and not an evil, sadistic, cunt that revels in our suffering after all?

What could possibly then be his or his father Yahweh’s ultimate purpose in having created so many suffering and despised social outcast incels and wizards not to mention all the other tragic and suffering unfortunate people out there like the quadriplegics and paraplegics and people with various other fucked up conditions and disorders that really make them suffer?

Most Christians will cop out to questions like this and give the low IQ tarded “the devil is doing this!” brainlet tier response but anyone with any intelligence or honesty about their person knows that if Jesus/Yahweh are real and are god/s then the proverbial “buck stops with them” meaning Satan/the devil literally has no power to do anything without their say so, thus anything bad or good that happens ultimately rests on their shoulders.

So all that I can think of that would maintain a happy Christian narrative of Jesus being a good god is that he made people like us to suffer so terribly so perhaps we develop the mental strength to help him do great things in heaven and on the earth and perhaps in other spiritual realms and all of this suffering that appears needless and useless to us now is really all about preparing us as in providing us with massive spiritual development.

Not that such a powerful being would ever truly need our help or support mind you but certain NDE accounts and perhaps even the Bible itself seem to point to Jesus wanting us all to be a part of his kingdom for various reasons.

The alternative to my above pro Christian narrative is the grim and fucked up possibility that he is simply an evil god playing a sick game with us and may in reality be what many consider to be an evil deity known as the demiurge who has somehow for a long time now overpowered the real and truly good god who would of made our lives a paradise if only he’d of been able to remain in control.

Another alternative is the Linda Moulton Howe/John Keel/Richard Dolan/Jacques Vallee ET hypothesis that basically says we’re all just labrats in a massive ET or “Ultraterrestrials”(meaning “they” are not really space aliens but an ancient advanced and well hidden earth based break away civilization) experiment and these super ultra powerful beings are simply LARPing as various gods to us at times to manipulate us down certain ideological pathways for reasons unknown.

I personally lean towards the latter idea that our world is a simulation run by higher beings. It explains a lot of things that don't make sense in physics (especially quantum mechanics). We are basically one of millions of ant farms for these higher beings run on a giga computer. Our lives may be as insignificant as an ant we walk past each day. I don't know for sure but this is definitely possible. Elon Musk thinks so anyway. He said the chance we are living in base reality is 1 in a billion. Whenever I'm stressed out I try to remember how meaningless and insignificant my life might truly be.
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy.
Based & JoaquinPhoenixPilled
I’m not talking only about being incel, but all the other shit things I’ve been dealt. It feels like one day I’ll wake up and god will be like just kidding..here’s your real life.

I can’t believe this is/was my one life. Guess I have to keep reminding myself others have it much worse.
Maybe life is just a simulation - and we are just labrats in some macabre experiment?
I personally lean towards the latter idea that our world is a simulation run by higher beings. It explains a lot of things that don't make sense in physics (especially quantum mechanics). We are basically one of millions of ant farms for these higher beings run on a giga computer. Our lives may be as insignificant as an ant we walk past each day. I don't know for sure but this is definitely possible. Elon Musk thinks so anyway. He said the chance we are living in base reality is 1 in a billion. Whenever I'm stressed out I try to remember how meaningless and insignificant my life might truly be.

You should definitely check out John Keel’s books in which case as I think you’ll get a lot out of them.

I believe he was the ideological pre-cursor to Jacques Vallee in coming to alternative theories to the “UFO’s must be ET’s!” hypothesis.

Both of these men seem to of discovered through their own intense research that UFO’s, angels, demons, various gods, leprechauns, fairies, sprites and various other reported supernatural phenomenon and widely spread myths and legends of humanity over time are all a part of the exact same phenomenon and are again likely not the work of extraterrestrial “space aliens” at all from other planets but rather beings either from other dimensions of reality or earth based beings who became so advanced they for whatever reason decided to go into hiding from future beings such as ourselves ie humanity that would arise and for whatever reason are doing these things to us ie creating myths, legends and beliefs for reasons unknown.

I believe both Vallee and Keel have also pointed out how the UFO phenomenon fascinatingly seems to change form from age to age ie our not so distant past human ancestors from maybe 100 or 200 years ago say would see what they described as massive flying airships and I mean that quite literally ie think of those flying ships in the Final Fantasy games that look like old style ocean tier vessels except that they are flying around in the sky.

That’s the kind of things our not so distant ancestors reportedly saw flying around instead of the common UFO disc shaped objects of today.

Also closer ancestors of ours from like a hundred years back or so apparently saw the phenomenon as ghost rockets before rocketry of that sort was even invented and others saw craft resembling modern day blimps/dirigibles.

Not only this but people have also encountered strange beings over time like Indrid Cold, the Mothman and others.

The accumulative effects on our society or rather simply parts of it encountering these beings creates for us enduring myths that I’m sure serve as some kind of social engineering for our civilization at the hands of these “others” as Richard Dolan refers to whatever these beings are as.
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Sometimes I believe that we're in a simulation and that whoever runs it changes the parameters around every now and then to see how the agents in it (us) will react. One big behavior laboratory.
This is what I think of whenever I hear something in the news jfl

End times are near boyos
My life is a joke in it self.
My life is a joke for others, for me its just pathetic af.

Never forget to smile though. Joker really was the Triumph of the Will for incels.
If it's a joke then it's a pretty bad one.
Sometimes all you can do is laugh
Yea sometumes also think is absurd, Im a failure of nature
Compared to others, yes it is
Yea, i never thought i would end like this tbh
this is a bigger joke than the world supposedly ending in 2012
The world is evil, everyone will suffer and die and no one knows what comes after this.
I’m not talking only about being incel, but all the other shit things I’ve been dealt. It feels like one day I’ll wake up and god will be like just kidding..here’s your real life.

I can’t believe this is/was my one life. Guess I have to keep reminding myself others have it much worse.
All the time tbh
God wanted clowns so he created us
I dont feel like its a joke, it is one.

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