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Serious Do you believe there's a solution to Inceldom? If so what is the solution to Inceldom?

Is there a way to Stop/Reverse Inceldom?

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Genetic Failure - Never began
Dec 30, 2018
As I was making this thread, I came across 2 threads made in the past questioning what to do about the Inceldom issue?

https://incels.is/threads/do-you-believe-in-political-reforms-as-a-solution-to-inceldom.117061/ @EyesAreSoCold

Some points raised in those threads:

The political establishment IS THE PROBLEM. How can you expect a solution to burst out from the problem?. The fall of the global world system and retrieving back to tribalism is the only way. Not just to fix our problems .but to even have a sense of purpose aswell. I don't think people like us were meant to live tbh (I'm not complaining, I'm dying of boredom anyways) . I think nature intended for our deaths early on when we were kids (r and k selection) but the industrial revolution fucked it up. It's a funny thought. To think your purpose was to die, but you're so much of a failure that you couldn't even do that, properly . Lmao.

The West is too far gone for the kind of political solution that can come from liberal democracies. Replacement levels of third-world immigration, white guilt, feminism unchained and LGBTABC123+ are all inoperable cancers. Only total collapse and a rebuild might bring something more favourable.

But it's not going to happen in my lifetime, so I'm just going to sit back and cope.

Other users in those threads, suggested things such as: State mandated girlfriends or Enforced monogamy.
The reason I'm making this thread is to ask you to put all your jokes aside and ponder on the thought of:

How do you stop Inceldom?

If you were on a podcast that was being broadcasted to every device globally and the government was all ears willing to hear your proposals (provided their within limits so suggesting things like kill (((them))) probably won't go down well), what would you suggest to decrease the levels of Inceldom?

Note: The chances of a meteor large enough causing destruction on the entire west or Nuclear war occurring through which these catastrophic events lead to societal collapse are close to impossible.

I personally believe things will never get better and will only get worse.
It would be impossible to remove all social media and dating sites, but even if we did foids wouldn't just start fucking sub-7 men. They'd infiltrate other groups/societies with a large presence of men and receive the validation through them.
I don't see any viable solution to the Inceldom problem. Foids will always SEEK the best. It's biologically ingrained in them.
You wouldn't expect a Lion to conform to a vegan diet to "preserve the earth", similarly why should you expect a foid to date a guy who's not genetically superior?

Just looking for your views tbh.
I'm only beginning to realise the magnitude of the saying It's over.
The universal solution is to be good looking. But realistically? Change society, make it a full 360. I truly despise this current state of the world.
Excluding the Jew and feminist from social participation.

Deporting all Caucasian cucks and feminist whores from foreign countries, as non-whites are being told to "go back to where you're from" when migrating to the feminist cuntries.

Deporting all white farmers from South Africa, as whites are the vocal feminist activists there.

Stitching up every Jewish cunt from puberty so that she doesn't get pregnant and shit any more Jews or mulatto Jews like Drake.

Re-educating Jewish cunts on how not to become neurotic cunts who hate men.

Banning Jews from jobs of public influence.
politics is cope
but if you don't see a solution you're just not creative enough.

Change society, make it a full 360
pls don't
just haircut and mew
all chads in no time i swear
dress everyone in burkas
The universal solution is to be good looking.

I'm not denying that nor would I force foids to start having kids with genetically inferior men.
There's numerous people (me included) who would never date(get hard) to a morbidly obese women and rightly so because that's not a sign of good health.

The issue I'm having is the amount of Incels is growing.

This was only based on people not having sex in the past year, but based on that we can assume MORE men are having less sex than women.
If we were to take data from 16-30, you'd see way more men remaining virgins whereas most women have had sex at least once.

As I stated that number is growing.
It's not gradually decreasing, but growing.

On an evolutionary point of view, this would be attributed to males not meeting the genetic requirements to be seen worthy of as a mate and as the foid decides all the parameters of the engagement (Briffault's Law), more and more men are failing to meet this ridiculously high threshold. That's the issue that needs to be somehow addressed.

Imagine there was an annual 100m sprinting event.
Everyone that failed to run 100m in 20 seconds or less is killed.

Based on a thread made on the misc bodybuilding forums: Assuming they're not obese and a healthy weight they estimated it could be ran in 15-20 seconds - which means majority of people would qualify.

Now what if year, after year, they expected everyone to go 2 seconds faster.
By the time you reach 12-14 seconds, majority of the population would be killed.
By the time you reach 10 seconds, only the best of the best would remain.
This is what foids are doing. They're enforcing standards which the average joe will never reach. WHATS CAUSING THAT!?

But realistically? Change society, make it a full 360. I truly despise this current state of the world.

How do we change society?
A political solution after a revolution that leads to a reversion to monogamy and chastity, the removal of women's rights, etc.

Incels are a massive problem now. Average-looking guys are way more isolated than they were due to capitalist concentration, technology, social media, women's lib, sexual lib. These were not factors a hundred years ago, and so average and ugly men had wives and families, decent jobs, etc.

It is the worst time in history to be an average, working-class male. A great time if you're good-looking and/or rich. The rich today are mostly criminals, in the sense that their riches are acquired with methods detrimental to posterity for their groups.

Except Jews. They take care of each other, and their teamwork has earned them their position. If a Jew goes to another Jew with a problem, they will not try to "get the better of the other." If a goyim today goes to another goyim, then it's a Trump mentality of "I want a great deal."

So, retarded goyim sell each other out, Jews don't, Jews win. It's why Jews go to Jewish summer camp, so they can teach their young to fuck over goyim, while white kids go to diverse water parks and Tyrone fucks their sister in the wave pool.
Natural Eugenics is at play. Only a solution from the individual can work. Throw the kitchen sink at surgerymaxxing else rot. There is no political or religious solution that will happen, that’s cope.
Excluding the Jew and feminist from social participation.

Deporting all Caucasian cucks and feminist whores from foreign countries, as non-whites are being told to "go back to where you're from" when migrating to the feminist cuntries.

Deporting all white farmers from South Africa, as whites are the vocal feminist activists there.

Stitching up every Jewish cunt from puberty so that she doesn't get pregnant and shit any more Jews or mulatto Jews like Drake.

Re-educating Jewish cunts on how not to become neurotic cunts who hate men.

Banning Jews from jobs of public influence.
Strong suggestions to Signature.

Dude how do you plan to enforce that? It's not viable, foids will still remain foids and maintain their high standards etc.

There are ways, but they're unrealistic
That's what I thought.
There certainly are ways, but they'd never happen.

Shariah law
Foids will still remain foids.

You'll end up beheading 95% of the female population because they're whoring around.

:feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:

As funny as it'll be to see foids getting btfo, it would probably just make them see us as terrorists.
I'm not denying that nor would I force foids to start having kids with genetically inferior men.
There's numerous people (me included) who would never date(get hard) to a morbidly obese women and rightly so because that's not a sign of good health.

The issue I'm having is the amount of Incels is growing.

This was only based on people not having sex in the past year, but based on that we can assume MORE men are having less sex than women.
If we were to take data from 16-30, you'd see way more men remaining virgins whereas most women have had sex at least once.

As I stated that number is growing.
It's not gradually decreasing, but growing.

On an evolutionary point of view, this would be attributed to males not meeting the genetic requirements to be seen worthy of as a mate and as the foid decides all the parameters of the engagement (Briffault's Law), more and more men are failing to meet this ridiculously high threshold. That's the issue that needs to be somehow addressed.

Imagine there was an annual 100m sprinting event.
Everyone that failed to run 100m in 20 seconds or less is killed.

Based on a thread made on the misc bodybuilding forums: Assuming they're not obese and a healthy weight they estimated it could be ran in 15-20 seconds - which means majority of people would qualify.

Now what if year, after year, they expected everyone to go 2 seconds faster.
By the time you reach 12-14 seconds, majority of the population would be killed.
By the time you reach 10 seconds, only the best of the best would remain.
This is what foids are doing. They're enforcing standards which the average joe will never reach. WHATS CAUSING THAT!?

How do we change society?
Enforce monogamy, no more juggling females from Chad and no more Chad juggling from females. Pick your partner wisely, there are a limited range of Chads. Its virtually impossible for 50+ million of chads to exist.

Enforce back Nationalism and the state promoting same race dating. No more going to "sea", no more race-mixing for 100% chances of having genetic incels. Yes this may not seem as a problem and blah JBW JBB etc. But thats not the main issue, the main issue is that it produces mixed race incels, mixed race people tend to have a higher chance of being incels. It isnt about a shitty theory, its about avoiding making uglier children. Due to foids decisions generations are getting uglier. Ugly foids reproducing with good looking males does not guarantee the child will be chad.

Restore religion, you dont need to believe in god. Many incels here hate religion for no reason. I dont give a fuck if you believe in God and neither should you, your goal is to have the most ideal life on this earth since you dont believe in anything. By restoring religion you reap all its benefits. Fear of the church and god, looking down upon degeneracy, communities denouncing people that live within those communities etc etc

I feel like these are 3 main points. Do you agree with anything here? Just further elab tbh I cant 100% think right now.
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reduce hypergamy through various methods like removing social media/ apps like tinder which have had a extremely negative affect on life for incels.

also legalising suicide would be a good way to help a lot of us end our problem.
Just restore patriarchy putting foids under the control of their uncucked fathers (or brothers) first and their husbands then.
Blocking social and dating sites it's possible, China did it. So, complete ban for instagram, tinder and so on.
Complete and total removal of all female rights.
reduce hypergamy through various methods like removing social media/ apps like tinder which have had a extremely negative affect on life for incels.

also legalising suicide would be a good way to help a lot of us end our problem.
Indeed hypergamy can be reduced, but can it be reduced to an extent that the Inceldom numbers would decrease?
Foids have already had a taste of endless validation and options.
They'll grow up knowing what's available for them out there which is why we'd have to somehow wipe out any knowledge of social media (not possible) before removing it.

Enforce monogamy, no more juggling females from Chad and no more Chad juggling from females. Pick your partner wisely, there are a limited range of Chads. Its virtually impossible for 50+ million of chads to exist.

Enforce back Nationalism and the state promoting same race dating. No more going to "sea", no more race-mixing for 100% chances of having genetic incels. Yes this may not seem as a problem and blah JBW JBB etc. But thats not the main issue, the main issue is that it produces mixed race incels, mixed race people tend to have a higher chance of being incels. It isnt about a shitty theory, its about avoiding making uglier children. Due to foids decisions generations are getting uglier. Ugly foids reproducing with good looking males does not guarantee the child will be chad.

Restore religion, you dont need to believe in god. Many incels here hate religion for no reason. I dont give a fuck if you believe in God and neither should you, your goal is to have the most ideal life on this earth since you dont believe in anything. By restoring religion you reap all its benefits. Fear of the church and god, looking down upon degeneracy, communities denouncing people that live within those communities etc etc

I feel like these are 3 main points. Do you agree with anything here? Just further elab tbh I cant 100% think right now.

That is a viable solution, but one that would hard to enforce.
As you stated a, when religion was held as the backbone of society way less foids were promiscuous, but It didnt stop them from pursuing the best Chads.

Indeed slut shaming needs to return and all social media gone.
It may not help those (like me) who are genuinely fucked, but at least the 3.5-5/10s won't be doomed to Inceldom as well when the beckies realise Chad is already committed to a stacy.
All i really want is to experience these things ONCE. The solution would be fairly simple as to well basically more advanced prostitution.
Its simply unrealistic to expect a girl to spend her life with you just so you feel good. As much as i hate women but there is no justification to force them to spend their life with you. All i want from them is like a week or a month of their life and i think thats a very fair trade off to cure depression and misery on such a large scale. I suppose it would be like a military service for foids. As ridiculous as this may sound i don't think its even that far away from reality, you just have to spend your time with some lonely people for 1 month in your life. Its the same as public service where you help old people or disabled people out in their life. It would both help incels and really anyone with major depression and also give foids and society a better understanding on these people and MAYBE they learn how to not act like a genetic cumdumpster for once.
Also for obvious reasons if you fuck up your chances by actually treating that girl like trash then you won't get anyone.
As I was making this thread, I came across 2 threads made in the past questioning what to do about the Inceldom issue?

https://incels.is/threads/do-you-believe-in-political-reforms-as-a-solution-to-inceldom.117061/ @EyesAreSoCold

Some points raised in those threads:

Other users in those threads, suggested things such as: State mandated girlfriends or Enforced monogamy.
The reason I'm making this thread is to ask you to put all your jokes aside and ponder on the thought of:

How do you stop Inceldom?

If you were on a podcast that was being broadcasted to every device globally and the government was all ears willing to hear your proposals (provided their within limits so suggesting things like kill (((them))) probably won't go down well), what would you suggest to decrease the levels of Inceldom?

Note: The chances of a meteor large enough causing destruction on the entire west or Nuclear war occurring through which these catastrophic events lead to societal collapse are close to impossible.

I personally believe things will never get better and will only get worse.
It would be impossible to remove all social media and dating sites, but even if we did foids wouldn't just start fucking sub-7 men. They'd infiltrate other groups/societies with a large presence of men and receive the validation through them.
I don't see any viable solution to the Inceldom problem. Foids will always SEEK the best. It's biologically ingrained in them.
You wouldn't expect a Lion to conform to a vegan diet to "preserve the earth", similarly why should you expect a foid to date a guy who's not genetically superior?

Just looking for your views tbh.
I'm only beginning to realise the magnitude of the saying It's over.
Removing internet and phones from the average citizen or heavy censure of it.

And making everyone wear burka, chads, stacies any average or ugly femoid, tallfags and attractive short males (unironically a non sense you have to be tall to be attractive as a male for the opposite sex).

Only let the ugly show their faces, more like the sub8 male is only allowed to show his face in public.
All i really want is to experience these things ONCE. The solution would be fairly simple as to well basically more advanced prostitution.
Its simply unrealistic to expect a girl to spend her life with you just so you feel good. As much as i hate women but there is no justification to force them to spend their life with you. All i want from them is like a week or a month of their life and i think thats a very fair trade off to cure depression and misery on such a large scale. I suppose it would be like a military service for foids. As ridiculous as this may sound i don't think its even that far away from reality, you just have to spend your time with some lonely people for 1 month in your life. Its the same as public service where you help old people or disabled people out in their life. It would both help incels and really anyone with major depression and also give foids and society a better understanding on these people and MAYBE they learn how to not act like a genetic cumdumpster for once.
Also for obvious reasons if you fuck up your chances by actually treating that girl like trash then you won't get anyone.
I feel like that would just make people more depressed; knowing none of that was genuine and there's guys out there who'll receive such treatment because the foid likes how they were born.

Only let the ugly show their faces, more like the sub8 male is only allowed to show his face in public.
Surely that would mean foids know if face == covered then they're 8+?

We'd be doing what they do instinctively for them.
The collapse of this degenerate society would solve the incel issue. Many men would die during the collapse and the men that would survive, would build a new better society.
The answer is allways war and violence. All through history more men then women = war/violence.
All i really want is to experience these things ONCE. The solution would be fairly simple as to well basically more advanced prostitution.
Its simply unrealistic to expect a girl to spend her life with you just so you feel good. As much as i hate women but there is no justification to force them to spend their life with you. All i want from them is like a week or a month of their life and i think thats a very fair trade off to cure depression and misery on such a large scale. I suppose it would be like a military service for foids. As ridiculous as this may sound i don't think its even that far away from reality, you just have to spend your time with some lonely people for 1 month in your life. Its the same as public service where you help old people or disabled people out in their life. It would both help incels and really anyone with major depression and also give foids and society a better understanding on these people and MAYBE they learn how to not act like a genetic cumdumpster for once.
Also for obvious reasons if you fuck up your chances by actually treating that girl like trash then you won't get anyone.
I agree with this a lot. I can't force someone to spend their life with me, but I feel like being with a girl and spending time with her would help me a lot in society. Honestly, she wouldn't even need to have sex with me, I just want to know how it feels to have a woman have your back. You know?
Yes and no depending on the person's problems. Some incels could become high tier normies or even chadlites IMO

Some ugly facial traits are fixable with surgeries, some aren't. There are ugly guys here who could easily become 7-8/10 if they had the money for surgery and if the surgeries were successful.

There's no surgery for manlets. The leg surgery is mediocre at best and not worth the costs, risks, time etc anyway. There's nothing in the world that will save you if you're like 5ft3, 5ft4 etc

There's nothing for mentalcels, currycels, ricecels IMO
Legalized prostitution is the answer to this bullshit. Always has been. Who cares if the girl doesnt enjoy fucking you? Youre ugly, ofc she wont enjoy it. But as far as being non-virgin, thats the answer.
Legalized Euthanasia. We were born into a world that never wanted us.
Yes. Monogamy with fathers picking husbands for their daughters, no divorce. Done.

Get a job and become someone and you won't be an incel. No HR department hoes either, so no excuses.
I feel like that would just make people more depressed; knowing none of that was genuine and there's guys out there who'll receive such treatment because the foid likes how they were born.
See, you want absolute equality and fairness which is just unrealistic. Maybe in 1000 years when we can upload our mind into a simulation where you can do anything. If you are still depressed no matter what people give to you then thats your fault honestly and/or you actually have a mental illness. NOTHING is genuine. Go a head and define me what genuine love even would be. Everything foids feel is just their brain paying them with dopamine and other drugs. Either you get paid with money or you get paid from your brain with drugs. Genuine love is a retarded concept that doesn't exist.
Surely that would mean foids know if face == covered then they're 8+?

We'd be doing what they do instinctively for them.
Lowkey highIQ comment, everyone should be covered with a burka then.

But a better solution would be to just to wipe out 99% of population and then make arranged marriages and give them 1km land where no body more will live so foids don't have access to more males other than the arranged one.
It's not viable, foids will still remain foids and maintain their high standards etc.
Stitching up the Jewish cunt from puberty will prevent her from fucking Aryan Chad and creating 6ft tall and blonde hook-nosed crypto-Jews.

WARNING: A Jewish cunt's pussy gonna stank:feelsohgod:, even at puberty, and will require some aromatherapy gasses to quell the stench:feelsgah::feelskek::fire::lul::reeeeee::feelsautistic::feelsokman:.
The collapse of this degenerate society would solve the incel issue. Many men would die during the collapse and the men that would survive, would build a new better society.
Jfl at the HOPIUM!

Only the merchants will rule the wasteland! Need food? New water filters? Ammo? Etc...

Everyone will be too busy fighting for scraps to build anything!

Raids and backstabbing will be the norm for a long time... Race against race. Religion against religion. Dog eat dog.

The only cure is what you can grab and hold.
Stitching up the Jewish cunt from puberty will prevent her from fucking Aryan Chad and creating 6ft tall and blonde hook-nosed crypto-Jews.

WARNING: A Jewish cunt's pussy gonna stank:feelsohgod:, even at puberty, and will require some aromatherapy gasses to quell the stench:feelsgah::feelskek::fire::lul::reeeeee::feelsautistic::feelsokman:.
Scoop it all out first! No more genetic highjacking! Don't forget to deball the boys too just in case their MO changes.
We would need to eradicate most of society, take a few women for select breeding, and then groom the new generation.
Removing rights from females

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