ok ive been watching this thread for minutes now
and no replies so i will reply
i dont think it makes sense to deny free will because to make a choice to make a point you already have to have free will in first place
further, it eliminates the possibility of knowing if anyhting is true
because if anything is just cause and effect, then there would be no difference between effects
like me saying something and you saying something
is like two puffs of smoke from car exhaust
and asking, which smoke cloud is true?
so that makes no sense and is kinda self defeating you know?
So I dont think it does not exist, however I think people completely overestimate how much control they have over their life,
which seems to be a sickness of our hyper-individual time
in the past, religions made sure to remind everyone that life is short, that you die and that you are not in control
like unlike nowadays where we have pretend equality and pretend upwards mobility
our ancestors just straight up admitted that society is very unfair, hierachies exist and are very strict and that you are probably stuck wherever you are
hence they had no issues with monarchies. The king was simply put in place by their version of the blackpill, of determinism - aka "God"
Like nobody nowadays would go like "if you tryhard enough you can become president"
that would sound retarded
yet people will make fun of medieval people for believing the monarchs were put in place by God
It makes way more sense logically to admit that this world does not dance to your tune, that you are not in charge and your choice is mostly limited to coping with what you were giving, how little that may be - aka humility
To constantly cope with you dont have or should have is just impotent rage and self torture
The blackpill supports this of course. You could describe the blackpill in the sense of "choosing to know how little choice you have."
Free will is an issue in all worldviews btw.
If you are a determinist who believes there is no free will and you are consistent with that, then you basically have to become a nihilist, throw all ethics in trash and also your own argument since you loose possibility of knowledge.
If you are a religious person, you find yourself in a pickle too YUM YUM
in the sense that if your god is all knowing, how do you still have free will as a human being? Arent all your actions pre-determined by God
this is a great mystery of course.
Some religions take this to an extreme, like in calvinism, where everything is predestined and God literally makes people to suffer, so that their suffering glorifies him, which is fucked up of course and nobody in the first 1000 years believed that shit or christianity would not have appealed to anyone with a sane mind
The most balanced approach in christianity are the ones that we find in places like orthodox christianity, where they are at least honest and say, well free will must exist but God is also omnipotent, so there has to be a working-together of Gods will with human will, but the specifics are of course unknown to us.
This may seem like a cop-out at first but remember what I said earlier, free will is an issue to every single worldview, so I think its not that much of a shit explanation honestly. Its actually pretty balanced compared to saying "there is no free will" or saying "you can shit-bend reality with your mind bruh
these are my thoughts on free will and chill nigga