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Do you believe in an afterlife?

Yes. All of the Bible prophecies about the end times are coming true.

"Wars and rumors of wars" The 20th century wars killed more than all other previous wars since year 1 COMBINED.

Bible also talks about abundant famine in the last days. 1/3 of humans go to bed hungry.

Finally the Bible talks about people travelling to and fro and an increase in knowledge in the last days. We have recently invented airplanes, spaceships, computers, etc.
theres nothing after we die
Geez, I hope there is. Worst case, consciousness would be suspended indefinitely. An eternity of locked-in syndrome. *shudders*
Afterlife is cope, religion is cope.

I still dont know how people believe in this sort of stuff in 2017.

Yes theres a very small possibility that part of you could live on after you die but its nothing like the bible or any sort of religious scripture describes it.

ItheIthe said:
Yes. All of the Bible prophecies about the end times are coming true.

"Wars and rumors of wars" The 20th century wars killed more than all other previous wars since year 1 COMBINED.

Bible also talks about abundant famine in the last days. 1/3 of humans go to bed hungry.

Finally the Bible talks about people travelling to and fro and an increase in knowledge in the last days. We have recently invented airplanes, spaceships, computers, etc.

I tried to believe in Christianity a couple of times, especially the Calvinist version that puts so much emphasis on being predestined, elected chosen to be a pilgrim on this wretched earth who has no continuing city here but who seeks one to come: the heavenly Jerusalem. I always imagined that to be a literal city with literal "mansions" of which there are many. I imagined having a mansion with view on the Tree of Life. This theme of completely disregarding this life here was always deeply attractive to me. 

Sadly, I found it impossible to believe in all that shit. I also found that the more intellectual/intelligent interpretations of the text don't really match with what the text actually seems to say. If you look at the text, the stupid batshit crazy tinfoil hat fundamentalists always seemed to be the one who really got it right. It is also my experience that it's exactly these kind of people who have really studied the scriptures daily to see if these things were so, whereas the ones whose interpretations was more acceptable never really knew the scriptures that well. 

Same with regards to ethics. Interpretations of the text are either intellectually dishonest or ethically unacceptable. 

I'm not sure if I'm really an atheist, but at least I do believe that we should make politics AS IF atheism were true, and there would NOT be an afterlife you could use to pacify the wretched of the earth with. Always the ruling class telling the wretched peasants that this life isn't really that important anyway and that they should just look forward to the one to come and until then accept their miserable lot and never dare to resist the ruling class, for -surprise, surprise- the gods never allow the slave class to fight agaisnt an unjust order...
Afterlife is the ultimate cope.

Lol no

Christianity has nothing to do with the average black American beyond 400 years. Technically speaking I should be practicing voodoo or some shit
Religion is cope and blue pill as fuck
Literally the just world meme
Please bluepill me on religion. Being an atheist makes depression even more unbearable.
modus_coperandi said:
Please bluepill me on religion. Being an atheist makes depression even more unbearable.
Nope, imo being an atheist incel is better in the long run tbh. 

Bluepilling yourself with religion, coping hard, believing theres something else after our subhuman lives is so much worse than accepting the blackpill that this is the only life you get, nature gave you this subhuman life, and you must LDAR and ROT.
No. There's no way to support consciousness without the brain acting as the computer that contains it.

Consciousness ins actually material and can't be held trough not-material means.
Nope. God doesn't exist.
I hope we all rotate and have happy lives when we die.
No. Brain dies=sayonara
I'd like to think there is an afterlife. Consciousness survives the body. Energy cannot be destroyed, it only changes.

NDEs prove it to some extent, regardless of religious feelings or affiliations.
If you're an incel on earth, you're an incel in the next life. Remember that.
Religion is cope, after you die nothing happens except you rot in the ground
I don't see what an afterlife is supposed to solve. Even if one exists, there is no reason to believe that it lasts forever. You never hear stories about seances which contact the spirits of cave men, for example.

And the Christian version especially makes no sense. What keeps you from rebelling against god when you go to heaven?
ItheIthe said:
Yes. All of the Bible prophecies about the end times are coming true.

"Wars and rumors of wars" The 20th century wars killed more than all other previous wars since year 1 COMBINED.

Bible also talks about abundant famine in the last days. 1/3 of humans go to bed hungry.

Finally the Bible talks about people travelling to and fro and an increase in knowledge in the last days. We have recently invented airplanes, spaceships, computers, etc.

There just might possibly be an afterlife.
no i dont believe in afterlife and christians creep me the fuck out talking about their imaginary friends like theyre real people.
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
no i dont believe in afterlife and christians creep me the fuck out talking about their imaginary friends like theyre real people.
Is that limited to only  Christians?
Well take a seat- let me educate you in the ways of Moloch and Yahweh, my good goy.
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
no i dont believe in afterlife and christians creep me the fuck out talking about their imaginary friends like theyre real people.

Yeah, that always bothered me too. I remember feeling creeped out when I witnessed prayer as child.

Casper the Friendly Ghost gets more action when he's dead than we do in our flesh:

Lol if there is just a reminder that you have youre ugly face with you in heaven or hell.. While the chavil or changel is fucking the women you as a devil or angelcel are rotting there

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