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Serious Do you believe faggotry is genetic (can you be born a fag)?

Faggots are born faggots it`s a proven fact not sure what this thread is jfl

Homosexuality is Environmental, Not Genetic​

A study on twins suggested zero genetic influence on homosexuality. “[...] the pattern of concordance (similarity across pairs) of same-sex preference for sibling pairs does not suggest genetic influence independent of social context.”

Regarding causation: "[...] our results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences."


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NeCzJ

Gay gene doesn’t exist, genes explain only 8%–25% of homosexuality, not even a quarter at most
Also, the study found there is no X chromosome association with homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ftV3C

There is no X-gene association with homosexuality, there is no "gay gene" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10405456/

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/3VcKP

Xq28 is not the “gay gene”, it has been debunked

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/88vOi

Homophobia is 36% genetic, higher than homosexuality. By pro-LGBT logic it should be considered hateful to stigmatise homophobia.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/WoEk4

Black Americans are more homophobic than White Americans,


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Y8MQW

And yet, Black Americans are more likely to identify as gay than any other group in the US. If a large portion of the population was secretly always gay and homophobia is the reason why less people traditionally identified as gay, then Black Americans should be less likely than White Americans to identify as gay.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NPkKh

Study shows identical twins with different sexual orientations. These differences within the pairs are the same as homosexuals and heterosexuals who are not twins or related. From this we concluded that homosexuality is caused by the environment, and not genetics.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/CtvVl

By analysing identical twins with discordant sexual orientation, it was found that sexual orientation and gender non-conformity is caused by non-genetic factors

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Yno9U

Number of people engaging in homosexual practices increased 2–3 times in the last 50 years


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SFmig

In non-western tribal societies there isn’t any homosexual behavior, it isn’t an option, there isn’t even a word for it


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/B16hl

56% of homosexuals and 18% of heterosexuals reported having a homosexual teacher, showing that homosexual teachers do influence children into this lifestyle

12% of men and 4% of women with homosexual teachers have said that the teacher has made sexual advances towards them.

Homosexual teachers influence children to accept homosexuality.

20% of those with a homosexual teacher said they were influenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable.

Homosexual teachers influence kids to try homosexuality, 4% have said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality.

“The findings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers tend to fit the contagion model of homosexuality—that homosexuality is taught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual practitioners.”


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/w4dVD

These findings are consonant with those of other studies in which disproportionately more incest by homosexuals was reported.

Incest cannot be excluded as a significant basis for homosexuality.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ykqp1

Alcoholism is 50% genetic ,much higher than homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/AE2Fz

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, the difference between concordance rate of monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins was not significant, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/JugBP

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/1hBY4

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except personal space.This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents.

One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality. This could show that homosexuality is related to other destructive behaviours displayed by the rats like cannibalism and females abandoning their young as they were both caused by the same thing.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except open space. This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents. One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality, suggesting homosexuality may very well precede and cause the end of the human race like it did for the rodents.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

Former American Psychological Association President: "Homosexuals Can Change"

View: https://youtu.be/RuyCT9ygT-4

Archive Link: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...db1df5cdc810b44d44d6216ae394e6b8a666555f9595&
It's not genetic, it's environmentally influenced behavior. It makes no fucking sense to have a "gay" gene. That would make the genes a dead end, by default.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is either brainwashed by the letter agenda or actively promoting it.
Pretty sure a good some are born that way although I think most of what's going on today is a mix of indoctrination and whatever crap is in the food and water. Artificial colors, fluoride, BPA, styrofoam, etc.

Plus the culture. Nowadays you can't really lay a finger on your kid. A long time ago if your kid acted like a twat you could smack sense into them.

The culture is pretty bad. I could go on, like holidays for example. Thanksgiving is literally a gluttonyfest. Halloween encourages witchcraft and other hedonism. Christmas took the principal of Christ and made it a chore because of having to buy gifts. Easter literally became a mockery due to it now being associated with coloring eggs and rabbits. Independence day, literally playing with fire(it just sounds demonic idk). Plus fireworks scares the shit out of animals, like an insult to nature itself. Not to mention a month dedicated to something literally called *pride*.

I don't know if there's a god or not but it's pretty clear to me that there definitely is a devil or at least something that absolutely hates everything Christian to the core enough to make society this way.

It's just... Revelation 3:9 and all this crap going on in the world. I wonder if AI is the beast, and right now we're in the stage where it's performing miracles?
I've always thought that faggotry was largely a result of kike media corrupting people to think that that's okay.

But lately I've been noticing that a lot of faggots tend to have the "fag voice"

The kind of high pitched feminine voice, not a forced one, a natural feminine voice.

That makes me wonder, if men who identify as fags tend to have common predetermined genetic traits, could this imply that there is a "gay" gene?

Will this change how I view faggotry? absolutely not. Justifying immoral behaviors because they were genetically predetermined is like saying "foids aren't doing anything wrong, it's just female nature"
I think it's just imitation.

Scientists used to think there was a gay gene but they couldn't prove it was statistically significant
Something about butt worms and intestinal parasites
I've always thought that faggotry was largely a result of kike media corrupting people to think that that's okay.

But lately I've been noticing that a lot of faggots tend to have the "fag voice"

The kind of high pitched feminine voice, not a forced one, a natural feminine voice.

That makes me wonder, if men who identify as fags tend to have common predetermined genetic traits, could this imply that there is a "gay" gene?

Will this change how I view faggotry? absolutely not. Justifying immoral behaviors because they were genetically predetermined is like saying "foids aren't doing anything wrong, it's just female nature"
Thier usally r a p e d as little boys so it messes thier mind and starts giving these unnytaul
Pretty sure a good some are born that way although I think most of what's going on today is a mix of indoctrination and whatever crap is in the food and water. Artificial colors, fluoride, BPA, styrofoam, etc.

Plus the culture. Nowadays you can't really lay a finger on your kid. A long time ago if your kid acted like a twat you could smack sense into them.

The culture is pretty bad. I could go on, like holidays for example. Thanksgiving is literally a gluttonyfest. Halloween encourages witchcraft and other hedonism. Christmas took the principal of Christ and made it a chore because of having to buy gifts. Easter literally became a mockery due to it now being associated with coloring eggs and rabbits. Independence day, literally playing with fire(it just sounds demonic idk). Plus fireworks scares the shit out of animals, like an insult to nature itself. Not to mention a month dedicated to something literally called *pride*.

I don't know if there's a god or not but it's pretty clear to me that there definitely is a devil or at least something that absolutely hates everything Christian to the core enough to make society this way.

It's just... Revelation 3:9 and all this crap going on in the world. I wonder if AI is the beast, and right now we're in the stage where it's performing miracles?
faggs are raped as young kids turning them gay, its gives them desire to stick things up thier butt because getting raped messed them up that badly
they get raped as little boys turning them into sodomites

it really messes up a males brain
It's not only the voice. I swear many of them seem to have some type of fag pheno

Homosexuality is Environmental, Not Genetic​

A study on twins suggested zero genetic influence on homosexuality. “[...] the pattern of concordance (similarity across pairs) of same-sex preference for sibling pairs does not suggest genetic influence independent of social context.”

Regarding causation: "[...] our results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences."


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NeCzJ

Gay gene doesn’t exist, genes explain only 8%–25% of homosexuality, not even a quarter at most
Also, the study found there is no X chromosome association with homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ftV3C

There is no X-gene association with homosexuality, there is no "gay gene" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10405456/

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/3VcKP

Xq28 is not the “gay gene”, it has been debunked

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/88vOi

Homophobia is 36% genetic, higher than homosexuality. By pro-LGBT logic it should be considered hateful to stigmatise homophobia.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/WoEk4

Black Americans are more homophobic than White Americans,


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Y8MQW

And yet, Black Americans are more likely to identify as gay than any other group in the US. If a large portion of the population was secretly always gay and homophobia is the reason why less people traditionally identified as gay, then Black Americans should be less likely than White Americans to identify as gay.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NPkKh

Study shows identical twins with different sexual orientations. These differences within the pairs are the same as homosexuals and heterosexuals who are not twins or related. From this we concluded that homosexuality is caused by the environment, and not genetics.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/CtvVl

By analysing identical twins with discordant sexual orientation, it was found that sexual orientation and gender non-conformity is caused by non-genetic factors

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Yno9U

Number of people engaging in homosexual practices increased 2–3 times in the last 50 years


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SFmig

In non-western tribal societies there isn’t any homosexual behavior, it isn’t an option, there isn’t even a word for it


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/B16hl

56% of homosexuals and 18% of heterosexuals reported having a homosexual teacher, showing that homosexual teachers do influence children into this lifestyle

12% of men and 4% of women with homosexual teachers have said that the teacher has made sexual advances towards them.

Homosexual teachers influence children to accept homosexuality.

20% of those with a homosexual teacher said they were influenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable.

Homosexual teachers influence kids to try homosexuality, 4% have said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality.

“The findings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers tend to fit the contagion model of homosexuality—that homosexuality is taught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual practitioners.”


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/w4dVD

These findings are consonant with those of other studies in which disproportionately more incest by homosexuals was reported.

Incest cannot be excluded as a significant basis for homosexuality.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ykqp1

Alcoholism is 50% genetic ,much higher than homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/AE2Fz

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, the difference between concordance rate of monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins was not significant, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/JugBP

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/1hBY4

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except personal space.This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents.

One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality. This could show that homosexuality is related to other destructive behaviours displayed by the rats like cannibalism and females abandoning their young as they were both caused by the same thing.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except open space. This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents. One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality, suggesting homosexuality may very well precede and cause the end of the human race like it did for the rodents.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

Former American Psychological Association President: "Homosexuals Can Change"

View: https://youtu.be/RuyCT9ygT-4

Archive Link: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...db1df5cdc810b44d44d6216ae394e6b8a666555f9595&

Explain Animals being homosexual? just because we hate faggots doesn`t mean we should act retarded when it comes to the Origin of it so many fags were raised in hyper christcuck households yet still felt the same way no matter what

Homosexuality is Environmental, Not Genetic​

A study on twins suggested zero genetic influence on homosexuality. “[...] the pattern of concordance (similarity across pairs) of same-sex preference for sibling pairs does not suggest genetic influence independent of social context.”

Regarding causation: "[...] our results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences."


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NeCzJ

Gay gene doesn’t exist, genes explain only 8%–25% of homosexuality, not even a quarter at most
Also, the study found there is no X chromosome association with homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ftV3C

There is no X-gene association with homosexuality, there is no "gay gene" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10405456/

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/3VcKP

Xq28 is not the “gay gene”, it has been debunked

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/88vOi

Homophobia is 36% genetic, higher than homosexuality. By pro-LGBT logic it should be considered hateful to stigmatise homophobia.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/WoEk4

Black Americans are more homophobic than White Americans,


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Y8MQW

And yet, Black Americans are more likely to identify as gay than any other group in the US. If a large portion of the population was secretly always gay and homophobia is the reason why less people traditionally identified as gay, then Black Americans should be less likely than White Americans to identify as gay.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NPkKh

Study shows identical twins with different sexual orientations. These differences within the pairs are the same as homosexuals and heterosexuals who are not twins or related. From this we concluded that homosexuality is caused by the environment, and not genetics.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/CtvVl

By analysing identical twins with discordant sexual orientation, it was found that sexual orientation and gender non-conformity is caused by non-genetic factors

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Yno9U

Number of people engaging in homosexual practices increased 2–3 times in the last 50 years


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SFmig

In non-western tribal societies there isn’t any homosexual behavior, it isn’t an option, there isn’t even a word for it


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/B16hl

56% of homosexuals and 18% of heterosexuals reported having a homosexual teacher, showing that homosexual teachers do influence children into this lifestyle

12% of men and 4% of women with homosexual teachers have said that the teacher has made sexual advances towards them.

Homosexual teachers influence children to accept homosexuality.

20% of those with a homosexual teacher said they were influenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable.

Homosexual teachers influence kids to try homosexuality, 4% have said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality.

“The findings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers tend to fit the contagion model of homosexuality—that homosexuality is taught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual practitioners.”


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/w4dVD

These findings are consonant with those of other studies in which disproportionately more incest by homosexuals was reported.

Incest cannot be excluded as a significant basis for homosexuality.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ykqp1

Alcoholism is 50% genetic ,much higher than homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/AE2Fz

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, the difference between concordance rate of monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins was not significant, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/JugBP

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/1hBY4

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except personal space.This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents.

One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality. This could show that homosexuality is related to other destructive behaviours displayed by the rats like cannibalism and females abandoning their young as they were both caused by the same thing.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except open space. This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents. One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality, suggesting homosexuality may very well precede and cause the end of the human race like it did for the rodents.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

Former American Psychological Association President: "Homosexuals Can Change"

View: https://youtu.be/RuyCT9ygT-4

Archive Link: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...db1df5cdc810b44d44d6216ae394e6b8a666555f9595&

high iq

Homosexuality is Environmental, Not Genetic​

A study on twins suggested zero genetic influence on homosexuality. “[...] the pattern of concordance (similarity across pairs) of same-sex preference for sibling pairs does not suggest genetic influence independent of social context.”

Regarding causation: "[...] our results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences."


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NeCzJ

Gay gene doesn’t exist, genes explain only 8%–25% of homosexuality, not even a quarter at most
Also, the study found there is no X chromosome association with homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ftV3C

There is no X-gene association with homosexuality, there is no "gay gene" https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10405456/

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/3VcKP

Xq28 is not the “gay gene”, it has been debunked

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/88vOi

Homophobia is 36% genetic, higher than homosexuality. By pro-LGBT logic it should be considered hateful to stigmatise homophobia.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/WoEk4

Black Americans are more homophobic than White Americans,


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Y8MQW

And yet, Black Americans are more likely to identify as gay than any other group in the US. If a large portion of the population was secretly always gay and homophobia is the reason why less people traditionally identified as gay, then Black Americans should be less likely than White Americans to identify as gay.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/NPkKh

Study shows identical twins with different sexual orientations. These differences within the pairs are the same as homosexuals and heterosexuals who are not twins or related. From this we concluded that homosexuality is caused by the environment, and not genetics.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/CtvVl

By analysing identical twins with discordant sexual orientation, it was found that sexual orientation and gender non-conformity is caused by non-genetic factors

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/Yno9U

Number of people engaging in homosexual practices increased 2–3 times in the last 50 years


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SFmig

In non-western tribal societies there isn’t any homosexual behavior, it isn’t an option, there isn’t even a word for it


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/B16hl

56% of homosexuals and 18% of heterosexuals reported having a homosexual teacher, showing that homosexual teachers do influence children into this lifestyle

12% of men and 4% of women with homosexual teachers have said that the teacher has made sexual advances towards them.

Homosexual teachers influence children to accept homosexuality.

20% of those with a homosexual teacher said they were influenced to regard homosexuality as socially acceptable.

Homosexual teachers influence kids to try homosexuality, 4% have said that the teacher influenced them to try homosexuality.

“The findings that homosexuals more frequently claimed to have had homosexual teachers and more frequently reported homosexual sex with teachers tend to fit the contagion model of homosexuality—that homosexuality is taught by or caught by sexual interaction with homosexual practitioners.”


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/w4dVD

These findings are consonant with those of other studies in which disproportionately more incest by homosexuals was reported.

Incest cannot be excluded as a significant basis for homosexuality.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/ykqp1

Alcoholism is 50% genetic ,much higher than homosexuality


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/AE2Fz

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, the difference between concordance rate of monozygotic twins and dizygotic twins was not significant, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/JugBP

Only 20% of male monozygotic twins share homosexuality, which suggests little to no genetic influence, and shows that it is more caused by the environment instead.
If it was heritable, it should be shared 100% of the time in monozygotic twins, yet that's nowhere near the truth.

Archive Link: https://archive.ph/wip/1hBY4

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except personal space.This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents.

One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality. This could show that homosexuality is related to other destructive behaviours displayed by the rats like cannibalism and females abandoning their young as they were both caused by the same thing.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

An experiment called "universe 25" had a group of rodents isolated in a box with everything they needed (food, water, etc.) except open space. This caused many abnormal behaviours which would result in the death of the rodents. One of said abnormal behaviours was intentional homosexuality, suggesting homosexuality may very well precede and cause the end of the human race like it did for the rodents.


Archive Link: https://archive.ph/SUin3

Former American Psychological Association President: "Homosexuals Can Change"

View: https://youtu.be/RuyCT9ygT-4

Archive Link: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...db1df5cdc810b44d44d6216ae394e6b8a666555f9595&

Their also has been Multiple find that their is a Faggot gene type up Dean hamer it`s proven
Yes but extremely rare.
Most faggots you see today are incels and brainwashs.

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