Is this in response to the incels thread that appeared on the voice for men website?
Apparently one of their numbers came on here and was trying to "help" us. For a brief time we clearly had an enlightened one of the MRAs among us. If only we would have allowed ourselves to be mentored by our clear superior, we could be free of our troubles.
As remember, its always our fault/failure!
And it seems only one of their number had even a the slightest clue, leaving that sentiment largely unopposed.
The only MRA I ever really liked was randomercam. But the movement in general seems to want to hold up the women they have as beacons for no more reason than to say, look there are woman here. While I find girlwriteswhat to be very capable, they can only sympathize with our situations, as she herself has easily had many partners.
Alas the good Doc seems to be struggling, not just with sub numbers but in general. Which is a shame, as I really like the way he responds to what people are saying rather than how their saying it.
Men have always been disposable, which is why we have always been ignored, the problem is that feminism came along and said 'that's privileged' and so women should have it, with no chance of them ever being considered disposable. And all the MRAs are doing is pointing at and in some ways enforcing the system that keeps them irrelevant.
Only 100 years ago men were able to get their looksmatches a lot easier than now. We need to go back to something like that, not too far back in the future or how it is today.
That's baseless rubbish. Along with some state funded sex worker rubbish.
The evidence shows that there has always been more women reproducing than men, that hypergamy has always been woman's defining motivation.
What has changed was acceptance. It was accepted that women were shallow and vapid and that will always result in some men getting left out. But now, just like with everything fucking thing else, men are blamed for it!
We get all of this bullshit about how its our fault, we just have to put in
ALL the effort, and we can't complain if we don't. Its out fault cause we clearly just have to improve ourselves, and unlike them (the alpha wannabes I call them) we are clearly just too lazy too do so.
Rant Done!