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Do you agree with this statement generally?

  • Thread starter Balding Subhuman
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Balding Subhuman

Balding Subhuman

If you're ugly, women want you dead
Dec 4, 2021
The dregs of white men tend to date Asian women as they have a very limited access to white women, and the dregs of white women tend to date black men as they have a very limited access to white men
The dregs of white men tend to date Asian women as they have a very limited access to white women,
Agree. If i could get a white girl, the thought of dating a nonwhite wouldnt even be in my mind

and the dregs of white women tend to date black men as they have a very limited access to white men
Im not sure about this. I see average and above average white girls with black men all the time. Maybe this statement was true 30 years ago, but with the media halo and everything nowadays there are a lot of women who deliberately choose black men despite having white options

Even a 1/10 fat white woman still has access to plenty of white men. I gurantee you any 1/10 white girl could easily date a 4/10 white man. Not that they would ever date a lowly 4/10 though
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Generally, yes it is true.

However, it doesn't account for the fact a lot of WMAF couples are betabuxxers going to the turd-world: Most of the guys I see in WMAF relationships, are at least somewhat normisih & also tall.
I disagree with this statement.
Why so? I mean, you're White yourself.

It's very true, take it from someone who lives in the US. Yes, not every black normie can get a snowbunny Stacy, but they can get some LTB white foid.

These stats should be telling:
And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man.


why are mayowhores seen as the ultimate prize they are subhuman
I don't pass as White, I look like a gypsycel.
Look at the stats I shared above, and that's not what he said completely.

Again, I'm not saying that black men are stealing White foids en-masse, it's more of Black normies dating some LTB which I see frequently.

And are you gypsy? That means you would look kinda curry iirc.
This is most often true
And are you gypsy?
I shouldn't be, yet I look like one. It doesn't matter anymore at this point.

I am beyond fucked from every point of view. It never began for me.
I shouldn't be, yet I look like one. It doesn't matter anymore at this point.
I mean, if you look like one it must mean you have some in you, since gypsies look very distinct & not like most Europeans(even swarthy ones) at all.

How could that have happened? Most Balkanites who aren't gypsy & don't look White look Kavkaz or Turk at most.
I am beyond fucked from every point of view. It never began for me.

But I mean, based on the data I showed with what I said I see, don't you agree it must be kind of true about dregs of white foids going for black men?
I don't pass as White, I look like a gypsycel.
Funny, my grandfathers grandfather was a gypsy. The result: I look like an ethnic, meanwhile my sister and mother look like typical nordics.
This is most often true
Yup, and I see it daily especially the lower-tier whitewhore with some tallfag nigger.
.These stats should be telling:


And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man.

Also, in my almost two years in this community most of the mixedcels I've met have been HAPAs or Mulattos-each one of them has this exact match for parents always.
Funny, my grandfathers grandfather was a gypsy. The result: I look like an ethnic, meanwhile my sister and mother look like typical nordics.
Is it really that strong? I mean that makes you only 1/8th, yet somehow you look completely ethnic?

I'm American, so I've met tons of Whites here who have partial(1/8th or 1/16th) Native American(Mongoloid technically) ancestry or even Black, yet some of them look Whiter than myself & are also taller.

I'm a quarter Med, yet look Irish or English or French.
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Agree. If i could get a white girl, the thought of dating a nonwhite wouldnt even be in my mind

Im not sure about this. I see average and above average white girls with black men all the time. Maybe this statement was true 30 years ago, but with the media halo and everything nowadays there are a lot of women who deliberately choose black men

Even a 1/10 fat white woman still has access to plenty of white men. I gurantee you any 1/10 white girl could easily date a 4/10 white man. Not that they would ever date a lowly 4/10 though
White demon being replaced.

Angry Black And White GIF by BLoafX
Fashion Vintage GIF
IMG 5053
Is it really that strong? I mean that makes you only 1/8th, yet somehow you look completely ethnic?

I'm American, so I've met tons of Whites here who have partial(1/8th or 1/16th) Native American(Mongoloid technically) ancestry, yet many of them look Whiter than myself & are also taller.

I'm a quarter Med, yet look Irish or English or French.
Well I mean my father had about the same skin tone as me. I don't know exactly what I look like. I've been told I look somewhat "racially ambigious." I've been told that I look Eastern European. I've been told all kinds of things.

I could probably pass for being med. But I live in one of the whitest countries in the world so the white standard is extremely high in here. If you look like you could be from southern Italy, you're basically an ethnic here.
why are mayowhores seen as the ultimate prize they are subhuman
black men are stealing White foids en-masse
Lifefuel for blackcels
How could that have happened?
My mom and her family side are more dark-skinned.
the data I showed
I don't disagree with the data, just with the interpretation. That study has no way and obviously won't account for whether those married men and women are ''dregs'' or not.

The main reason I disagreed was the ''dregs of white women'' part.

There are no dregs of white women. White women have infinite SMVs and it's not an exaggeration. They can't lose no matter what. They can be fat, ugly, dirty, unshaved, hairy, short, tall, anorexic, and they'd still have a permanent army of orbiters around them willing to fuck them at any time. They literally cannot lose, they just need to exist passively and they win by default.

Even the lowliest dreg of foid you can imagine, a dirty homeless foid sleeping on the subway... She could still trade her holes to a desperate low tier normie at any time for food and shelter because men are always in need of women's holes. There are homeless shelters specifically for foids. There are several feminist organizations in all countries whose only purpose is to help out foids specfically. They do not lose. They cannot lose. They won't lose.

I don't care that much about the black men part. Black men virtually don't exist in my country.

I don't care about intermarriage, either. No woman will ever want to be my wife.

It doesn't matter if I were to live in a racially homogenous society. It doesn't matter if I were to live in a racially diverse society. As long as I would be me, I would still be ugly. No woman will ever want to be my wife unless forced by the state.

It does not matter to me, I will never get married.
Well I mean my father had about the same skin tone as me.
What kind of shade is it would you say?
I don't know exactly what I look like.
Try looking at different phenos & see which one you match up with closet.
I've been told I look somewhat "racially ambigious."
That would make sense.
I've been told that I look Eastern European.
That's quite vague to begin with, since Poland, the Baltics, and Russia are a mix of East-Baltid & Nordic phenos generally, whereas in the south(Balkans) they have more darker hair(Dinairds)
I've been told all kinds of things.
The few people I've shown my face to say I look generally White/European, but I've gotten everything from English, Irish, French, to even Czech or Slovak or North Italian. So in a way, I kinda have that "ambiguity" to me.

Interestingly, most other Whites I know who are middle-class like me tend to be from mixed Irish, German, Polish, etc. backgrounds, whereas most of the upper-class guys are more purely Anglo.
I could probably pass for being med.
Depends on your facial features tbh, if you have darker hair & eyes but with more of that "European" facial shape then yeah, as long as your skin isn't actually extremely dark.

Average Med pheno.



But I live in one of the whitest countries in the world so the white standard is extremely high in here. If you look like you could be from southern Italy, you're basically an ethnic here.
Yeah that makes sense, though Finns light hair & eyes is coupled with a more "rounder" face from what I've seen(higher cheekbones, flatter maxilla)

I've also been told that Scandinavians are a very very homogenous people, and basically see anyone -even if they look White or more specially NW Euro- as an outsider of sorts.
My mom and her family side are more dark-skinned.
I mean yeah, but quite a few Balkanites can be "darker" since the Dinarid pheno can vary from fair to lighter-brown.

Depends on how dark though, when I google gypsies, most of them look like they're from N. Curryland or even their gulf, plus they also have features I'd discern as not very European.


Has anyone ever mistook you for one or asked if you're one? That's the best way to know, or maybe if you've seen actual gypsies see how they react or treat you, or just ask.
I don't disagree with the data, just with the interpretation. That study has no way and obviously won't account for whether those married men and women are ''dregs'' or not.
Well, it would make sense that lower-tier white women go for black guys.
The main reason I disagreed was the ''dregs of white women'' part.

There are no dregs of white women. White women have infinite SMVs and it's not an exaggeration. They can't lose no matter what. They can be fat, ugly, dirty, unshaved, hairy, short, tall, anorexic, and they'd still have a permanent army of orbiters around them willing to fuck them at any time. They literally cannot lose, they just need to exist passively and they win by default.

Even the lowliest dreg of foid you can imagine, a dirty homeless foid sleeping on the subway... She could still trade her holes to a desperate low tier normie at any time for food and shelter because men are always in need of women's holes. There are homeless shelters specifically for foids. There are several feminist organizations in all countries whose only purpose is to help out foids specfically. They do not lose. They cannot lose. They won't lose.
All women have infinite SMV, but I do agree, mayowhores have it better-maybe Noodles are on the same-par.
It doesn't matter if I were to live in a racially homogenous society. It doesn't matter if I were to live in a racially diverse society. As long as I would be me, I would still be ugly. No woman will ever want to be my wife unless forced by the state.
Fair enough, though it is obvious(based on my own experiences living in one of the most populated as well as diverse & evidence I've seen) that living in homogenous societies is just better. I know it won't solve my issues, but still, it will at least make the QOL better which is something.

I've also just found other Whites easier to communicate with & get on with, Asians as well I'd say.
Also, in my almost two years in this community most of the mixedcels I've met have been HAPAs or Mulattos-each one of them has this exact match for parents always.
I feel so bad for HAPAs. Born into an existential nightmare of not belonging anywhere, shitty parents don't think about the consequences of their race mixing.

I meet alot of HAPAs where I live born from WMAF parents, every single one of them without exception has talked about feeling alien, and suffered disproportionately from mental illness :fuk:
Has anyone ever mistook you for one or asked if you're one? That's the best way to know
Yes, I've been called țigan a couple of times, which would be the closest thing to nigger.

I've had people assume I was a gypsy begger when I went to grab a shopping cart at a supermarket. I look like a malnourished gypsy begger kid.

I've heard people lock their car doors when walking down the street towards their parked cars. Happened multiple times.

maybe if you've seen actual gypsies see how they react or treat you
I was beaten, mugged and spat on by some gypsies a couple of times when I was a kid.
They can tell I'm not one of them.
I feel so bad for HAPAs. Born into an existential nightmare of not belonging anywhere, shitty parents don't think about the consequences of their race mixing
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

17f956242227e7fcbe446d2e96cf22dbc4d6b657 1

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.
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Yes, I've been called țigan a couple of times, which would be the closest thing to nigger.

I've had people assume I was a gypsy begger when I went to grab a shopping cart at a supermarket. I look like a malnourished gypsy begger kid.

I've heard people lock their car doors when walking down the street towards their parked cars. Happened multiple times.
They can tell I'm not one of them.
Sounds as if you're ambiguous looking then, kinda odd people think you would be a gypsy if you just seem more "darker" on average from how it sounds. It's normal for uglier guys to be treated in more of a criminal sense & assumed as homeless, beggars, etc.

Oftentimes, people just use insults like "nigger" since they know it's one of the worst insults regardless of race. I was called it a few times, despite the fact I was also mocked for how light my skin was, so that's a possibility.

It does sound like they did assume you to be gypsy though based on that shopping cart incident.

Not sure if you really look like one though, since it seems gypsies could tell & obviously they're the best people to "ask"

Probably more along racially ambiguous, which is possible to look despite being genetically part of one race, especially if you're that ugly. Look at the guy who played Mr. Bean for instance Rowan Atkinson:


He looks kinda ambiguous, same with this British guy, Russel Brand:


Thing is, they're both 100% English/British, yet most would say they look ambiguous.
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.
mulattos act like mixed racecels but in muttmerica, theyre considered black by many cuz of the one drip rile
Rowan Atkinson
The jestermaxx god with a 150 million dollar net worth...

If it weren't for his fame and money, he'd be posting here with us today. :feelsseriously:
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.

There is a saying for mulattos not fitting in with neither the black or white race "To black for the white kids and to white for the black kids"
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.
race matters but NT is also important as humans all hahe that in common. I agree with segregation a bit cuz of japan but whites mightve introduced other races for a reason since theyre more explorative, they did colonize after all. Hapas are rejected by their two sides more than mulattos and im not biased. Asians are more exclusive than african americans cuz of american culture treating mulattos like full blacks and asian culture not treating hapas like full asians.
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.
asians colonized but whites colonized genetically different races

There is a saying for mulattos not fitting in with neither the black or white race "To black for the white kids and to white for the black kids"
Mulattos at least are proud of being black and fit in with both due to being perceived as nt by whites and better looking blacks by blacks. Mulattos also have a way better reputation than hapas. Mulattos are considered number 2 in the sexual hierarchy and one of the most nt by a lot. I wouldnt want to be mulatto since im hapa but mulattos have it easier tbh
mulattos act like mixed racecels but in muttmerica, theyre considered black by many cuz of the one drip rile
Well yes, and by my metric the one-drop rule applies to Black blood(not in the literal sense for all blood, because that would mean like 60% of Europe would be excluded kek).

But still, many of them do have tons of mental issues & don't feel either, I feel bad for them a lot tbh.
The jestermaxx god with a 150 million dollar net worth...

If it weren't for his fame and money, he'd be posting here with us today. :feelsseriously:
Yup- dont you agree about his looks though? He's ambiguous looking, yet he's genetically English somehow.

I shared his pic once here, and someone thought he looked part gypsy.

I'm assuming yours is a similar case in a way.

There is a saying for mulattos not fitting in with neither the black or white race "To black for the white kids and to white for the black kids"
Brutal as fuck, my condolences.

That's probably why I've met quite a few here, they always have a Black dad & White mom, same for HAPAs having a White dad & Asian mom.

LatAm -especially Brazil- is probably the best place to be Mualtto in. Since most Afro-Latinos are just that, and I've heard they get a lot of praise there.
asians colonized but whites colonized genetically different races
Asians colonized other Asians- Whites colonized each other(Britain & Ireland, Germany & Slavs) & then the world.
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493
im pretty sure this shows half black/african american half whites dont have many physical issues. the underlines categories are averages of the subset components. half american indians half whites skew the data for mixed racecels in that study
Yeah same here, I feel bad for Mulattos as well, since a lot of them are non-NT & get rejected by both Blacks & Whites. @VictimofBpillReaper

Research shows it's bad for them mentally & physically:

View attachment 1194493

Racemixing should be illegal, same with forcing us all to live together which should be obvious sent working-just keep everyone segregated ffs.

You're half Slavic/Russian & half Celtic, whilst I'm a certified Anglo-Scottish-Irish-Med Amerimutt, so in a way, it's kind of like we can almost just gage how HAPAs, Mulattos, etc. can feel. I can't explain it, but I know you just know.

Want to know something else? Two guys I've met on Telegram both have similar ancestry to me, and they behave, think, and even have very similar issues to me(substance abuse for one). And it's not just me who notices it, at least 3-4 others in the group there pointed it out.

This is why I believe genetics & racial-realism determine so much, it's unreal.
they only have issues with teeth

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