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Do you agree that high IQ guys have issues addapting to society cuz they too smart?



Jul 17, 2019
I also have another theory, that majority of society have an illness (lets call it undiagnosed-and-accepted-different-kind-of-autism) but its normal and accepted, so theyre not ridiculed for it.

for example i dont have autism, im sure for 100%, but my dad (and probably some normies) thinks i have it because i am loner introvert. for me he has autism, because his beliefs are based on irrational thinking. not only his beliefs regarding me having autism, but his beliefs towards every major thing like how one should live a life.

for me irrational thinking is autism, for me being sheeple is autism, for me being cuck just for puzzy is autism, and so on, but for normies, autists are everyone who doesnt fit into society >.> just lol at this
Not if they're good looking. The fitting/adapting to society isnt a matter of intelligence at all. It's about looks. That's why I can't adapt despite being a fucking retard
Not if they're good looking. The fitting/adapting to society isnt a matter of intelligence at all. It's about looks. That's why I can't adapt despite being a fucking retard
lmao how tf ur not yet banned for avatar with knajid shi.tting to a plate
We call it kollektive zivilisation Neurose (collective civilisatory neurosis) in Germany.

Lots of intellectuals wrote on it or similiar concepts:
Erich Fromm: "Kollektive Neurose"
Wilhelm Kütemeyer: "Die Krankheit der Gesellschaft"
Wilhelm Reich: "Biopathie", "emotionale Pest"
Christa Meves: "Neurotische Verwahrlosung"
Heinz von Foerster: "Dysgnosie"
Not if they're good looking. The fitting/adapting to society isnt a matter of intelligence at all. It's about looks. That's why I can't adapt despite being a fucking retard
I'm high IQ and i'm still not able to adapt since i am incel
There's a 30-IQ gap before you struggle to communicate at all with the other person. There's definitely a correlation.
I don't know maybe
No, only high IQ (actually tested) ugly guys such as myself struggle because we're ugly.
Not if they're good looking.
Exactly. Even if there's a Chad who's basically turbo brained from being 135+ IQ, he will still practically get raped by women.
A guy with 160 iq Will have it better in society than a guy with 100 iq. When You start reaching higher levels of iq (180 - 190) You Will probably struggle with society
A guy with 160 iq Will have it better in society than a guy with 100 iq. When You start reaching higher levels of iq (180 - 190) You Will probably struggle with society
160 IQ is still stupidly high. You know you could win a Nobel prize with an IQ that high right? It's safe to assume most would be outcasts with such a high IQ.
No man. Do you think CEOs, executives and politicians are low iq?
160 IQ is still stupidly high. You know you could win a Nobel prize with an IQ that high right? It's safe to assume most would be outcasts with such a high IQ.
160 iq is not stupidly high. That You see it on the news from time to time or have a professor with 160 iq is very rare but not smartest man in the world. 180-190 are one in a billion
160 iq is not stupidly high. That You see it on the news from time to time or have a professor with 160 iq is very rare but not smartest man in the world. 180-190 are one in a billion
No man, it's at the high end of the bell curve.
yes because the average IQ for a normie is 80-95 here in the US, if you're IQ is above 110 then you will have a hard time having conversations and building rapport because you'll be bored with whatever mindless trivial bullshit they are into.
cope harder its the opposite
Your IQ has to be exceptionally high before it starts to cripple your ability to relate with others. As in, well within the genius category. Just having an IQ one or two standard deviations above average won't kill you. If your IQ is less than 150, it's probably not your brain, it's probably your face.
I also have another theory, that majority of society have an illness (lets call it undiagnosed-and-accepted-different-kind-of-autism) but its normal and accepted, so theyre not ridiculed for it.
The collective ‘cultural mind’ is continually being shaped by dominant social-cultural narratives that normalize our mental and emotional behavioral patterns. These norms are then transferred into cultural myths that serve to transmit and reinforce these mass-minded belief systems. We end up validating our own corrupted thinking through unconscious affirmations. Once this seed of psychosis is planted then it aims to propagate and strengthen through diversions and manifestations that legitimate its own ‘logical’ existence. Like a mental cancer it ingratiates itself into our own neural pathways as an insider rather than an outsider so that we fail to notice its presence. Yet there remains a niggling sense of something being ‘not-quite-right’ deep within any sensible/sensitive person.

This strange reality of ours becomes internalized so that we adapt to a form of ‘normality’ and anyone who speaks up or questions this ‘paradigm of normality’ is considered either odd, eccentric or, at worst, crazy. A more recent category for such people is now to be designated as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ which is a quick brush to dismiss people with ideas or thinking contrary to this ‘norm.’ And those people who appear to accept and encourage such norms are quickly brought ‘into the fold’ and supported in their career paths. The majority of these people are not in psychiatric care but running most of our social, political, and financial institutions. Positions of great power necessitate their own specific mindset, one that is generally provided by the corrupted mind.
Yes, I'm an example
Your IQ has to be exceptionally high before it starts to cripple your ability to relate with others. As in, well within the genius category. Just having an IQ one or two standard deviations above average won't kill you. If your IQ is less than 150, it's probably not your brain, it's probably your face.
I also have another theory, that majority of society have an illness (lets call it undiagnosed-and-accepted-different-kind-of-autism) but its normal and accepted, so theyre not ridiculed for it.

for example i dont have autism, im sure for 100%, but my dad (and probably some normies) thinks i have it because i am loner introvert. for me he has autism, because his beliefs are based on irrational thinking. not only his beliefs regarding me having autism, but his beliefs towards every major thing like how one should live a life.

for me irrational thinking is autism, for me being sheeple is autism, for me being cuck just for puzzy is autism, and so on, but for normies, autists are everyone who doesnt fit into society >.> just lol at this
dude are you my lost brother ?
Only if they are ugly

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