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Do You ACTUALLY Believe Some People are NPCs?

Do you believe some 'humans' are NPCs (non-sentient beings)?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 71 78.9%
  • No.

    Votes: 19 21.1%

  • Total voters
If the majority of the users think that NPCs are real,then yes.

If the majority of the users think that NPCs are false,then no.
If the majority of the users think that NPCs are real,then yes.

If the majority of the users think that NPCs are false,then no.

Normy bot detected. Just follow the mainstream.
Sorry m8,taking a shower right now.
I do believe in them and I also believe only npc's voted no.
worst mmo ever
fucking p2w garbage
foids too op
nerf chads plz
plz nerf
This theory is a cope tbh
Oh my God, I thought I was going to be the only one clicking yes. This is insane!

Normie conversations literally make no sense! I was on a train the other day and their dialogue shifted in totally insane and nonsensical ways. Nothing they said had any meaning and it was obvious that, when I say nothing was said, I mean truly, it made no sense (it would start to almost go somewhere and then start over, never getting anywhere). This has been going on my entire life but only now have I finally acknowledged it. I heard some woman yelling at her daughter about charting her (menstrual) period at a pizza place today, for fucks' sake. That shit is not real.

Normies can't go further than small talk they are low IQ following trends 24/7. They are brainwashed and can't escape.

Light brown is normies. Yellow is Bill Gates, green is Chad. Incels are the untouchables lmao. Blue doesn't exist anymore, because nobody listens to smart people anymore.

I made a Blackpill version a few days ago. You're welcome.
Chads and Stacys are the protagonists and antagonists. Normies are npc. Incels are the glitches and bugs (we were never meant to be in the game), sometimes going corrupt (ER).
Nobody is real and we are all stuck in our personal nightmare. The only way to awaken is to die irl.

I hear a voice asking me to awaken
Sometimes I get that feeling but I can't confirm it so I'm neutral, agnostic towards it.


Organic Portals Approximately one-half of the human beings on Earth (about 3.5 billion people) are organic portals--soulless human beings who keep real human beings in line with the status quo, on agenda with the matrix control system. "Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrix’s social control infrastructure. They are what keeps society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions" (Thomas Cox, montalk.net).

Organic portals possess no true free will or individuality, and are used, unknowingly, as agents by the Reptilians. You yourself may be an organic portal.
normalfags are so predictable and boring, they have thes same thoughts, tastes and they actually think they are unique but in reality they are a bunch of soulles cunts
Explain yourself

You said the theory is a cope.

I say you're coping by posting and claiming that that is a cope.

The truth is sometimes radically different than what you believe. Physical reality is an illusion.

The truth is, we are living in a holographic simulation. All the ancient texts claim this explicitly; buddhism, hinduism, mayan religion and many other religions acclaim to it using other words and symbolism.

It's almost impossible to explain quantum mechanics or what a MMORPG is to a medieval farmer who has no notion of videogames, computers, internet and the relevant hardware/software needed and has no vocabulary inherent that can come close to explaining those principles. It is much easier to just say and tell them there is a ''Spirit World'' and use symbolism that comes close to the actual phenomenon.

For example just like in the christian creation story, there is also a tree in North mythology that sits at the center of the world and it connects to all the other realms. Similarly the Tree that sits in the center of the garden of Eden is not an actual physical tree as we know it but a toroidal hyperspace field that connects to the Earth realm just the same as the Yggdrasil from the Norse, it IS the SAME tree. All the other trees as mentioned in the bible which are edible are just more branches from the same tree, aka the other realms. However once you eat from the Central Tree you are doomed to live a life as a mortal and die as a mortal with no escape.

One of the greatest forbidden things in this world is actually realizing that it's a simulation because that would break the RPG aspect of this simulation which is supposed to reflect ''reality'' as best as it can. Meaning that if you're an incel, you got to get back to your role as being a sad motherfucker and wallow in your pity of being ugly and thirsty for Stacey. Happiness through sex was not assigned to your character in this scripted world for you. The moment you realize it is all fake you might just discover your true self that is free from the suffering and punishment that is inflicted upon you for being born in an ugly body. You might just realize it's all just a fucking joke to squeeze the life juices out of you as your misery feeds the demons that rule this reality.

I can actually see the hologram for realz buddz, like putting on special google augmented glasses and seeing the shit in action. But mehhh how the fuck could I prove that anyway right? You got to see it for yourself to believe it. I had trouble even when I first started seeing it. Was a real bit fat cope tbh.
You said the theory is a cope.

I say you're coping by posting and claiming that that is a cope.

The truth is sometimes radically different than what you believe. Physical reality is an illusion.

The truth is, we are living in a holographic simulation. All the ancient texts claim this explicitly; buddhism, hinduism, mayan religion and many other religions acclaim to it using other words and symbolism.

It's almost impossible to explain quantum mechanics or what a MMORPG is to a medieval farmer who has no notion of videogames, computers, internet and the relevant hardware/software needed and has no vocabulary inherent that can come close to explaining those principles. It is much easier to just say and tell them there is a ''Spirit World'' and use symbolism that comes close to the actual phenomenon.

For example just like in the christian creation story, there is also a tree in North mythology that sits at the center of the world and it connects to all the other realms. Similarly the Tree that sits in the center of the garden of Eden is not an actual physical tree as we know it but a toroidal hyperspace field that connects to the Earth realm just the same as the Yggdrasil from the Norse, it IS the SAME tree. All the other trees as mentioned in the bible which are edible are just more branches from the same tree, aka the other realms. However once you eat from the Central Tree you are doomed to live a life as a mortal and die as a mortal with no escape.

One of the greatest forbidden things in this world is actually realizing that it's a simulation because that would break the RPG aspect of this simulation which is supposed to reflect ''reality'' as best as it can. Meaning that if you're an incel, you got to get back to your role as being a sad motherfucker and wallow in your pity of being ugly and thirsty for Stacey. Happiness through sex was not assigned to your character in this scripted world for you. The moment you realize it is all fake you might just discover your true self that is free from the suffering and punishment that is inflicted upon you for being born in an ugly body. You might just realize it's all just a fucking joke to squeeze the life juices out of you as your misery feeds the demons that rule this reality.

I can actually see the hologram for realz buddz, like putting on special google augmented glasses and seeing the shit in action. But mehhh how the fuck could I prove that anyway right? You got to see it for yourself to believe it. I had trouble even when I first started seeing it. Was a real bit fat cope tbh.
I can understand your point, however you still have yet to explain how other humans that inhabit the earth alongside us are non sentient beings. In my opinion I believe it is due to the fact that humans especially those who self-label themselves as outcasts cannot understand the complexity of others. I’m almost constantly in a state of deep thinking, questioning and pondering all that I’ve witnessed and experienced and I times when I get wrapped up in my musings I ask myself “can those who I come across in my daily life possibly be as complex of a creature as I?” The answer is yes, however I can’t possibly begin to understand the thoughts, goals, experiences, and intricate desires as others but I know it exists.

For however brainless and automated humans act in these modern times, there is still humanity left in them it has only been deluded by the societies and constructs under which they live, toil, and cope. Even if this world is an illusion, it would be laughable to claim that only I and those I deem worthy are sentient life forms and that all others who I don’t understand or value are simply assets created by the world I live in with the sole purpose of keeping me trapped inside the illusion
I can understand your point, however you still have yet to explain how other humans that inhabit the earth alongside us are non sentient beings. In my opinion I believe it is due to the fact that humans especially those who self-label themselves as outcasts cannot understand the complexity of others. I’m almost constantly in a state of deep thinking, questioning and pondering all that I’ve witnessed and experienced and I times when I get wrapped up in my musings I ask myself “can those who I come across in my daily life possibly be as complex of a creature as I?” The answer is yes, however I can’t possibly begin to understand the thoughts, goals, experiences, and intricate desires as others but I know it exists.

For however brainless and automated humans act in these modern times, there is still humanity left in them it has only been deluded by the societies and constructs under which they live, toil, and cope. Even if this world is an illusion, it would be laughable to claim that only I and those I deem worthy are sentient life forms and that all others who I don’t understand or value are simply assets created by the world I live in with the sole purpose of keeping me trapped inside the illusion

If you understand that this reality itself is a simulation then it isn't a far fetched idea that many of the actual characters are just potential NPC's. Personally I believe we are all inhabiting NPC bodies yet we all have the ''potential'' to awaken the PC (or spirit) in us. However many experiments fail and many never make it out of the cycle of awakening/rebirth/recycling. Many will just get grinded down and recycled without making any progress spiritually and are forever stuck in a cycle of rebirth.

But let me propose this:

Is it possible that an evil overlord running the simulation has purposely put false characters into the simulation that act and behave exactly like the real thing yet are not the real thing? Can a simulation run a simulated being that acts, feels and pretends to be real and for as far as even that simulated entity goes and knows, it is conscious, yet it is not really conscious?

This goes a bit back to the woman in the red dress from the matrix.

You would never know that she was just a npc. In fact the very nature and very reason for npc's to exist is to deny that they are npc's in the first place. That is their very stated objective and anything else would break their directive and reason to even exist. To create a real illusion of reality that you think is real even though 99% of the characters are just fluff and there to keep you in check.

You try to act normal to a stacey? Too bad, she's a bot and gives you a look of disgust so you'll feel shit just like the script is written for you.

Ofcourse the alternative means that the stacey is either,

A) Indoctrinated and forced to treat you like you are subhuman. Aka another victim of the simulation. In which case I would feel pity for her lack of understanding and feelings for other conscious entities.


B) Just a trashy conscious being that has no respect for other conscious beings. In which case, screw that.

or or ...

I personally prefer option C, just a bot. No hard feelings, no negative or judgmental feelings. It's just an object doing what it is told to do and that is to make your life shit.

Also I've actually seen a person being turned into an NPC with new memories. So I can confirm that this simulation purposefully replaces real people with fake ones just to fuck with you and play you like a fool whilst trying to pull you back from the realization that it is an simulation.

You see the person who warned me about this ... is actually the person who got replaced. That is why I know it is a fucking simulation. Because the real person I knew, was erased and replaced. She warned me about it but I couldn't stop it ... it's like seeing your best mate die in front of you as their very existence is erased and their memories and times you played together are altered and they become your enemy overnight. That person pleaded with me to believe them and help them ... yet now I have to live with the truth that they might be gone forever.
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It's like trying to describe what water is Helen Keller. Some concepts just don't occur naturally to people with shit for language arts or the people that are lacking important tools.

I had forgotten about Hellen Keller. Such an obvious and retarded hoax. Hurr hurr hurr, we taught a woman with no ability to take in information at all (Blind, deaf, dumb, could only rely on touch) how to read and write! So if she was touching brail on her daddy's dick, how did she end up equating that with words? Maybe you could put an apple in her hand, have her taste it. Or daddy's dick. But that's about the limit of it. She could never learn words like, 'the,' or anything that she could not easily touch and understand in her hands. And even that is a massive stretch.
If you understand that this reality itself is a simulation then it isn't a far fetched idea that many of the actual characters are just potential NPC's. Personally I believe we are all inhabiting NPC bodies yet we all have the ''potential'' to awaken the PC (or spirit) in us. However many experiments fail and many never make it out of the cycle of awakening/rebirth/recycling. Many will just get grinded down and recycled without making any progress spiritually and are forever stuck in a cycle of rebirth.
If that were the case than we shouldn’t be able to awaken a PC spirit because we would not be given the ability to do so if we were created as NPC’s
Is it possible that an evil overlord running the simulation has purposely put false characters into the simulation that act and behave exactly like the real thing yet are not the real thing? Can a simulation run a simulated being that acts, feels and pretends to be real and for as far as even that simulated entity goes and knows, it is conscious, yet it is not really conscious?
if there were to be some higher being who could create and manipulate all of what we know as existence, wether or not we beloved in the illusion would be of little concern to it. Making the NPC unaware of it’s true identity would be pointless
To create a real illusion of reality that you think is real even though 99% of the characters are just fluff and there to keep you in check.
If that is the case, then what is the purpose of the PC
A) Indoctrinated and forced to treat you like you are subhuman. Aka another victim of the simulation. In which case I would feel pity for her lack of understanding and feelings for other conscious entities.


B) Just a trashy conscious being that has no respect for other conscious beings. In which case, screw that.

or or ...

I personally prefer option C, just a bot. No hard feelings, no negative or judgmental feelings. It's just an object doing what it is told to do and that is to make your life shit
This is why I call this theory a cope. You are trying to use logic and reason to explain a situation you don’t no fully comprehend, and to address another margin of error to this theory, you are using it to explain the situation in a way that denies your flaws and at the same time elevates you above all that you observe in order to create a more positive worldview that is easier to cope with
Also I've actually seen a person being turned into an NPC with new memories. So I can confirm that this simulation purposefully replaces real people with fake ones just to fuck with you and play you like a fool whilst trying to pull you back from the realization that it is an simulation.

You see the person who warned me about this ... is actually the person who got replaced. That is why I know it is a fucking simulation. Because the real person I knew, was erased and replaced. They warned me about it but I couldn't stop it ... it's like seeing your best mate die in front of you as their very existence is erased and their memories and times you played together are altered and they become your enemy overnight. That person pleaded with me to believe them ... yet now I have to live with the truth that they might be gone forever.
I will admit that I do not know the backstory of this claim nor it’s details, but I would attribute this occurrence to your friend simply changing his stance on the matter as we humans are able to create, strengthen, and eventually replace mindsets that no longer serve them well. Not to be cliche but if your story is in fact true you would have been replace alongside him as the system would know that the both of you had potentially dangerous knowledge that could be used against it
My overall take is that we are in a worthiness test, and the more bullshit you go through in this lifetime, the more you will be capable of experiencing when we're done here. When we see beautiful white women sucking nigger dick, it is basically 'CGI,' and when we see them together in person, that foid is just an empty shell and her real self is way the fuck away.

Women are forced to treat us like shit for the worthiness test. Go through hell, come out a badass, play 3d simulated MMORPGs for all eternity while getting your dick sucked. Energetic effigy of yourself so you can get fucked by infinite women at the same time, infinitely better feeling orgasms, more sensitive to sexual touch, no recovery time, etc.

If you want serious proof the world isn't real, btw, consider hibernation. It is an absolute impossibility. So is generating body heat from eating food. What does it, friction? Animals would just freeze to death in winter. Hibernation is literal retard-level concept.
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If that were the case than we shouldn’t be able to awaken a PC spirit because we would not be given the ability to do so if we were created as NPC’s

if there were to be some higher being who could create and manipulate all of what we know as existence, wether or not we beloved in the illusion would be of little concern to it. Making the NPC unaware of it’s true identity would be pointless

It is very important for an evil entity to have you believe otherwise. It lives on your misery and you not knowing the truth will keep you peacefully and ignorantly following the script that is set out for you.

If that is the case, then what is the purpose of the PC

What is the purpose of consciousness to begin with? That is the first step to true enlightenment my friend. I cannot answer this for you because it is different for every being. We all have something we truly desire in our hearts but I can garantuee you that it's not fucking Stacey for self-validation in a socio-economic system that exists on parasitism.

This is why I call this theory a cope. You are trying to use logic and reason to explain a situation you don’t no fully comprehend, and to address another margin of error to this theory, you are using it to explain the situation in a way that denies your flaws and at the same time elevates you above all that you observe in order to create a more positive worldview that is easier to cope with.

If I was just theorizing, sure I'd agree with you on this point. If I didn't have evidence for myself ... then yes I'd very much agree with you on this. it is very rational for you to say this. I absolutely cannot deny that because from your perspective, there is no direct evidence to the contrary.

I will admit that I do not know the backstory of this claim nor it’s details, but I would attribute this occurrence to your friend simply changing his stance on the matter as we humans are able to create, strengthen, and eventually replace mindsets that no longer serve them well. Not to be cliche but if your story is in fact true you would have been replace alongside him as the system would know that the both of you had potentially dangerous knowledge that could be used against it

Ah yes ... people change ... such bullocks. Nigga I'm not talking about just a change of worldview. I understand a change of worldview. I'm talking about entire memories being changed up and shifted around to fit a new narrative. How entire stories of things that happened got turned upside down and where things happened where I was present, all of a sudden, it was replaced with another person or people.

If you and I went to a theme park that you chose specially for us to go to and you invited ONLY me for that day, would you claim a few years later that you actually went with Bob instead? Would you suddenly deny the very things you once said or believed? It's one thing to change your worldview. It is an entirely different thing to claim that you never had the other worldview that you once pertained to have.

A ex-christian isn't just going to say they never were christian. He'll say that it was a fase of their life but to suddenly claim that you never were a christian and never held or pertained to any of those beliefs. Now that would be incredibly strange wouldn't it?
It is very important for an evil entity to have you believe otherwise. It lives on your misery and you not knowing the truth will keep you peacefully and ignorantly following the script that is set out for you.
As far as humans know, that could very well be the case. If s higher being were to exist however wouldn’t be confined to such notions as their limits cannot be determined by man
What is the purpose of consciousness to begin with? That is the first step to true enlightenment my friend. I cannot answer this for you because it is different for every being. We all have something we truly desire in our hearts but I can garantuee you that it's not fucking Stacey for self-validation in a socio-economic system that exists on parasitism.
The point of my question was to prove that nobody is special. As much as the masses are background characters to us, to them we are the nobodies
Ah yes ... people change ... such bullocks. Nigga I'm not talking about just a change of worldview. I understand a change of worldview. I'm talking about entire memories being changed up and shifted around to fit a new narrative. How entire stories of things that happened got turned upside down and where things happened where I was present, all of a sudden, it was replaced with another person or people.

If you and I went to a theme park that you chose specially for us to go to and you invited ONLY me for that day, would you claim a few years later that you actually went with Bob instead? Would you suddenly deny the very things you once said or believed? It's one thing to change your worldview. It is an entirely different thing to claim that you never had the other worldview that you once pertained to have.

A ex-christian isn't just going to say they never were christian. He'll say that it was a fase of their life but to suddenly claim that you never were a christian and never held or pertained to any of those beliefs. Now that would be incredibly strange wouldn't it?
As for this, I have a few theories on the matter of what happens between you ans your friend but without evidence an observable events, my musings would be groundless. As an ex-Christian myself (though my experiences with it differ from most) I could make a claim to the contrary but that’s besides the point
As far as humans know, that could very well be the case. If s higher being were to exist however wouldn’t be confined to such notions as their limits cannot be determined by man.

Not necessarely. That is just an assumption on your end. This whole idea that god has to be super intelligent is nonsense. It is just a matter of having access to the information itself and the ability to create and envision concepts in the mind that limit the individuals capability.

The point of my question was to prove that nobody is special. As much as the masses are background characters to us, to them we are the nobodies

And here you fall into the trap by thinking that nobody is important. You are important. You are not a nobody. You are a precious conscious being that deserves love and understanding. You are a piece of the creator himself. A piece of infinity and eternity.

The demons on the other hand love misery and they feed of it like candy for a child. The oldest ancient greek texts actually claim that the gods feed off the misery of humans and that they take great pleasure in making the lives of men as miserable as possible so as to sustain themselves of their vital life energy.

As for this, I have a few theories on the matter of what happens between you ans your friend but without evidence an observable events, my musings would be groundless. As an ex-Christian myself (though my experiences with it differ from most) I could make a claim to the contrary but that’s besides the point

Seriously screw your argument and thought process there. I'm not making shit up about a person having a change of heart or mind. The very person warned me about that this would likely be the perceived outcome later on and that I shouldn't believe it with all my heart. And you know what? I wouldn't have believed them now and I would have likely believed your idea too and thought they had been tricking me or changed of heart if it weren't for the fact that I can see the very same stuff that the person was warning me about. I'm not talking about ''understanding the same viewpoint'' I'm saying I can see the very same things they warned me about. Seeing demons and gods by first hand account. This is a holographic reality and I can see the background programs fuck with the simulation. Gods and Demons, in the old ancient texts just refer the to background programs that control our reality. Am I therefore a theist? Fuck no, I'm still an atheist who just now sees the fact that it's a holographic simulation. I ain't a worshipper of gods or any of that shit, that's just semantics. A program is a program even if you give it a fancy name like ''Zeus'' or ''YHWH''. It's fine if you don't want to believe, it's fucking hard to believe without any actual evidence for yourself.

You went from batshit dogmatic belief system (aka fake christianity) to a somewhat more based (I presume) atheist worldview. However the trap of regular atheism is that it believes that our reality is entirely logical, objectively and physical in nature. It is a giant fucking rabbit hole to keep your mind small and trapped in physicality. Real faith is not about worshiping some deity, it is about understanding the nature of the hologram and the experience we endure itself by developing a greater understanding of self(spirit). You do not develop the larger spiritual self if you focus only on science and logic. Real love is not logical in that worldview because it does not serve an objective purpose but it is real in a spiritual world where you deserve it and where we want to experience it as a whole.

Anyway I'm done, I'm not gonne argue any further on this, if you want to believe in your physical reality bubble of comfyness go on ahead I was stuck in that same mindset for a decade. Continue to live the way of the incel hurting himself over how he was born to live according to a broken society while thirsting for Stacey who will never reciprocate your feelings. It's your party and if you want to keep living it the same hellish way every time, I'm not stopping you, you'll make great fodder for the next cycle where you'll be reincarnated again and again as a thirsty incel and make great food for the demons who live off your misery. All I feel is sorry that I never listened to my partner before and I feel bad for all the people who ended up in asylums and crazy houses who knew the truth but where rejected by the normy society around them that just kept telling them that they were crazy when in fact, they knew the truth but were silenced by this sickening and asleep society.
I made a thread about this bro. YES. Were in a simulation and some people are legit NPCs
r/Iamverysmart tier thread and comments
Sorry for the late response, I had a few things to take care of and then I went to dinner. Anyway let’s continue
Not necessarely. That is just an assumption on your end. This whole idea that god has to be super intelligent is nonsense. It is just a matter of having access to the information itself and the ability to create and envision concepts in the mind that limit the individuals capability.
I never stated anything that dealt with this theoretical god’s intelligence. I simply stated that a higher being would be beyond the “it feeds off of its creations (fill in the blank)” It would be beyond concepts formed by the human imagination.While omniscience isn’t needed to be a god, it would require an exxeedingly large amount of intelligence in order to create the multiverse and form all the laws and concepts that govern how our worlds operate and function

And here you fall into the trap by thinking that nobody is important. You are important. You are not a nobody. You are a precious conscious being that deserves love and understanding. You are a piece of the creator himself. A piece of infinity and eternity.
There is nothing inherently speacial about an individual aside from its unique genetic code.We are not speacial, nor do we deserve anything we ourselves do not earn or attain.
Seriously screw your argument and thought process there. I'm not making shit up about a person having a change of heart or mind. The very person warned me about that this would likely be the perceived outcome later on and that I shouldn't believe it with all my heart. And you know what? I wouldn't have believed them now and I would have likely believed your idea too and thought they had been tricking me or changed of heart if it weren't for the fact that I can see the very same stuff that the person was warning me about. I'm not talking about ''understanding the same viewpoint'' I'm saying I can see the very same things they warned me about. Seeing demons and gods by first hand account. This is a holographic reality and I can see the background programs fuck with the simulation.
As I said before, I have no knowledge of the situation involving your friend, which is why I explicitly said that my theories would be groundless
You went from batshit dogmatic belief system (aka fake christianity) to a somewhat more based (I presume) atheist worldview. However the trap of regular atheism is that it believes that our reality is entirely logical, objectively and physical in nature. It is a giant fucking rabbit hole to keep your mind small and trapped in physicality. Real faith is not about worshiping some deity, it is about understanding the nature of the hologram and the experience we endure itself by developing a greater understanding of self(spirit). You do not develop the larger spiritual self if you focus only on science and logic. Real love is not logical in that worldview because it does not serve an objective purpose but it is real in a spiritual world where you deserve it and where we want to experience it as a whole.
In actuality I could never call myself a true atheist. After all, I’ve only disproved the Judeo-Christian theology and know little about other religions. However as unlikely as their existence might be, I can’t be sure until I know everything which I obviously don’t. As for my view of the world, yes it is very logical, physical, and cynical. However I do believe in the existence of consciousness to a degree though the existence of a spirit world has little in terms of eveidence to back it up
Anyway I'm done, I'm not gonne argue any further on this, if you want to believe in your physical reality bubble of comfyness go on ahead I was stuck in that same mindset for a decade.
I enjoyed our talk, but do not believe for a second that any of my thoughts and beliefs are comfy. If anything my beliefs are the among the scariest and unsettling of them all. A world of no true purpose one where the strong dominate the weak until the weak manipulate the strong to become the strongest. A world where you are born into a circumstance that could be potentially hell on earth. One where no one gives a shit about you and anyone will use and abuse you for their own benefit and amusesment. In this world there is no divine entity or inner strength to call upon to defend from tragedy and loss. You are screwed from that start, and all you can do is struggle amongst the others to cope with this reality as best you can
Continue to live the way of the incel hurting himself over how he was born to live according to a broken society while thirsting for Stacey who will never reciprocate your feelings. It's your party and if you want to keep living it the same hellish way every time, I'm not stopping you, you'll make great fodder for the next cycle where you'll be reincarnated again and again as a thirsty incel and make great food for the demons who live off your misery.
As tempting as that sounds, I have my own ways of dealing with the truth and I intend to carry out the results of that truth. My suffering will come to an end one way or another. I was born into misery, more so than others born as an antithesis to what a human is supposed to be and wether or not I believe in your ideas, someone is benefiting from my suffering so I in turn will continue the cycle and profit from the unfortunate souls who happen to be within my grasp.
All I feel is sorry that I never listened to my partner before and I feel bad for all the people who ended up in asylums and crazy houses who knew the truth but where rejected by the normy society around them that just kept telling them that they were crazy when in fact, they knew the truth but were silenced by this sickening and asleep society.
At the end of the day, nobody truly knows of the secrets and intricacies of existence, and if they were to discover them, they would never understand them

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