One one hand: women hate subhumans, want them dead etc. so it would make sense to ostracize them in any way possible.
On the other want: another woman "taking one for the team" and deradicalizing the subhuman by providing him poon would neutralize a potential threat from the community.
What do you think?
firstly the overarching modus operandi of almost all foids and humans nowadays due to low iq , instant gratification society is SELF INTEREST AND GREED.
Therefore you plug in the number one drive for all women, chad only, fuck all sub 7s and nuke all sub 6 men, then they think alike WITHOUT COORDINATION.
Their actions are the same, and appear to be the same and thus coordinated, however only because each one is thinking individualistically in their own self interest, it is only the universality of the blackpill and the chad only pill that is in action in every womans mind because essentially the blackpill has hacked their operating system and can predict what they want almost universally.
There is one no need for reinforcement o
f other women to reject incels, although this does occur frequently with "friends" shitting on their boyfriend if not chad.
But also
The greed is the largest factor in my opinion however, as its is like a game in which they believe they are entitled to the best, without corresponding effort or any standard they themselves have attained. Also furthermore and this nukes it finally for incels its a game in which they are heavily havily competing with other foids they know to out chad them, to get the giga chad. To make other women feel envious is very high on the list of things to do for a woman, their egos are fucking huge, they want to show off chad around their peers and look down on as many men and women and couples as possible, this is what they live for.