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do women NOT avoid you?



Nov 11, 2017
i haven't had the displeasure of being bullied by females, thankfully. i won't act like my problem is on par or worse.

but, bear with me, as i can't be the only one: since puberty, women have sought me out for friendship, favors, orbiting, etc. i fell for it in HS, but grew wise when i realize my prospects were nil. still, this problem persists today. i make male friends easily enough, treat these friends well, and overall, try to be a convivial and lively person, as hard as that is as an aspie (not fake). women seek me out and even flirt with me. yet, the moment i ask them out, they fuck off. they clearly want to recruit me as an orbiter. anyone else have this issue? how do i ward them away? are there facial expressions i can make that give them that "creepy", axe-murderer vibe they bitch about so much?
Yeah. Just be uglier, like me. Then they will be afraid you will rape them or something, and not even interact with you. Works pretty well.
Only when I'm stuck in group projects with them.

In freshman year these two sluts in my group did absolutely nothing and I had to stay up for 2 nights in a row, until 2-3 am, doing the project.

We all got 100s. KMS.
be less short/weak looking.
hard to intimidate someone who could beat you up.
otherwise you're not ugly enough.
I don't exist for females. They don't avoid me. Just never talk to me or have sex with me.
ordinaryotaku said:
Only when I'm stuck in group projects with them.

In freshman year these two sluts in my group did absolutely nothing and I had to stay up for 2 nights in a row, until 2-3 am, doing the project.

We all got 100s. KMS.

awful. I hope something bad happens to those cunts.

eggo said:
be less short/weak looking.
hard to intimidate someone who could beat you up.
otherwise you're not ugly enough.

not short, small, or attractive. must not be intimidating enough. i know to stand up for myself. yet, it's hard walking that fine line between sociable and intimidating. i like having friends, but i don't want women to come up to me for another fucking favor. telling them no is getting tiring. ignoring them is not enough, either.
ordinaryotaku said:
Only when I'm stuck in group projects with them.

In freshman year these two sluts in my group did absolutely nothing and I had to stay up for 2 nights in a row, until 2-3 am, doing the project.

We all got 100s. KMS.

That's pretty cucked.
whenever they interact with me (happens rarely) they make sure to clarify they are superior
nausea said:
whenever they interact with me (happens rarely) they make sure to clarify they are superior

that's probably part of it. i hadn't thought of that. they seem to get off to teasing then rejecting me. a confirmation of their superiority to aggrandize their slut egos.
No idea. I don't leave the house, and haven't for a decade.
yeah as if they expect you to bow down to them
No, women fear me and they should.
you might just look weak, or maybe you're short no offense

i have that natural "resting murder face" so they know to stay the fuck away and know their place

ordinaryotaku said:
Only when I'm stuck in group projects with them.

In freshman year these two sluts in my group did absolutely nothing and I had to stay up for 2 nights in a row, until 2-3 am, doing the project.

We all got 100s. KMS.

that genuinely makes me angry

i'd have just told the teacher that the cunts did literally nothing and to fail them
I hardly interact with FHOs other than ones who serve food, etc.

Better to be alone than trapped in the Friend Zone. Never stay there.
I actually was bullied by them in HS. but that was 16 years ago.
jfl at the friendzone
I was bullied by some, liked (of course in a platonic way) by others. The ones which bullied me were usually the most all around extroverted ones.
whogivesafucc said:
you might just look weak, or maybe you're short no offense

i have that natural "resting murder face" so they know to stay the fuck away and know their place

that genuinely makes me angry

i'd have just told the teacher that the cunts did literally nothing and to fail them

women should have their right to reject by height revoked. its illogical.
IntolerantSocialist said:
women should have their right to reject by height revoked. its illogical.

especially those midget whores who are like barely 5 feet who want 6"4 dudes
Women like to shoot repeated glances at me so they can get me to approach so they can shoot me down. I fell for it once and asked fior her number. The bitch told me she didnt have a phone or some bullshit like that.
Enigmatic93 said:
Women like to shoot repeated glances at me so they can get me to approach so they can shoot me down. I fell for it once and asked fior her number. The bitch told me she didnt have a phone or some bullshit like that.

lol me too
whogivesafucc said:
especially those midget whores who are like barely 5 feet who want 6"4 dudes

IKR. FHOs are brutally heightist cunts. It's over for manlets.

Enigmatic93 said:
Women like to shoot repeated glances at me so they can get me to approach so they can shoot me down. I fell for it once and asked fior her number. The bitch told me she didnt have a phone or some bullshit like that.

I hate that shit. This is why I could never approach, no matter how much an FHO would supposedly be eye-fucking me.
BlackPill47 said:
I hate that shit. This is why I could never approach, no matter how much an FHO would supposedly be eye-fucking me.

yeah it's all fake
BlackPill47 said:
IKR. FHOs are brutally heightist cunts. It's over for manlets.

I hate that shit. This is why I could never approach, no matter how much an FHO would supposedly be eye-fucking me.

Yup. All of these "signs" that a woman likes you are fucking bullshit. If a woman isnt practically molesting you and trying to get you in her bed then she doesnt like you.
Enigmatic93 said:
Yup. All of these "signs" that a woman likes you are fucking bullshit. If a woman isnt practically molesting you and trying to get you in her bed then she doesnt like you.

Basically this. FHOs make it easy as hell for Chad. I read a few threads on Reddit about men missing all 'the signs', even if they were fucking obvious from FHOs. Whether they got with it, or missed out it was potent suicide fuel.

If she is not finding excuses to see you all the time and touch you and laughs at your stupid jokes, you never have a chance. Of course, this doesn't even happen for sub-8 men anymore.
sign a FHO likes you=sex happens
Re: ~How to make my sister look hideous?!~

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 157
#190375364Friday, June 03, 2016 3:02 PM CDT
It is evident that the "issue" in this scenario involves the presence of vulvae than simply "vanity"(Which is coupled with Western female mentality).I suspect that you merely desire the male subservience that your harlot sister is receiving.
Re: I am a masculinimist

Join Date: 2016-03-08
Post Count: 157
#200250372Monday, October 17, 2016 6:42 PM CDT
Female supremacy and misandry is abundant in America.As oppression becomes more explicit, Libby males simply become more submissive to the vulevae cretin.
Re: why is that only women talk about their 'haters'

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#183005358Thursday, February 04, 2016 5:08 PM CST
"Enjoy your ban! :D"Indeed I will "enjoy" my penalties.Leftist propaganda about "female oppression" only validate my claim further.
Re: Don't ever be friends with thatgirlmaggy

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#183185559Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:20 PM CST
"the horror of actually having friends"It is not an authentic "friendship."The subject of the thread is supposedly a female individual that regularly entices "her" Internet companions using anatomy.
Re: replaced go back to ot

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#184096500Sunday, February 21, 2016 2:45 PM CST
"agh its a girl what do i do i cant talk to it"Surely you are not implying that repulsion of female individuals(AKA misogyny) is equivalent to being unable to speak to them?Also, misogyny is entirely necessary. Female individuals suppress the intellectual capabilities of male individuals.
Re: replaced go back to ot

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#184101925Sunday, February 21, 2016 4:05 PM CST
"why does my post about iifirestorm get deleted but this doesnt"Simple. The moderators active within C & G recognize the toxic influence of female individuals.
Re: my standards for a guy

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#184675887Wednesday, March 02, 2016 10:38 PM CST
Very good for you then.You must feel quite privileged knowing that you will receive attention from prepubescent males over the Internet by claiming to be a female.


A "sheboon" bullied me in group therapy; she and her Black friends would laugh at my anxious behavior and tell me to "go away" during group activities, which led to me being criticized by psychologists.
Intellau_Celistic said:

Years ago, I was bullied too. Youth would laugh at me because I was a short autistic boy who was unable to speak without stuttering. They called me "house mouse", "weirdo", "freak", "pipsqueak", "leprechaun"(feminine voice). One femoid staff member said, "I think he has a disability" as a joke, which caused all of the femoids around to start laughing.
Yes. In group therapy, young femoids would criticize me because I would sit alone and look at the board games available. My family was poor and I had never seen most of them. It angered them to see me building with Jenga blocks(I didn't do this until near the end of my first stint).

My thoughts were similar to this:
I've had women avoid me as much as possible. On one occasion, a foid quickly blocked me from sitting next to her on a very crowded bus.
A blonde woman once looked at me briefly and quickly switched seats to the other side of the bus.

I was looking at the destination sign directly ahead of me.
I was on a Metro Transit bus once.

An obese, middle-aged Latina noticed my presence(I was looking through my window) and apparently believed I was staring at her reflection.

She started frowning at me.
Nothing new. Pean holes have blocked me from sitting near them on the bus. When I was on the bus once, a Black foid and her mother quickly exited and glared at me from the bus stop.
In group therapy, Shannon B was switched into another group after I looked at her during "process group". I was told not to "stare", to the exclusion of everyone else staring at her. This was after she turned her head and frowned at me.

I'm reluctant to divulge such details since they encourage my "Negative Thoughts".
Yes. I was penalized for staring at a Cumskin hole. It once angered me, knowing that Western society was brimming with too many pro-Cumskin Hole simps to accept my experiences.
Another fell(wearing sandals) on the ground and accused me of pushing her until her foid friend said "It wasn't him".
One scurried away from me in a Target Field skywalk. Would you say that she wisely avoided a "Toll"?
I was sitting outside once on a rather warm day. A Sheboon started laughing at me with her relatives.
I was playing Uno with my therapy group once. I was too anxious to move properly, so I placed cards down at the wrong moment. Sheboons started denigrating me, which the group psychologist ignored.

The group psychologist told someone to stop giving me advice, which resulted in that person being helped by a male, which the group psychologist ignored.
I cooked a meal in the youth commune. A foid said of it:

"Wow. This tastes like shid"
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