Set up a tinder account a while back.Was 17 at the time but I doubt anyone cared,so I lied I was 18,It's not punishable where I'm from.
3 women texted me.
1.Aren't you a bit too young to be on tinder (CRYING EMOJI LOL ROFL)
2.Are you actually 18? Yes. texted for about 30 seconds. She then ignored my messeges and I'm too prideful to send more that 1-2 messeges because It looks pathetic.
3.Oh hi how are you.Discussion goes completely ok.Meet up irl.Some 34 y.o. roastie,looks fat,has pimples.Sees me for the first time.Smile drops,replaced with a full on grin.Oh my god,you're so cute,you're like a child.Pinches my cheecks.The bitch has a son.Keep in mind that she saw my pictures,7 of them infact.We talk for a bit.She outright says that she's not confortable having sex with me since I ''remind her of her son''.
I'll be 19 in a couple months,the only thing that made me look somewhat older was my acne.Now that It's almolst gone and my face has bearly changed I look 14 again.Fuck.