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Theory Do white supremacists watch romcoms?



The Satoru Iwata of incels.is
Jul 10, 2018
It never made sense from a propaganda standpoint for white supremacists to glorify violence, fascism, the nuclear household, in order to recruit high quality whites into your cause. This only attracts bottom of the barrel whitecels that just want to cope with racial hatred and terrorism. Whites that will never amount to anything and perpetuate the cycle of white loserdom.

Now this is white propaganda:

2024 02 08 12 20 47 friends   Google Search  Mozilla Firefox

2024 02 08 12 21 07 gilmore girls   Google Search  Mozilla Firefox

If I were I white, I would not focus on making the nation an ethnostate. That's just silly. You've got to start smaller. You've got to focus on just keeping white areas HUUUWHITE, and gentrifying urban areas, so that one day NEW YORK is Friends white. You don't attempt an ethnostate until NEW YORK IS FRIENDS WHITE. Because once you've captured the cosmopolitans into the chicness of white culture, only then would you have moral leverage over the rest of the country-- suddenly, it's the nonwhites that are the dumb backwards non-progressive 'phobes.' Don't they know whiteness is brightness :foidSoy:

Having said that gay ass coffee shops that charge $8 a latte is your FRIEND not your foe. White supremacists shoot themselves in the foot for not recognizing very white things they can use to further the white cause just because its kinda gay. The very first people you want to recruit in a white supremacy movement are WOMEN not other violent white incel extremists. And you can't do that without faggty coffee shops that sell the romcom life. I would also not make enemies out of jews. Jews look white enough, they'd make much better allies than enemies, if you want to have a nation full of white looking people. You simply have to outjew jews by getting them to accept this cozy propaganda-- let them know they are welcome. Thru this benevolency, it's easier to divide the jews, as they have divided us, because increasingly jews are less of a monolith than you think.

You first want to spread propaganda of how awesome the racial demographics of white rom-coms are. It's great to have shows that have 9/10 cast members be attractive whites, and then the one token half black girl that has no speaking parts or gay asian manlet trying to cook books. Make 2003 Abercrombie cool again. Everyone in romcoms are so white and attractive and quirky. You have to sell this lifestyle of white freedom. The WHITE COZINESS that white women are BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED to want.

Having a token black friend, or a few minorities in the background is okay, so long as they remain asexual and never get uppity, or become the stars of the show. In fact having token minorities that dont ask too much should make white women in your in group feel progressive even. As the seasons progress, it becomes increasingly okay to make more and more racist jokes. But overall, the vibe should be white people are great, minorities are the butt of the joke, but be subtle about it, never be overtly genocidal or conspiratorial about it, so that women feel comfortable with their status as the jewel of the white racial crown :soy:

The idea is that things get slowly more white power over time, in the same way things got slowly more woke over time. Romcoms IMO are thematically key to making white supremacy more effective in their propaganda.
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Do black supremacists watch football?
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If it's an accurate representation of reality but lies outside of the Overton Window, is it still called propaganda? Cause that's how you are using the term.
Libcucks are just white supremacists who realized how much better it is to take roasties of all races rather than just their own.
Libcucks are just white supremacists who realized how much better it is to take roasties of all races rather than just their own.
no shit
No it isn't because besides half the cast being jews, so therefore race mixed with non europids, the shows themselves are full of hollywood style anglo-jewish propaganda and follow/define politically correct themes.
No it isn't because besides half the cast being jews, so therefore race mixed with non europids, the shows themselves are full of hollywood style anglo-jewish propaganda and follow/define politically correct themes.
It just seems to me that the white ethnostates depicted inside these romcoms is what a white utopia would look like. It's what a country with a white demography in it's cultural capital would look like. Scandinavian countries are already like this, but even then you still have white losers in these countries that feel squeezed out in a misplaced way.

Otherwise, what I think white incels want is ideally something closer culturally to Sharia Law but with white people. Otherwise, what would a Nazi run country look like under peacetime? It would probably be really repressive even for the men in charge. You will never feel comfort unless you are Chad is the bottom line.
It just seems to me that the white ethnostates depicted inside these romcoms is what a white utopia would look like. It's what a country with a white demography in it's cultural capital would look like. Scandinavian countries are already like this, but even then you still have white losers in these countries that feel squeezed out in a misplaced way.

Otherwise, what I think white incels want is ideally something closer culturally to Sharia Law but with white people. Otherwise, what would a Nazi run country look like under peacetime? It would probably be really repressive even for the men in charge. You will never feel comfort unless you are Chad is the bottom line.
LOL "a nazi run country"... National socialist Germany in peace time was basically a perfect state. Females were told to be mothers and housewifes and men got work, authority and pussy.

Also scandi countries are the opposite of a white utopia. They are leftist feminst gynocentric self destructive cuck countries which at this point are full of niggers and arabs.

Oh and like i said, those sitcoms are leftist jew infested garbage and half the actors (or more even) are not white, they are jews.
I do see eye to eye with the white nationalist on many many things and I do think multiculturalism is destructive towards the Western World however if you are never going to find a woman to love you you will never form a family you will never have children so what is the point in being so devoted to White nationalism it's a waste of time
It never made sense from a propaganda standpoint for white supremacists to glorify violence, fascism, the nuclear household, in order to recruit high quality whites into your cause. This only attracts bottom of the barrel whitecels that just want to cope with racial hatred and terrorism. Whites that will never amount to anything and perpetuate the cycle of white loserdom.

Now this is white propaganda:

View attachment 1059259
View attachment 1059260

and gentrifying urban areas, so that one day NEW YORK is Friends white.
a big prob is birthrates and urban areas always have bad birthrates.

this rest of this post is just retarded. are u ethnic?
It just seems to me that the white ethnostates depicted inside these romcoms is what a white utopia would look like
depends. u know someone can hold other ideas then just WN. some WN are christians and want a theocratic state with homosexuality being illegal. some want a democracy and are ok with fags. some others.
I do see eye to eye with the white nationalist on many many things and I do think multiculturalism is destructive towards the Western World however if you are never going to find a woman to love you you will never form a family you will never have children so what is the point in being so devoted to White nationalism it's a waste of time
no society that gives womens rights is going to survive. if any WN is relying on women in order to achieve what they want theyve already lost.
Only when the Romcom is Aryanmaxxed, where both individuals of a couple are white
no society that gives womens rights is going to survive. if any WN is relying on women in order to achieve what they want theyve already lost.
Which is why I gave up that nonsensical belief system a long time ago they're nothing but a bunch of White kkkNights blaming the world for their problems thinking they will excel with white foids most of them are single childless men with mental health issues who are at the bottom of the barrel and Society some of them do form families and live in their own little internet circles but in all reality I want to stay the fuck away from people that have a cult way of thinking that is not related to a debatable discussion if they are willing to talk about their ideology to me in a sane way that is fine but a lot of them treat it like it's a religion and that is crazy to me same thing with the Communist and the feminist and the anarchist and the black Nationalist and any other identity politics that is coming out of social media nowadays we at least look at life on how it is I love the black pill because it woke me up to what I was truly missing out on in life and why
Which is why I gave up that nonsensical belief system a long time ago they're nothing but a bunch of White kkkNights blaming the world for their problems thinking they will excel with white foids most of them are single childless men with mental health issues who are at the bottom of the barrel and Society some of them do form families and live in their own little internet circles but in all reality I want to stay the fuck away from people that have a cult way of thinking that is not related to a debatable discussion if they are willing to talk about their ideology to me in a sane way that is fine but a lot of them treat it like it's a religion and that is crazy to me same thing with the Communist and the feminist and the anarchist and the black Nationalist and any other identity politics that is coming out of social media nowadays we at least look at life on how it is I love the black pill because it woke me up to what I was truly missing out on in life and why
you should learn to put a periods.........
I want to stay the fuck away from people that have a cult way of thinking
people evolved to live in cult like environments not as individualist. whites are losing because we dont view life like a religion or a cult
most of them are single childless men
who knew that men who are retards dont trap themselves with a retarded female who will most likely indoctrinate there children to be kike loving retards and if he tries to do anything about it she can take them away.

sounds like your just a lazy nihilist.
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If it's an accurate representation of reality but lies outside of the Overton Window, is it still called propaganda? Cause that's how you are using the term.
im no liberal but when they say its propaganda i think what they mean is that blacks arent more violent because of their race but because theyve been historically oppressed and denied access to things that would make them ascend
im no liberal but when they say its propaganda i think what they mean is that blacks arent more violent because of their race but because theyve been historically oppressed and denied access to things that would make them ascend
yeah, that is called "being wrong" or "falling for ideological propaganda and social desirability biases"
you should learn to put a periods.........

people evolved to live in cult like environments not as individualist. whites are losing because we dont view life like a religion or a cult

who knew that men who are retards dont trap themselves with a retarded female who will most likely indoctrinate there children to be kike loving retards and if he tries to do anything about it she can take them away.

sounds like your just a lazy nihilist.
I agree with you to an extent it's better to view reality as is then live in a fairy tale where all humans are created equal like the retards believe
Friends are a bunch of feminized men
You don't seem to understand what fascism is go back to Reddit

Friends is not white propaganda it's just made in another era

due to
Entertainment industry not being taken over by wokes and twitter users

Friends has very less diversity

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