Yea, but the idea doesn't do shit. You have to put in tons of work but I can give you a multi-billion dollar idea right now. I told everybody in my life to invest in Citigroup when it was $1.21 a share and told them how it could not fail, and if it did, their money would be worthless anyways. Look at its' price (hint, it's probably $50-75). Nobody did it btw, and they knew I was a genius and hate me for it. The lack of respect and levels of abuse are insane.
Genius idea: Chipotle can have high quality food because it cuts its meat into small cubes which allows it to cook it faster and more easily. Thus the steak and chicken is far better than McDonalds, etc. They can use cheap labor, etc. So the idea is fast food, but high quality.
So just have a restaurant based on Deep Frying. Have $8-15 dollar meals, maybe even up to $30. Put the restaurants in places where tons of high end workers are (downtown, bank districts, wealthy suburbs, etc), so they use it for lunch break. You can use high quality meats, pork chops, chicken breasts, cubes of steak up to filet minion, shrimp, lobster, etc. Deep fry it and serve it with high quality but ready-made salads, w/ blueberries and shit in it. You could also do fries as again, it's cheap and deep fried.
So you don't have to pay your employees jack shit (minimum wage, hot teenage girls for employees - it's 'illegal to discriminate' but some restaurants have far more cute girls than others, so there must be a marketing strategy), you're selling top-tier, dine-in restaurant food (just have a timer on the deep-fryer to prevent lawsuits and they can ask for rare and shit). Give them their food right away (serve 'em at the table like BK or Culvers, will take like 2-3 minutes), no tips needed, and rake in tons of money from the quality of the meat you use. You don't need chefs or anything. Cooking is about timing unless you are pan frying or doing something fancy. Use pre-made seasoning that is bomb as fuck in the batter.
Hip, trendy, bomb deserts like fried ice cream, indie music, call the restaurant Jackson's.
>implying society today is smart enough to buy inventions from genius incels
you could invent the cure for cancer but because you're ugly their prejudice would make them blind
Until you die, then you become the next Van Gogh or Nietzsche. They become too jealous or insecure until you're gone, then they can see you for you.