I know myself enough to know that I will get cold feet when I land in Pattaya, getting there is the easy part, going out and talking to women even prostitutes will be difficult. I will second guess myself constantly, I will chicken out and high inhib myself out of going out. I will feel anxious and terrible and I will get a headache.
I know all of this will happen. I am enslaved to my body. I must destroy this part of myself. I must put an end to it. This is unacceptable, I do not want to live out my life as a slave to my biology any longer. I must destroy and annihilate my mind.
I am going to indulge myself in mix of psychedelic, shamanic rituals from the explorers guild in United Kingdom, they released some of it unofficially, a heavy dose of pseudo-science with meditative paralysis, etc. I will destroy my current self. But as the prelude to this I must willingly overcome my slavery or I will never get over it.