Just a reminder that you will never have a tradwife and that you would make an absolute embarrasment out of your ideology if you ever told normies about it.
Normies are NPC’s whose opinions are given to them by Jews and as a result endanger us all.
No one sane values their opinions at all.
They are dangerous retards that exist in large numbers that literally enable the Jews various psychopathic agendas.
All that said Jew mass media control determines completely what the retard NPC public thinks of any person and their ideology.
If I controlled the mass media I could promote people like us as sympathetic victims of the world who just need the slightest bit of love at all from both a kind girl and a generous public to truly thrive.
I’d make heart wrenching documentaries about our struggles of loneliness among other things and have paid actors standing in as normies strategically say good and positive things about us at times in the documentary that make us look noble and like unsung heroes (the purpose of which would be to train the idiot public how they should treat us) and before long ie no time at all we’d be the most popular people on earth.
Lastly do you honestly think that lisping barely closeted homosexual Richard Spencer makes pro white ideology “look good”?
I’ll answer that question for you...
Of course he doesn’t which is why the Jews portrayed him as the leader of people with views such as myself for so long meanwhile the real individuals that I’d consider leaders to truly follow into battle ideological or otherwise are either unknown or marginalized all by Jewish design and intent.
For example you’ll never see a Fox Jews or Communist News Network fair and balanced live or taped round table town hall debate or even just a plain old discussion featuring say Scott Roberts, Varg Vikernes, Tom Metzger, Kevin Alfred Strom and John Kaminski vs ZOG system toadies like Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Wolf Blitzer, Bill O’reilly and Sean Hannitty on race, Jews, the Holohoax, manufactured white guilt and a myriad of other important subjects.
All that will ever be allowed on so called “mainstream” platforms is Jew bullshit.
Racemixing is about reproducting though, No one will care if you fuck a nigger cunt.
I’ll care which is why I will NEVER do this even were I presented the opportunity with the hottest negress on the planet that verifiably was medically proven to me to have zero STD’s.
I don’t care if any of you believe me or not but it’s the truth.
Millenials/Zoomers don’t understand the concept of having principles I’ve noticed so while I’ve just said the above I will reiterate what I’ve already said in this thread which is I accept if you cannot bring yourselves to believe me.
You (ie all of you) have no understanding of principles and were raised in this rotten and cynical Jewish society so I understand perfectly the low level of trust at play here.