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Do people find it difficult to look at you?



Jan 25, 2018
I notice hardly anyone ever keeps my gaze. Granted, I have a creepy stare. But even before I can start staring, as soon as they glance toward me and our eyes meet, they look away. If I have to interact with them, the situation is almost always awkward.

Recently I went to iHop with my Chad friend. We walked in, I was first to the podium thing where the waitress was standing but she addressed him and not me. It's like, I'm here, I'm ready to speak to you but you're going to talk to the dude behind me instead. She looked at me for one second and then is just best friends with him. She leads us to our table, just chatting away with my friend, still has said nothing to me, and we sit down. When she comes back to take our order she asked if we were ready. She glanced at me and I was already looking at her because she asked us a question. I opened my mouth and said "I'll have--" and she literally looked away, cut me the fuck off and started talking to my friend again.

Maybe she didn't hear me begin to speak, I'm very soft-spoken. And she averted her eyes so fast, maybe she didn't see my mouth open. Cope? Maybe. Anyway, she just fucking chats with my friend(and still hasn't even taken his order!) while I'm sitting there awkwardly holding my menu for about three minutes. He finally orders and when it's my turn, she just looks at me with her eyebrows raised like "well?" Well! You're a shitty waitress. I ordered and ate my fucking food, feeling super annoyed.

Even when I'm not getting mogged by my friend, people can't stand looking at me. Cashier at Walmart recently did everything she could not to look at me but I noticed she made lots of eye contact with the girls in front of me and spoke to them in a nice tone. She spoke to me too, asking me questions, but when I answered, the tone of her responses was not as enthusiastic, you could tell she was just humoring me. But points for at least humoring me, I guess.
its hard for people to look at me for more than 5 seconds
Ive no problem with dudes, women however tend to not look me in the eye, and when they do they look away often.
It srlsy pisses me off, I know im a subhuman, doesnt mean you shouldnt maintain proper eye contact.
WorldRulerAisha said:
its hard for people to look at me for more than 5 seconds

nanosecond for me
Yep, all the time. People are quite abrupt with me and I see them react to other people much more positively.
I'm subhuman and a walmart cashier went out of her way to talk to me, to the point I felt uncomfortable. She told me its cold out and I need to bundle up more. All smiles. Maybe she saw how pitiful I am and and felt bad.
Man, that's the worst feeling of all time. Knowing that they legitimately act caring and excited when talking to someone else, but when they talk to you it's a forced "I have to talk to you because it's my job" tone.

At iHop, did she come up again when you were eating to talk to Chad? Or was she gone after that?
KyloRen said:
Man, that's the worst feeling of all time. Knowing that they legitimately act caring and excited when talking to someone else, but when they talk to you it's a forced "I have to talk to you because it's my job" tone.

At iHop, did she come up again when you were eating to talk to Chad? Or was she gone after that?

She did a table check and asked if we were okay. Or rather, she asked Chad. She never looked at me.
They will just look slightly to see if I'm attractive and then look away.
Cynistic said:
Ive no problem with dudes, women however tend to not look me in the eye, and when they do they look away often.
It srlsy pisses me off, I know im a subhuman, doesnt mean you shouldnt maintain proper eye contact.

Most of the time I have no problem with dudes. Some will look away quickly but it's mostly old dudes. I'm black so maybe the old dudes are just kind of racist. Pretty much the only racists around here are old folks.
Chewbacca said:
She did a table check and asked if we were okay. Or rather, she asked Chad. She never looked at me.

Yeah, that's what I expected.
Chewbacca said:
Cynistic said:
Ive no problem with dudes, women however tend to not look me in the eye, and when they do they look away often.
It srlsy pisses me off, I know im a subhuman, doesnt mean you shouldnt maintain proper eye contact.
Most of the time I have no problem with dudes. Some will look away quickly but it's mostly old dudes. I'm black so maybe the old dudes are just kind of racist. Pretty much the only racists around here are old folks.

Racists are dumb as fuck anyway, dont waste your time on them.
KyloRen said:
Yeah, that's what I expected.

Such is life when you're unattractive.

Cynistic said:
Racists are dumb as fuck anyway, dont waste your time on them.

Agreed. Racists can eat shit. The way I see it, they hate blacks(or whichever race). I know when I hate someone, I feel salty as fuck and just negative all around, especially when I have to be near them. I don't feel good, that's for sure. So, racists are probably fucking miserable being surrounded by what they hate. They can wallow in their misery, I'll go on not giving a fuck.

I will say this, though. I totally understand hating niggers. Even I hate niggers. The hatred is deserved. But I never hate anyone for the color of their skin, only the way they act.
Chewbacca said:
Such is life when you're unattractive.


ya girls will cringe if they look at me
It annoys me when they look more than 1 time.
Nobody keeps eye contact for longer than a split second unless I hide my nose somehow. Fuark these shallow femoids.
There is no in-between. Either people look at me in the eye and never look away or they don't look at me at all.
Women never make eye contact with me. I'm subhuman. I just keep my head down wherever I go because I know my place in society as an ugly male.
DestroyedLife said:
It annoys me when they look more than 1 time.

Do you mean in a like, "was that guy really that ugly? -looks- yes" kind of way?
Did you tell your friend about it? You should have.
Chewbacca said:
Do you mean in a like, "was that guy really that ugly? -looks- yes" kind of way?

No, they don´t have a shocked stare, more a neutral expression.
Did you tell your friend about it? You should have.

Tell him about the woman ignoring me? Wouldn't do any good. She'd still ignore me and he'd still mog me everywhere we go. It would just happen again.
Chewbacca said:
Did you tell your friend about it? You should have.
Tell him about the woman ignoring me? Wouldn't do any good. She'd still ignore me and he'd still mog me everywhere we go. It would just happen again.

Yeah, but at least you would blackpill your good looking friend.
i have the opposite problem, everyone stares at me literally the entire time while talking and i can not meet their glance for more than 1 second. i'd say it's a lot more awkward, probably look like a demented aspie.

that's fucking brutal dude holy shit. how did you not go ER yet? i legitimately feel sad for you reading these stories.

maybe you need to start acting more aggressive, you mentioned you were black a while ago, trust me no one will want to fuck with you if you at least start raising your voice a little more and being more roughly spoken. these cunts are clearly taking advantage of you at this point in time and you need to show them that they are wrong in assuming that they can just do that type of shit and get away with it.
no someone said youre ugly but its hard to not look at you because of how ugly you are

i wish i could acid face her :)
Yeah, but at least you would blackpill your good looking friend.

My friend is mental. He's blackpilled a little but he has issues and goes back to his bluepill ways. He's Chadly and gets sex whenever he wants. But he wants love. He's a lovable guy, any girl would be lucky to have him. Even Chad gets cucked and cheated on, though. He had the nerve to say to me "maybe I'm incel" a few weeks back. I told him no he fucking isn't and there's not much wrong with him, he just keeps finding worthless cunts to be with. Even Chad is blaming himself instead of women and their degenerate ways. My friend infuriates me sometimes.

whogivesafucc said:
i have the opposite problem, everyone stares at me literally the entire time while talking and i can not meet their glance for more than 1 second. i'd say it's a lot more awkward, probably look like a demented aspie.

that's fucking brutal dude holy shit. how did you not go ER yet? i legitimately feel sad for you reading these stories.

maybe you need to start acting more aggressive, you mentioned you were black a while ago, trust me no one will want to fuck with you if you at least start raising your voice a little more and being more roughly spoken. these cunts are clearly taking advantage of you at this point in time and you need to show them that they are wrong in assuming that they can just do that type of shit and get away with it.

I feel like I shouldn't be more aggressive/assertive because people are already wary of me. I make them nervous. I'm kind of tall, I have a wide frame(sorry, I'm not bragging, I'm just saying big is intimidating) and I don't want to be intimidating. I don't necessarily want to look inviting, but I don't want to scare people away. Unfortunately I end up doing that anyway because I'm just creepy and have this weird gaze. Plus I have resting "something is wrong face." Constantly being asked what's wrong. My face. That's what's wrong.
Chewbacca said:
My friend is mental. He's blackpilled a little but he has issues and goes back to his bluepill ways. He's Chadly and gets sex whenever he wants. But he wants love. He's a lovable guy, any girl would be lucky to have him. Even Chad gets cucked and cheated on, though. He had the nerve to say to me "maybe I'm incel" a few weeks back. I told him no he fucking isn't and there's not much wrong with him, he just keeps finding worthless cunts to be with. Even Chad is blaming himself instead of women and their degenerate ways. My friend infuriates me sometimes.

If he gets cheated on, I doubt he's truly a Chad. Maybe he's a Chad-lite and you are mistaking him for a Chad. Do you have any pictures you could PM?
If he gets cheated on, I doubt he's truly a Chad. Maybe he's a Chad-lite and you are mistaking him for a Chad. Do you have any pictures you could PM?

Well, my rating system is generous, I guess. I often rate people higher because I have weird taste and they don't look that bad to me. He looks good enough to have women ogle him and flirt with him all the time. Even chubby, he's had mutliple girlfriends and lays. I'd say 95 percent of the girls he's gone for have fucked him. He's probably Chadlite because he's chubby and has trouble keeping weight off due to his medication. When fit, he looks like a dark haired Justin Bieber. He's got pretty boy looks when he's slim. Like a punk Bieber with a mohawk.

Definitely mogs me on every level. I remember years back, he was going through all this drama with his hoes and he looks at me after rejecting a girl. He hung up the phone and said "do you realize I'm only single if I want to be?" It was hell being around him back in the day because he was cocky as shit. He would literally see his reflection and say "Damn I look good." Women destroyed him though now he's a bluepilled cuck. But I also blame his mental issues too. He's crazy.

I'll ask him about the pic thing.
Chewbacca said:
If he gets cheated on, I doubt he's truly a Chad. Maybe he's a Chad-lite and you are mistaking him for a Chad. Do you have any pictures you could PM?
Well, my rating system is generous, I guess. I often rate people higher because I have weird taste and they don't look that bad to me. He looks good enough to have women ogle him and flirt with him all the time. Even chubby, he's had mutliple girlfriends and lays. I'd say 95 percent of the girls he's gone for have fucked him. He's probably Chadlite because he's chubby and has trouble keeping weight off due to his medication. When fit, he looks like a dark haired Justin Bieber. He's got pretty boy looks when he's slim. Like a punk Bieber with a mohawk.
Definitely mogs me on every level. I remember years back, he was going through all this drama with his hoes and he looks at me after rejecting a girl. He hung up the phone and said "do you realize I'm only single if I want to be?" It was hell being around him back in the day because he was cocky as shit. He would literally see his reflection and say "Damn I look good." Women destroyed him though now he's a bluepilled cuck. But I also blame his mental issues too. He's crazy.
I'll ask him about the pic thing.

Make sure to tell him you're sending it to somebody who doesn't leak it, and is just curious to see what he looks like. Anyway, I think Chad-lite is definitely the case, but still, he mogs the shit out of the rest of us. What makes him crazy?
Make sure to tell him you're sending it to somebody who doesn't leak it, and is just curious to see what he looks like. Anyway, I think Chad-lite is definitely the case, but still, he mogs the shit out of the rest of us. What makes him crazy?

He has bad anxiety and legit schizophrenia. He's also autistic to boot(his mom was a paint huffer and meth head when pregnant with him). Poor dude, though. His panic attacks and schizophrenia are bad. He'll think he's dying and call the ambulance.
Chewbacca said:
Make sure to tell him you're sending it to somebody who doesn't leak it, and is just curious to see what he looks like. Anyway, I think Chad-lite is definitely the case, but still, he mogs the shit out of the rest of us. What makes him crazy?
He has bad anxiety and legit schizophrenia. He's also autistic to boot(his mom was a paint huffer and meth head when pregnant with him). Poor dude, though. His panic attacks and schizophrenia are bad. He'll think he's dying and call the ambulance.
I don't think he wants you to show me his picture.
I don't think he wants you to show me his picture.

Why, you think he'll freak out about it or something?
Chewbacca said:
Why, you think he'll freak out about it or something?
You already said he's legit schizophrenic. He's probably gonna think he'll see his face everywhere online, that he's being watched.
You already said he's legit schizophrenic. He's probably gonna think he'll see his face everywhere online, that he's being watched.

He does have audio and visual delusions but it's usually very specific. His dead relatives, demons, random voices.
Chewbacca said:
You already said he's legit schizophrenic. He's probably gonna think he'll see his face everywhere online, that he's being watched.
He does have audio and visual delusions but it's usually very specific. His dead relatives, demons, random voices.
I wish I could have visual delusions of demons. That's awesome.
I wish I could have visual delusions of demons. That's awesome.

That kind of thing would scare the shit out of me. It scares me when he talks about it. But I'm a pussy. I've seen weird shit and I hate when he tells me he's hearing or seeing something. It definitely scares him, he'll fucking take off running. Lol @ me because my ass always runs with him.
Women don't look at me. Maybe like 1/100
Chewbacca said:
That kind of thing would scare the shit out of me. It scares me when he talks about it. But I'm a pussy. I've seen weird shit and I hate when he tells me he's hearing or seeing something. It definitely scares him, he'll fucking take off running. Lol @ me because my ass always runs with him.

Maybe the difference between you and I is that I am a big fan of horror movies haha, so I'm kind of weird like that. I mean, I'm the same guy who prefers to have nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, I haven't had one in a good while... Even watching horror movies before I sleep doesn't work. Ugh.
Maybe the difference between you and I is that I am a big fan of horror movies haha, so I'm kind of weird like that. I mean, I'm the same guy who prefers to have nightmares. Speaking of nightmares, I haven't had one in a good while... Even watching horror movies before I sleep doesn't work. Ugh.

I can't handle a lot of horror movies. Also, I would give you my ability to have nightmares almost every night if I could. You'd probably get more enjoyment out of it than I.
Chewbacca said:
I can't handle a lot of horror movies. Also, I would give you my ability to have nightmares almost every night if I could. You'd probably get more enjoyment out of it than I.

I most certainly would. What kind of horror movies have you watched? Which one was the scariest? I won't be recommending you any, let alone Japanese horror movies.
I most certainly would. What kind of horror movies have you watched? Which one was the scariest? I won't be recommending you any, let alone Japanese horror movies.

I watched them the most when I was a kid. I've seen so many shitty B and C seventies/eighties flicks. One that scared me for years and actually made me a little mental was Bad Moon. I saw it when I was like six. I was terrified of werewolves being real up until I was about fourteen. A recent one I watched was the Ritual. I thought that was extremely scary. I go camping and hiking often so it was easy to imagine myself in a creepy situation like that. What is one that really scared you?

Also, should I make a separate thread? Not sure if it's bad etiquette to post off topic in a thread or not.
Chewbacca said:
I watched them the most when I was a kid. I've seen so many shitty B and C seventies/eighties flicks. One that scared me for years and actually made me a little mental was Bad Moon. I saw it when I was like six. I was terrified of werewolves being real up until I was about fourteen. A recent one I watched was the Ritual. I thought that was extremely scary. I go camping and hiking often so it was easy to imagine myself in a creepy situation like that. What is one that really scared you?

Also, should I make a separate thread? Not sure if it's bad etiquette to post off topic in a thread or not.

Meh, it's fine honestly. You can always PM me though but I think derailing the thread is fine as long as it doesn't turn into a flame war. The Ritual is actually on my to watchlist, so thanks for reminding me. The ones that really creeped me out were Japanese horror movies like Ju-on: The Grudge, Noroi: the Curse, Shutter (Thai) and A Tale of Two Sisters (South Korean). I'd say the South Korean horror movie is actually more than that, so definitely give it a watch. It's considered a masterpiece by those who have seen it, including yours truly.
Meh, it's fine honestly. You can always PM me though but I think derailing the thread is fine as long as it doesn't turn into a flame war. The Ritual is actually on my to watchlist, so thanks for reminding me. The ones that really creeped me out were Japanese horror movies like Ju-on: The Grudge, Noroi: the Curse, Shutter (Thai) and A Tale of Two Sisters (South Korean). I'd say the South Korean horror movie is actually more than that, so definitely give it a watch. It's considered a masterpiece by those who have seen it, including yours truly.

Okay, cool. I'll give those a looksee sometime. I'm not the biggest fan of horror but I can still enjoy some for sure. So what's the last nightmare you had, and was it because of a horror movie?
Chewbacca said:
Okay, cool. I'll give those a looksee sometime. I'm not the biggest fan of horror but I can still enjoy some for sure. So what's the last nightmare you had, and was it because of a horror movie?

I honestly don't remember my last nightmare, but I do remember having horror-influenced dreams. Mainly Ju-on. Like, I remember laying in my bed, and the ghost from Ju-on peering through the glass frame right above my room's door, which meant she was floating. It was scary af. In my dream I was like "What did I do last time this happened?" (As if it ever happened before, it was the first time.) So I closed my eyes as hard as I could, and put my hands on my face, just like the main character does in the horror movie at the end. Then I woke up. What was yours? I also remember another Ju-on inspired nightmare. But you will only get that one if you watched it.
I honestly don't remember my last nightmare, but I do remember having horror-influenced dreams. Mainly Ju-on. Like, I remember laying in my bed, and the ghost from Ju-on peering through the glass frame right above my room's door, which meant she was floating. It was scary af. In my dream I was like "What did I do last time this happened?" (As if it ever happened before, it was the first time.) So I closed my eyes as hard as I could, and put my hands on my face, just like the main character does in the horror movie at the end. Then I woke up. What was yours? I also remember another Ju-on inspired nightmare. But you will only get that one if you watched it.

That sounds creepy as hell. Thankfully I don't recall having any dreams as weird as that. My dreams are usually reoccurring. They're never the same exact dream, as small details are always different. But it's basically the same dream. I dream about oceans, tsunamis, tornados, being lost in huge buildings frantically trying to find my way out. But those are run of the mill, I've had those for years. The scariest ones are the random ones. Like once I dreamed I was in bed and felt like something was going to come get me. The fear was overwhelming and in the dream I ended up falling out of bed onto the floor. I could feel a presence coming for me and I was desperate for help. I fucking called out "Satan, save me." I woke up immediately after this. I'm religious so it was particularly scary to me.
Chewbacca said:
That sounds creepy as hell. Thankfully I don't recall having any dreams as weird as that. My dreams are usually reoccurring. They're never the same exact dream, as small details are always different. But it's basically the same dream. I dream about oceans, tsunamis, tornados, being lost in huge buildings frantically trying to find my way out. But those are run of the mill, I've had those for years. The scariest ones are the random ones. Like once I dreamed I was in bed and felt like something was going to come get me. The fear was overwhelming and in the dream I ended up falling out of bed onto the floor. I could feel a presence coming for me and I was desperate for help. I fucking called out "Satan, save me." I woke up immediately after this. I'm religious so it was particularly scary to me.

You asked for Satan to save you? Oh boy haha. Yeah my dream was definitely creepy and realistic. What about any good dreams? The best one I had was this one.. I was laying on my back on a cloud, sky high, and I saw a rainbow and I passed it by. The dream was gorgeous to say the least.
You asked for Satan to save you? Oh boy haha. Yeah my dream was definitely creepy and realistic. What about any good dreams? The best one I had was this one.. I was laying on my back on a cloud, sky high, and I saw a rainbow and I passed it by. The dream was gorgeous to say the least.

Best dream was probably a sex dream.

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