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SuicideFuel Do not watch this video if you are asian. [LifeFuel] if you are white

Damn I feel so bad for asian males wdf. This is next level of self hate from asian females JFL.
Women’s unattractive towards East Asians is entirely based on height.
lifefuel for us whitecels

get half a chub thinking about how they want the BWC
This has got to be the 5th thread dedicated to this video. Good video nonetheless
same tbh :D


probably sends ricecels into a rage but it gives me hope
also many times they mentioned that they like a big dick. you literally have to have it all to totally please a woman.
Good for Chad. They only want 8+ whites anyway.
also many times they mentioned that they like a big dick. you literally have to have it all to totally please a woman.
no matter how big you are as long as you are not asian or curry yours will probably be bigger
5'4 asian here dont care about anything at this point, ill just go wageslave moneymax then escortcel. perfect for 500th post
Too bad Asian women are even uglier than the ugliest white women. Flat-faced, piggy insectoids. Yuck!
Only lasted 3 minutes
Good video. It's not really accurate though

1) Asians in the west explained: https://incels.is/threads/asian-women-may-be-the-most-loyal-race-to-their-men-in-the-west.77807/

2) Asian girls in Asia like western guys a lot more but Asian guys still have a good chance of marrying their looksmatch so not nearly as bad as life as an incel in the west.
You know what? I doubted you Zesto I really did. But I guess you got it man, go to Asia. Have fun bro.

Other than that, I’m not even Asian and I fucking hate them so much rn. Fucking despicable cunts
NoodleWHORES are bigger race traitors then the French woman during WWII's occupation of France.
You know what? I doubted you Zesto I really did. But I guess you got it man, go to Asia. Have fun bro.

Other than that, I’m not even Asian and I fucking hate them so much rn. Fucking despicable cunts


Believe It
I think you mean white women.
Those French woman were were sucking German sausages for extra privilage totally disregarding that these same people have captured and killed their own fathers, brothers, sons and husband. And that wasAnd way before any social network or instant validation device.At least some Eastern European slavic woman still maintains traditionalism although the number is dwindling.
10 seconds in and a bitch already mentioned height. fuck this world
0:56 Its over for me :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Too bad Asian women are even uglier than the ugliest white women. Flat-faced, piggy insectoids. Yuck!
yes some of those woman were plain and unattractive and they crave white men. if they had kids with those white men would probably turn out ugly because of her.

probably sends ricecels into a rage but it gives me hope

That's a chadlite, that's way over the board. A white torso is more than enough to shag a noodlewhore --

That's a chadlite, that's way over the board. A white torso is more than enough to shag a noodlewhore --


I don't understand how there's all these guys with horrible physical deformities who can get girlfriends, wives, sex, etc and yet here we are rotting. Sometimes I think that maybe looks theory isn't 100% accurate all the time.
I don't understand how there's all these guys with horrible physical deformities who can get girlfriends, wives, sex, etc and yet here we are rotting. Sometimes I think that maybe looks theory isn't 100% accurate all the time.
virtue signalling.
I am not attracted to Oriental Women.
I don't understand how there's all these guys with horrible physical deformities who can get girlfriends, wives, sex, etc and yet here we are rotting. Sometimes I think that maybe looks theory isn't 100% accurate all the time.
That's not looks theory, that's called Just Be White (JBW) theory. Noodlewhore shags anything that is white, even a white ceramic urinal is good for them.
I don't understand how there's all these guys with horrible physical deformities who can get girlfriends, wives, sex, etc and yet here we are rotting. Sometimes I think that maybe looks theory isn't 100% accurate all the time.
jbw theory is always accurate in asia
NoodleWHORES are bigger race traitors then the French woman during WWII's occupation of France.
French and German people are both white. The countries are right next to each other for crying out loud.
French and German people are both white. The countries are right next to each other for crying out loud.
not sure if i'd even consider french people human...
I've never seen foids show disdain to men of their own race as much as noodlewhores.
Where I live, a blind man can see what's going on. All the curry and oriental foids chose tall white chads. I've been to ethnic friends houses with divorced parents and always saw these oriental and curry foids marrying taller, wealthier, and younger chads who've turned to complete cucks. I'm an incel who's gone his own way. Stay woke.
tfw white and even asian girls are repulsed by me. gg genetics
There a movie getting praise out there "all the boys I loved" or some bullshit like that.

The author (noodlewhore) insisted the MC was a noodlewhore as well because it was based on her life.
>gets tons of praise from sjws
>not one of her love interests is Asian
Im an Asiancel.
I left after 1 min
Your average day in Canada. It's gonna be hapa City over there
Where I live, a blind man can see what's going on. All the curry and oriental foids chose tall white chads. I've been to ethnic friends houses with divorced parents and always saw these oriental and curry foids marrying taller, wealthier, and younger chads who've turned to complete cucks. I'm an incel who's gone his own way. Stay woke.

Where do you live? What about Latinas?

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