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Do Incels have a say in their fate?



Dec 11, 2017
I'm not one to believe that things are set in stone, (fatalism) or anything like that.

But are some men just born to be losers? Like you take a look at this shit heap of a world, how is it fair that someone can reap the benefits of a chad lifestyle just by being born with god-tier genetics. It just makes you wonder if any of this shit is mapped out, I mean how many Incels can you say REALLY went on to become chadlites or slayers? Only one that comes to mind is Zyzz.
Incels never have a say in anything the only thing we can choose is death and even that is not a guarantee.
as long as youre able to make up for your inadequacies with extraordinary personality traits, sure, I believe it's possible.
retarded_dumbshit said:
as long as youre able to make up for your inadequacies with extraordinary personality traits, sure, I believe it's possible.

Do you think that god allowed us to choose what we looked like in an rpg and your past self decide it'd be funny to be hideous?
JUST LOL. Zyzz was never incel. He was always above average and never had trouble getting women, even before roids.
jagged0 said:
Do you think that god allowed us to choose what we looked like in an rpg and your past self decide it'd be funny to be hideous?

maybe. maybe we're just playing a videogame and the harder the difficulty, the more points you get, or maybe we were all collectively hitler in a past life and this is our punishment. who knows.
you really think Zyzz was incel? lol
yea idk if zyzz was an incel ... more volcel as an akward/skinny gamer .. who could probably still pull chicks that looksmatched him.

zyzz went from a mortal man to a God .... many of us just want to become a Man
I don't even know this zyz, but obviously no man is born to be loser

that should not even be a question if we lived in a righteous society
zyzz went from a cuck to a chad slayer.
he wasnt incel but he wasnt doing that well with women.
I mean cuck tier is the worst tier. His gf constantly body shamed him and told him he wasnt good enough
I rather be incel than an abused cuck.
CopingGymcel said:
JUST LOL. Zyzz was never incel. He was always above average and never had trouble getting women, even before roids.

He himself stated that him and his brother Chestbrah were losers in high school. If I recall, Z even said all he did was play WOW and shitpost on /b/ until he decided to make a change.
Most of our fates had already been sealed from the get-go.
Incels are doomed
malakai said:
He himself stated that him and his brother Chestbrah were losers in high school. If I recall, Z even said all he did was play WOW and shitpost on /b/ until he decided to make a change.

Why should we take his word for it though?
VLÖ said:
Why should we take his word for it though?

yeah sounds like the usual inspirational bullshit story someone uses to sell his shit to average guys and not just other chads.
The only say we have is in ending it with suicide.
Our shitty mindsets, obviously shaped by our negative experiences and awareness of our flaws, certainly don't help. I believe if we really forced ourselves to think positive and live life knowing we're all gonna die anyway, we'd make some progress. Posting on sites like this only sends our minds further down the rabbit hole.
Where there are winners, there are always losers.
Stupid thread

so many examples are posted here of subhumans somehow managing to beat their incel. And retard OP mentions Zyzz lol
nope, every man born in this world has a certain point of worth, this worth is 100 % calculated from looks. If you are an ugly male, you will never live as good of a life as a chad would.

to put it simpler, you worth as a male in this world depends on your looks.

And tbh zyzz was never incel, anyone who thinks he was is coping.

malakai said:
He himself stated that him and his brother Chestbrah were losers in high school. If I recall, Z even said all he did was play WOW and shitpost on /b/ until he decided to make a change.

he was a nerdy "loser", not an ugly nerdy loser, learn the difference.of course Women would of avoided him because he just sat and played WOW.
NekoStance said:
Stupid thread

so many examples are posted here of subhumans somehow managing to beat their incel. And retard OP mentions Zyzz lol

Who hurt you?
Not really. Maybe in the future. Current technology is too limited to significantly increase attractiveness. That being said there are outliers, e.g. people with severe dentofacial deformities that go up several points after surgery.
In todays society not really. The key problem is there are too many humans and many of them are expendable or replaceable.

When i hear storys from my grandma who lived here in germany through the rise of hitler and nazi germany until today it's quiet astonishing how different times were. The biggest disturbing issue for her is how bad and distrustful people have become. In the past she said there were just a few losers or some kind of anarchists who got into crime and gangs but the rest of the people were really nice to each other. Everyone lived together with each other, people were known for their trades, talents, skills and uniqueness and were appreaciated and respected for that, how you looked didn't matter much besides perhabs if you had a big deformity or something like that. When it came to dating you were pretty limited and only had the local area (town/city and a few villages arround it) as your dating market options and couples were pretty diverse. She told me storys of introvert and extroverts, ugly and beautiful , tall and small people who became couples.

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