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Serious Do ethnics on this site ACTUALLY hate white people?

Do ethnics on this site ACTUALLY hate white people?

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Jan 12, 2018
I've noticed alot of hate for whites on here and a lowkey race war going on as well with nazis targetting curries and blacks alike. I just can't get angry at white people and hate them tbh but shit like "Muh pale skin gets me bullied" does make me slightly hate them esp if they say it in a way like "you don't have to worry about sun burn brAH"
I've noticed alot of hate for whites on here and a lowkey race war going on as well with nazis targetting curries and blacks alike. I just can't get angry at white people and hate them tbh but shit like "Muh pale skin gets me bullied" does make me slightly hate them esp if they say it in a way like "you don't have to worry about sun burn brAH"

In terms of sex appeal, pale skin on a guy is BADDDD. There’s a reason why people say “tall, dark, and handsome.”
White = Ryu or Ken. A high tier ethnic can only ascend to Sagat or Dhalsim.
I don't hate white people lol but the racist ones I enjoy bashing.
i dont hate white people, i hate specific white people who come from a good socioeconomic background and a good neighbourhood, dont look bad but still complain as if their issues arent their own fault
No, because my fellow white here are incels.
Yes, they have it easier and still complain.
hate them? Lol worship them more like

stupid whites can't even smell the roses laid out before them

frustrated with them for that maybe
No, I wish I was white myself. I am jealous of them
Only the ones that mog me
In terms of sex appeal, pale skin on a guy is BADDDD. There’s a reason why people say “tall, dark, and handsome.”
This. Also, a man is supposed to be somewhat darker than the female he is with but I am genuinely more attracted to brown girls and even dark ones if they have nice hair/face.
Its not hate. I just think that they are in advantage in every aspect in life. No prejudices etc
Nope, I don't hate any group of (male) people.
The few white guys I've known in real life were all funny and cool guys. Don't hate them at all.
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No, i dont hate white people.

Just racist white people.
No not at all
No, in fact, I sympathize with them because they get attack by the mainstream media a lot just for being white. I actually hate racist neonazis tho
only the tards that watch CNN, think welfare is the answer, and want some swj disney sponsored cuck president are the ones that hate white people lol.
ethnics bully me in real life and on this forum
In terms of sex appeal, pale skin on a guy is BADDDD. There’s a reason why people say “tall, dark, and handsome.”
dark means dark brown or black hair and white skin you fucking retard white
I don't really like to put hate on a specific group. every person has their own personality so you can't judge an entire group of people based on one persons actions. Like lets say there's a white guy who hates black people and constantly makes negative comments about black people. Would i think he's a racist dickhead yes, would i think all whites are racist dickheads no.
If I were to be racist I would hate black people simply because I've been around more shitty black people than shitty white people.
hate them? Lol worship them more like

stupid whites can't even smell the roses laid out before them

frustrated with them for that maybe
I don't have any advantages in a western society

I hate white women though, I hate them so much..
No, in fact, I sympathize with them because they get attack by the mainstream media a lot just for being white. I actually hate racist neonazis tho

I agree that being white is easy mode in a lot of ways but the bad part is that we're losing ground socially. Whites are becoming Asians now, we're considered effeminate in comparison to hispanics, muslims, and blacks.

While it's definitely helped me I don't feel guilty at all for being white. I'm not a fucking cuck and I'm not going to jack off while Tyrone and Pablo fuck my girl because of slavery or whatever. Any other race would have done the same thing in our shoes. Ultimately, focusing on incels is more important because you'll inevitably get cucked by chads of your own race anyway.
Having to sit back like cucks while our countries get taken over by foreign cultures, constantly having our masculinity questioned and insulted, our own women turning against us by being the most likely to racemix and be feminists/SJWs, not being able to question anything or defend ourselves without being mocked mercilessly and called racist.

Truly life on easy mode.
Hating or loving any particular group based simply on their race/skin color is a massive cope. There's a reason why the people that care the most about such things are almost exclusively low status ugly males. I just hate all types of normies regardless of color.
I hate society and everyone who agrees with it
No. It's a European term referring to somebod with pale skin but dark hair and eyes... Basically a contrast.

Then why do I see guys called tall, dark, and handsome and they’re always tanned?
ethnics bully me in real life and on this forum
always see you trying to disprove JBW, i guess thats why ethnics hate you.
I highly resent white people on this forum who waste their time posting here while they could be out fucking hot ethnic girls. I would kill for just a day in their white body, I would at least fuck one ethnic girl that day. but instead they waste time posting here. I don't get it.
I don't hate any race of people. Hating a race of people just shows how much of a primitive Low IQ human being you are.
No, only the racists, white knight bluepilled soyboy beta cucks and cunts.
people are free to hate whoever they want

more power to them
they could be out fucking hot ethnic girls

Nobody wants ethnic girls or some gook Asian whore. 16 year old prime blonde Nordic / WASP / Slavic goddess, or you might as well jack off.
Nobody wants ethnic girls or some gook Asian whore. 16 year old prime blonde Nordic / WASP / Slavic goddess, or you might as well jack off.
fuck off volcel

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