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Do any of you guys even understand how disastrous it is for a mel to be virgin in 20s



Nov 10, 2017
I'm not sure if yous understand how galacticly our lives are different to those who are banging chicks they like weekly.

It is a fucking disaster, at this point if you are 22+ virgin, life doesnt make sense. You havent been with a girl even once LOL

If you havent scored that nerdy lovely girl you loved back in HS, it's a done deal.



Nah, many people come out of their shell and find their first relationships in early 20s. Can't see why sticking a piece of meat into a hole of meat a bit later should change your life that much and if it does then it's a very fickle life that one is living.

Now an incel at 40 is when it's truly over and rope is the only option.
I havent even kissed a girl yet and I'm 21, there is no way I will get sex.
LoveToArgue said:
Now an incel at 40 is when it's truly over and rope is the only option.

How about being a virgin at 30? Doesn't feel too good either, believe me.
modus_coperandi said:
How about being a virgin at 30? Doesn't feel too good either, believe me.
Bad, but still last hope here since most guys peak around this age with status, wealth while still not looking too old. Plus women are much easier in their 30's as they're done fucking chads so you can score a gf without worrying that she'll run away.
LoveToArgue said:
Now an incel at 40 is when it's truly over and rope is the only option.

I can rejoice then. Just a handful more years...
LoveToArgue said:
Bad, but still last hope here since most guys peak around this age with status, wealth while still not looking too old. Plus women are much easier in their 30's as they're done fucking chads so you can score a gf without worrying that she'll run away.

Fuck the fuck off. Male peak attractiveness is 17-26. Same as femoids. Just LOL @ believing beta buxing @ 30 to some worn out roastie who has zero lust for you is equivalent to young love and lust with and as an attractive person who has an innocent, wondrous view of the world and their life. If you miss out on fundamental experiences during your youth (16-26) your psyche is forever fucked up. You forever have a sense of failure and a hole inside you that you can never fill. @ 17 I felt like a God who could do anything. Now, at 31, I'm broken in every way and am counting down the days till rope.
if you're ethnic, don't expect to score with that QT redhead. Go for Shaniqua
LoveToArgue said:
Nah, many people come out of their shell and find their first relationships in early 20s. Can't see why sticking a piece of meat into a hole of meat a bit later should change your life that much and if it does then it's a very fickle life that one is living.

1. "Many" people? More like "some people". The majority find their first relationship before 20. Like 15 or 16 in my experience.
2. You lived through most of your youth, your best, most care free years alone. Teen love is a crucial formative experience you can never recreate afterwards.
3. Life becomes completely something else when you start working full time, so having a gf at that point is nowhere even close to teen love experience.
4. The woman won't look as good as when she was in her prime. Chances are she wouldn't even look at you when she was 18 like the others didn't.
5. You most likely will not be her first as she will be yours. Roast beef aside, she won't get as attached as you will. She most certainly "spent" more oxytocin on her previous bfs than she will on you.
There are some reasons.
It isn't over, you just fucking lie your ass off. Fake it until you make it.

That is how I got a girl willing to fuck me hard when I was 27. I just casually mentioned I had a girlfriend in the past (I didn't) and she basically took that as an ok to be all over me. It was so obvious that she wanted to fuck because everyone assumed she was my gf when we were in public and all of our friends thought we were fucking in secret. I didn't fuck her though because 1) I was a mentalcel and 2)I was on antidepressants that killed my libido.
existentialhack said:
Fuck the fuck off. Male peak attractiveness is 17-26. Same as femoids. Just LOL @ believing beta buxing @ 30 to some worn out roastie who has zero lust for you is equivalent to young love and lust with and as an attractive person who has an innocent, wondrous view of the world and their life. If you miss out on fundamental experiences during your youth (16-26) your psyche is forever fucked up. You forever have a sense of failure and a hole inside you that you can never fill. @ 17 I felt like a God who could do anything. Now, at 31, I'm broken in every way and am counting down the days till rope.

Sad but true. In your early twenties it's so easy to put on rose-tinted glasses and experience a world full of wonder. After the age of 30 every person you know (even normies) suddenly becomes pragmatic (best case) or miserable (worst case). And that's exactly the way all your relationships with women will be.
existentialhack said:
Fuck the fuck off. Male peak attractiveness is 17-26. Same as femoids. Just LOL @ believing beta buxing @ 30 to some worn out roastie who has zero lust for you is equivalent to young love and lust with and as an attractive person who has an innocent, wondrous view of the world and their life. If you miss out on fundamental experiences during your youth (16-26) your psyche is forever fucked up. You forever have a sense of failure and a hole inside you that you can never fill. @ 17 I felt like a God who could do anything. Now, at 31, I'm broken in every way and am counting down the days till rope.

You mean 12-18, this is where you should start your experience with women and if you didn't it's over. I mean you can still be a cuck and fuck a roastie who is not a virgin anymore but you'll forever miss the experience of slowly breaking the hymen of your cute and innocent 15yo girlfriend.
Yet no one gives a flying fuck, and everyone laughs and mocks you as your mental health spirals all the way down.
gay_fag said:
You mean 12-18, this is where you should start your experience with women and if you didn't it's over. I mean you can still be a cuck and fuck a roastie who is not a virgin anymore but you'll forever miss the experience of slowly breaking the hymen of your cute and innocent 15yo girlfriend.

No, my experience was that everything got reset at 16-17 when puberty ended. You can fail horribly from 12-16 and make up for it 16-19. Only degenerates are having sex before 16. But then I was dog ugly from 12-16 and chadlited at 17 so that likely colours my perspective. The difference between school and sixth form was incredible, though. All the barriers and social norms were destroyed. The popular were suddenly losers and the nerds were suddenly cool and anyone could socialise with or date/fuck anyone.
22 is bascially middle life for a man. After 30 you deteriorate and by the time you are 40 you are done for. Women can have insane sex between 14-60. That's like 46 years of happiness.

Being a virgin after 22 confirms your subhumanity. It's basically over in every way imaginable. Nothing is going to change over the years and things will get worse since the loneliness and futility will start eating you away. Even at a young age like 23 you look at couples and feel lile and old man whose years have passed by.

It's kinda sad realy how younget guys will feel older compared to their peers because they understand how over it is for them and that their future is darker than the present.
LoveToArgue said:
Nah, many people come out of their shell and find their first relationships in early 20s. Can't see why sticking a piece of meat into a hole of meat a bit later should change your life that much and if it does then it's a very fickle life that one is living.

Now an incel at 40 is when it's truly over and rope is the only option.
exactly, early 20s, im talking 22+. very few actually break out from it if they had disastrous experiences with females before. there is no coming out of the shell if you are ugly. you just are. you can come out of the shell if you fat or just socially retarded.

and yes sticking piece of meat into piece of meat what validates your purpose on this planet and makes you live healthy life.

modus_coperandi said:
How about being a virgin at 30? Doesn't feel too good either, believe me.

even my psychiatrist told me that after 30 its nearly impossible to do anything, EVEN FUCKING BLUEPILLED CUCKED PSYACHITRIST SAID THAT. FUCK, THATS SCARY AS SHIT.

avsky1 said:
if you're ethnic, don't expect to score with that QT redhead. Go for Shaniqua

Chick on photo is 18, she was my crush in HS, she's nerdy played all kinds of games, didnt go to parties and shit like that. Now shes like 27 and married.

existentialhack said:
No, my experience was that everything got reset at 16-17 when puberty ended. You can fail horribly from 12-16 and make up for it 16-19. Only degenerates are having sex before 16. But then I was dog ugly from 12-16 and chadlited at 17 so that likely colours my perspective. The difference between school and sixth form was incredible, though. All the barriers and social norms were destroyed. The popular were suddenly losers and the nerds were suddenly cool and anyone could socialise with or date/fuck anyone.

If you were bullied to oblivion you'll never be normal at age of 16 and have a healthy relationship. Bullying and rejections made me a very bitter, suicidal and mysoginistic 16 years old.
whogivesafucc said:
Yet no one gives a flying fuck, and everyone laughs and mocks you as your mental health spirals all the way down.

exactly this, noone of your peers relates or understands your situation, while they have fun and best time of their lives, you slowly deteriorate mentally, which brings in health decay. You become bitter and angrier day by day, you end up being text book 30 yo virgin.

blackcel said:
It isn't over, you just fucking lie your ass off. Fake it until you make it.

That is how I got a girl willing to fuck me hard when I was 27. I just casually mentioned I had a girlfriend in the past (I didn't) and she basically took that as an ok to be all over me. It was so obvious that she wanted to fuck because everyone assumed she was my gf when we were in public and all of our friends thought we were fucking in secret. I didn't fuck her though because 1) I was a mentalcel and 2)I was on antidepressants that killed my libido.

not sure what was the occasion, maybe she was whore, or she knew u had huge cock or some shit

modus_coperandi said:
Sad but true. In your early twenties it's so easy to put on rose-tinted glasses and experience a world full of wonder. After the age of 30 every person you know (even normies) suddenly becomes pragmatic (best case) or miserable (worst case). And that's exactly the way all your relationships with women will be.

thats one of the biggest blackpills ever. being 25 now, its like world is dull boring inexciting, youve seen too much shit, you arent energetic happy bluepilled. just few nights ago i remebered old times, how fucking hopeful and youthful i was back in hs or those years. shit fucking burns inside like 1000 suns.

Anon said:
22 is bascially middle life for a man. After 30 you deteriorate and by the time you are 40 you are done for. Women can have insane sex between 14-60. That's like 46 years of happiness.

Being a virgin after 22 confirms your subhumanity. It's basically over in every way imaginable. Nothing is going to change over the years and things will get worse since the loneliness and futility will start eating you away. Even at a young age like 23 you look at couples and feel lile and old man whose years have passed by.

It's kinda sad realy how younget guys will feel older compared to their peers because they understand how over it is for them and that their future is darker than the present.

things will only get worse cuz others elevate and you degrade, they develop and you deteriorate, they grow up and form their lives, while you are just sitting and watching life go by.

male peaks at 24-25, after that its deterioration, its age limit for hs chicks, its a bit older looking fella, its not easy fun and games.

in other words WE ARE FUCKED
dr-problematic said:
exactly this, noone of your peers relates or understands your situation, while they have fun and best time of their lives, you slowly deteriorate mentally, which brings in health decay. You become bitter and angrier day by day, you end up being text book 30 yo virgin.

not sure what was the occasion, maybe she was whore, or she knew u had huge cock or some shit

thats one of the biggest blackpills ever. being 25 now, its like world is dull boring inexciting, youve seen too much shit, you arent energetic happy bluepilled. just few nights ago i remebered old times, how fucking hopeful and youthful i was back in hs or those years. shit fucking burns inside like 1000 suns.

things will only get worse cuz others elevate and you degrade, they develop and you deteriorate, they grow up and form their lives, while you are just sitting and watching life go by.

male peaks at 24-25, after that its deterioration, its age limit for hs chicks, its a bit older looking fella, its not easy fun and games.

in other words WE ARE FUCKED

Life is gone man. It's truly gone and we never had a chance.
gay_fag said:
If you were bullied to oblivion you'll never be normal at age of 16 and have a healthy relationship. Bullying and rejections made me a very bitter, suicidal and mysoginistic 16 years old.

Perhaps. Was never really bullied so wouldn't know. But if puberty had made you into a Chad I'm sure you'd have recovered and probably romanticised your miserable youth, probably made some Youtube videos about it.
Anon said:
Life is gone man. It's truly gone and we never had a chance.

i cant cope with this, cant sleep now cuz of these thoughts, i start remembering hs times and shit, how time flew by so fast, how everything turned out to be so shit, why us, why this.

OP is legit as fuck

Mel even did a song about it
NekoStance said:
OP is legit as fuck

Mel even did a song about it

myea, fucking typo, meant male

dr-problematic said:
myea, fucking typo, meant male


Oh ok... 

In that case ignore my post. Sorry
Mel has no problem getting laid.
dr-problematic said:
i cant cope with this, cant sleep now cuz of these thoughts, i start remembering hs times and shit, how time flew by so fast, how everything turned out to be so shit, why us, why this.


Just fap
No shit, that's why death is our best friend
dr-problematic said:
not sure what was the occasion, maybe she was whore, or she knew u had huge cock or some shit

It was because she recently broke up with her boyfriend. She of course found a new one within a few months.
So my life is different. Fuck their metric.

I've replaced "get a gf" with "get a realdoll."

If you have a chance, great. If not, there's a lot more to go, so it's cope or rope.
dr-problematic said:
i cant cope with this, cant sleep now cuz of these thoughts, i start remembering hs times and shit, how time flew by so fast, how everything turned out to be so shit, why us, why this.


i know man

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