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News Dismantling a Narrative: A Breakdown of "My son is a hateful incel" by an Incel Forum Moderator



Nov 8, 2017
If you haven't read the story, it will be linked at the bottom of this post. I'm going to be breaking down and giving my thoughts on this story, but I'll give my summary of thoughts right now. This story reads like a script for a Hollywood incel movie and here's why: The incel in the story pretty much checks every stereotype about what the media and reddit thinks of incels:
  • Bad hygiene.
  • Spends all his time on his computer.
  • Bitter and miserable.
  • Doesn't shower.
  • Room stinks, doesn't clean living space.
  • Harasses women in real life.
This story is completely fabricated.


My boy, my oldest child, was so good when he was little, but something broke inside of him when he was a teenager.

My wife and I always accepted, loved, and encouraged him. We pushed him to work hard and treat people with respect. I don’t know where exactly we failed him but as a father I feel responsible for the thing he’s turned into.

The beginning of this story even sound sensationalized. He was always a "good boy" but something "broke inside of him when he was a teenager"? This framing already makes this story sound fabricated, probably written by someone that obsessed with incels.

It started when he was 14. He had began to become withdrawn and emotional. We chalked it up to teenaged mood swings. For some reason he was just so angsty and bitter all the time.

Honestly sounds like a typical teenage boy in modern times. Nothing out of the ordinary here, contrary to what this person says.

We were worried about his lack of social life and his over-reliance on his computer. He kind of hid himself in the online world so my wife and I began to limit his computer time, but he simply became more aggressive and confrontational.

Normal behavior. Natural response to be angry when things that you like doing are limited, so being mad about it is normal.

His hygiene was bad, and he was always confrontational when we told him to shower or do laundry. His room stank horribly and we eventually had a huge fight over it where he physically shoved my wife and called her a bitch, and eventually we got him to at least clean and air out his room regularly on the grounds that it was our house and if he couldn’t maintain his space he wouldn’t be entitled to it - essentially we got to the point where we told him he wouldn’t be allowed his worldly possessions or privacy unless he took care of the space we all shared. the room still smelled and he was still rude about cleaning it but we could tell him to get it clean and he would do it after that.

Bad hygiene, doesn't take showers: This part of the story sounds like it comes from a comment in a IncelTears post. What doesn't make sense to me is the "huge fight" part of this story. No person that is introverted and generally wants to be left alone would shove their mother and call her a "bitch". Incels would usually try to avoid confrontation like this, so a situation like this would never happen in the first place.

What many people don't understand is that many of us do live with our parents and we are clean for the most part. We keep our rooms clean, shower everyday and groom regularly. Many of us have jobs or go to school, so we can't leave the house looking or smelling bad. You can tell at this part of the story that this isn't written by a concerned father, but by a female overly obsessed with incels.

We ended up getting a call from his school saying that a female student felt harassed by him. We were shown messages where he continually badgered her to have sex with him, threatened to “punish” her for stringing him along, sending her unsolicited nudes, telling her some violent fantasies of his, and eventually just descending into some horrid rage-filled rant about how she is just another “whore” and other things.

We were shocked. We explained to him why this behaviour was unacceptable, and I explained to him that it was ok to be sexually active but his actions were toxic and abusive.

The first section of this part of the story makes it clear that my previous assumption is correct. No socially awkward guy would badger a female student for sex and "threaten to punish her for stringing him along." Nor would he send her unsolicited nudes or tell her violent fantasies. They think this is the way we act in real life, but we can call out this bullshit because it simply wouldn't happen like this in real life.

We tend to not be confrontational when in public so you can tell that this part of the story is complete fiction. They try to mix in NiceGuy stuff in with incel posts on this forum and it comes out sounding very unbelievable and fake. No real person talks or acts like this, period.

I tried mentoring him man-to-man, taking him on camping trips and whatnot and talking to him about women and girls and trying to give him advice. I suggested he try showering, changing up his hair and facial hair styles, trying out different fashion styles, maybe going to the gym.

I told him some hard truths - that he doesn’t want a gross woman so he shouldn’t be a gross man. By gross I mean hygiene and looks. I explained to him that good looks are more hygiene and self care than genetics but he refused to accept what I said to him.

"I suggested he try showering, changing up his hair and facial hair styles, trying out different fashion styles, maybe going to the gym."

This is all stereotypical advice usually given to incels. This story was created to reinforce this narrative about how all incels are disgusting, misogynistic pigs that don't take showers and don't take care of themselves, and I realized that when I got to this point in the story. I don't even have to explain to this person that good looks is mostly genetics and self care and hygiene has little to do with it. There's homeless good looking men that have lots of success with women, many of which that probably don't groom themselves every day so this is a bluepilled line of thinking.

After that I caught him sniffing his sister’s panties in the laundry room - she was 12 at the time and he was 17. He assured me it had nothing to do with his sister, he said he just had a panty sniffing fetish and he pretended they belonged to girls from porno videos, but still I gave him hell for it, and he was grounded and lost his computer for 6 months. I went through his computer and I was disgusted by the kinds of hateful, racist, incel forums he frequented, the horrid things he said about women, and his save file was full of cartoon porn with girls of questionable ages. I wiped the hard drive completely and began strictly monitoring his online activity. I used parental filters to block incel sites and and porn sites that hosted cartoon porn.

Grounded for 6 months for sniffing his 12 year old sister panties? This didn't happen at all. This is the most unbelievable part of this story because it paints this person as this extreme stereotypical incel and pedophile. I would think that the parents would've done more in this situation, which is the main reason why I think this is fabricated. This story attempts to cast all incels in the worst possible light with an extreme case that didn't actually happen at all, and it's pretty disgusting and dishonest. It attempts to take the worst from this forum and attempts to put it all into one person.

Also, how would you know what to look for on his computer? Incels wasn't really a big thing until earlier this year, which makes this part even more unbelievable. Then the author throws in something about a "save file" being full of loli porn. Author doesn't really understand how computer works so it's unlikely that they would have the knowledge to go through a computer and find these things in the first place. Made up and fake.

The next big issue was something he did to my daughter’s friend. My daughter is 5 years his junior, and one day after a sleepover, my daughter came to me and said her friend wanted to tell me something but was afraid of what I would say.

My son cornered this 13 year old girl and physically blocked her path and touched her hair and face while making very inappropriate comments about her body and asking her if she liked to sleep naked and what kind of underwear she wore.

I tore into my son for that, my wife and I both shouted at him, and told him his behaviour was horrible and I told him then that if his actions got him arrested I would not defend him. He accused us of not loving him, but I told him the reason I was so passionately angry in that situation is because I do love him, and I want to help him become a good man so he can stop being so predatory and bitter and miserable. I told him some hard truths. That he did this all to himself and that he is the only one he can blame for how bitter he is.

Didn't happen so there's no point in me repeating myself, but I will address the second part of this. Does this part remind you of something?

bitter and miserable

"Incels need to stop being so miserable and bitter. They only have themselves to blame for their situations."

Lol. This didn't happen, moving on.

I invited my daughters friend over after and I personally apologized to her for her experiences, I cried in shame for my son’s behaviour and begged her forgiveness for allowing her to feel unsafe in my home and promised her that if she ever felt uncomfortable she could come to my wife and I and we would always believe and help her. Luckily, my daughter didn’t lose this friend, but for safety I installed a lock on my daughter’s door.

What would installing a lock on a door would have done in this situation? That doesn't make sense. Fake, fake and fake.

Warning: I am going to be skipping a few parts of the story for the sake of keeping this thread from going over 50,000 characters.

We got my son therapy but he refused to engage with the therapist, calling him a “sand nigger” and “pajeet” and “terrorist”. His next therapist was a “chad”, so he didn’t relate to that either.

We fought about him not trying, not getting a job, and he said he couldn’t get one because of the immigrants, to which I pointed out that he was struggling because he got fired from his high school jobs for being lazy.

"he couldn’t get one because of the immigrants"

That part cracked me up. Not only is this person trying to paint this person as the "worst human being imaginable" but they trying to throw in some alt-right bullshit as well.

Therapist part didn't happen at all, and they call us racists when they had to use these words to try to make their fictional character look even worse.

After those fights, my wife tried to empathize with him and understand what made him so bitter but he flipped out at her, and called her a cock-gargling whore and said that she fucked her way through dozens of men until she found a “beta-fag” who was willing to shelter her for missionary sex.

Lol. Great fiction writing here. A person in real life wouldn't say this stuff. Not believable in the slightest. I don't know how many ways I can say that. Author makes the character needlessly aggressive and like a caricature of every bad person that has ever lived.

My wife, who works and contributes to the family income, who is an independent, professional woman.

I guess we know who wears the pants in this relationship:


Skipping ahead a little bit:

My daughter has dated 3 people her whole life. A boy, a girl, and now another boy. We were as open about sex with my daughter as we were with my son. We asked if she would like to have a question-free steady supply of condoms left in her bathroom drawer, and if she wanted to get on birth control. She said no to both questions with her first boyfriend. She never really brought him home but we met him at one of her recitals. When she had a girlfriend she went over to her house all the time, and didn’t want to bring her to the same house her brother lived in, a sentiment I understood.

But her most recent boyfriend has a lot going on behind the scenes in his family. He’s a nice boy but his mom is a single mom of 4 and they struggle.

An aggressive stereotypical incel that has a loli collection, sniffs panties and corners 13 year old girls, asks them sexual questions living in the same household with a bisexual sister that currently has an African american boyfriend that was one of 4 children from a single mother. This sounds like a perfect storm that would never happen. It just sounds too perfect. Nope.

Last week, my wife and I went out for an evening to ourselves. We went to dinner, then we went to an upscale bar to play some pool, then we went home.

When I walked in the door, the kids were screaming at each other. I came in to see my son and my daughter’s boyfriend fighting. The boyfriend was just pushing my son back and trying to redirect him, my son was throwing punches and charging him. My daughter was crying and sitting against the wall clutching her face. I got between them and pushed them apart, and demanded to know what was happening.

My son went on a tirade about how he found birth control pills and heard “whore” sounds from her room, so he kicked open her door and discovered them having sex, he said he couldn’t believe his own sister would “be a nigger’s whore” and called the poor boy a monkey and other things.

I don't know how to process this...

The last 2 sentences made me laugh so hard. He hears "whore" sounds, so he kicked open the door while they're having sex. Then he made racial comments about her boyfriend. I have to say, the person that wrote this is pretty creative, but this sounds like a collection of stories off this forum. Again, an incel would NEVER be this confrontational in real life, we're meek. Instead, we would probably complain about the sex noises on this forum. This makes for a very funny and entertaining story though.

My wife got my daughter and her boyfriend out of there and I yelled at my son for how he was acting. Eventually I got nowhere with him so I made him wait in his room. I went to talk to my daughter. I apologized to her boyfriend, crying as I did, telling him that I hope he could forgive me for letting this happen. He said he was sorry for getting violent but that he only did it because my son hit her. My daughter cried and said he was a psycho and threatened to rape her, and that he admitted to ejaculating on her toothbrush and hair brush.

I charged into his room, and I said firmly that he should pack his bags and leave. I told him I would pay to have his things sent to him, wherever he went, but that he was leaving tomorrow.

My wife stayed at my sisters, and my daughter and her boyfriend spent the next few nights at his place.

The next day I practically threw my son out of the house kicking and screaming.

He was a "psycho" and threaten to rape his own sister, what? This is getting into really stupid territory. The ejaculating on her toothbrush and hairbrush part is even more unbelievable. Never would happen at all under any circumstances. Dad sent him packing though, I guess this was the tipping point and not the 10 million other things that he did lol.

My wife and I then went through his room. My daughter’s boyfriend came over and helped me move his furniture to the garage. We threw out his mattress and some other more gross and smelly things, and we took out the carpet to be replaced.

Hidden in the closet was a treasure trove of my daughter’s underwear, so saturated with old, moldy semen that they were as hard as bricks. The unnerving part was that there were a few pairs my daughter was adamant didn’t belong to her. And they were too small for my wife. It was possible he stole them from my nieces.

There was a sketchbook containing graphic drawings of my son violently raping different women and keeping little girls chained up in some kind of sex dungeon. I went through his old phone that was still working, and all his photos were screenshots of my nieces and their friends in their bikinis, lots of cartoon porn, lots of red pill and incel and Trump memes. He still had messenger, so I checked his messages, most of them were just him trying to harass women and underaged girls.

Again with the stereotypes of what normies think about incels.

"Hidden treasure trove of sister's underwear saturated with old moldy semen as hard as bricks" OKAY LOL, THIS HAPPENED RIGHT?

Red pill, incel, and Trump memes on phone. All photos were pictures of nieces and their friends in their bikinis, hentai, and memes. Then a sketchbook of said person violently raping many different women. The fact that so many redditors would believe this shit makes me question humanity in general. This is obviously fake but they upvote it anyways because they hate Trump, the alt-right, and incels so any story sounds plausible to them if it further demonizes the people that they hate.

checked his Email and... much to my disgust, he stole private photos of my wife from her phone, and he was selling them.

Lets make a list of things this person did.
  • Had a "treasure trove" of sisters underwear with old semen in them.
  • Liked hentai and anime, had hard drive filled with loli porn.
  • Had a sketchbook filled with rape fantasies.
  • Tries to threaten and harass a girl into having sex with him.
  • Kept "red pill, incel, and Trump" memes on phone.
  • Got into fight with sister's black BF, and called him racist names.
  • Cornered a 13 year old girl and asked her sexual questions.
I probably missed a few things, but my point stands:

This story is fake and anyone that actually believe that it is true needs to get mentally evaluated.

The fact that this fanfiction got so many updoots and comments is proof that democracy is cancer and doesn't work.
Indeed it is fabricated story and intending to be nothing more than propaganda for the growing numbers of people looking to blame us and paint us in the worst light possible to fit their agendas. Of course the issue is that the ignorant masses will believe it to be true and from now on whenever the average normie hears incel, they will speak of the story as if it's truth and factual. Ultimately the ignorant will remain ignorant, but those who actually want the truth and need it explained to them will be helped with this breakdown of it all.
I don't know weather to laugh or be sad about this, seriously they want to makes us look like the worst human scum on earth, while in reality we are just like any other human on earth , only ugly and with social problems, because we didn't won in the gene lottery when we where born.
I am 100% convinced that the person who wrote this story was touching itself while writing.
been sayin a long damn time: something is going on in the background and we aren't fully aware of it.

call it a conspiracy or whatever, but take a look at herbivore man and how japan treats them. china have a bachlore day.
in china, they have special days to meet up and pairbond, unlike here in the west. in the west they have special days for woman, for gays etc. but nothing for heterosexuals or lonely people.

we need to get going and fight the system/ the elites.
reality is boring so they make it spicy
Are we really going to let these cucks get to us this badly?
Just finished reading this whole thread, and I must say, thank you OP for taking the time to analyse each and every Incel archetype portrayed in this fictitious story. I agree it seems far too over-exaggerated to be anywhere remotely true, and it's infuriating to see that it is being used to frame and victimise us yet again.

There are a few things I wanted to add to, which I will list below:

Bad hygiene, doesn't take showers: This part of the story sounds like it comes from a comment in a IncelTears post. What doesn't make sense to me is the "huge fight" part of this story. No person that is introverted and generally wants to be left alone would shove their mother and call her a "bitch". Incels would usually try to avoid confrontation like this, so a situation like this would never happen in the first place.

What surprises me more about this is the seemingly lacklustre reaction to the supposed "incel" fighting with his mother. They just gave him a slap on the wrist and that's it? I've known a lot of parents who would probably kick them to the curb or call the police on them if they ever did that. I'm inclined to believe that this did not happen.

Grounded for 6 months for sniffing his 12 year old sister panties? This didn't happen at all. This is the most unbelievable part of this story because it paints this person as this extreme stereotypical incel and pedophile. I would think that the parents would've done more in this situation, which is the main reason why I think this is fabricated.

This as well. This just seems to be another addition to the combination of other stereotypical "antagonists" to Reddit users. I find it hard to believe that, on top of all the things this supposed "Incel" has done to upset his parents, that he would have done this as well.

living in the same household with a bisexual sister that currently has an African american boyfriend that was one of 4 children from a single mother.

I seriously feel as though that part about the bisexual sister was needlessly slipped in just to get good boy points from the liberals on Reddit. Because being progressive and pro-LGBT in 2018 is what makes you a good person now apparently.

On a final note, is it just me, or does the fact that the Reddit account that was used to post this story (https://www.reddit.com/user/Sonshinecloudyday) was only created just two days ago, on November 10th 2018, seem a little suspicious to me? I'd be at least a little more (though still not greatly) convinced as to the authenticity of this story if this was posted by a long-time Redditor as opposed to a brand new account.

But anyways, that's about all I have to say on this thread for now. Again, thanks for sharing and dismantling this "fake and (literally, because of the bisexual sister) gay" Reddit post.
What the fuck, I don't know if I'm imagining stuff, but the last time I read that post it had way less details.

I don't remember the fight scene between the black bf and the incel, plus I don't remember the toothbrush cum part

OP literally making shit up to try to incriminate his "son" more
That personality and grooming narrative has to die. I'm UGLY, God damn you whores and cucks.

Do you guys really think I approached 500 women while 2 weeks without showering and telling them the kind of stuff I post about here? Are you guys retards?
Why not just post this on their site. The few inceltear users that are gonna read this will just ignore it.
My father has beaten me before.. I have been abused by him verbally.. my mother was an alcoholic, she isn't anymore and she spouts black pill after blackpill when drunk.. about short guys, ugly guys... I have 101 reasons to hit them back but I prefer to hit a wall, hit myself.. anything but them. Not only is Reddit a propaganda tool, it will be where the next genocide is organised. I bet those NPC soy cucks already celebrate whenever their masters foes get permanently censored, their master throwing a couple of updoots and some good boy points their way.
Reminds me of when incels used to parody normcucks back on r/incels. It was used to bait gullible normcucks.
Funnily enough I am a panty sniffing weirdo, or was at least, and there's two reasons I call bullshit on the whole thing - the first one is that underwear is hard to take without people noticing, especially if it's enough to form a "pile", people don't buy enough underwear and nobody has enough similar pairs for stealing them to be a viable way of obtaining panchira. There is no fucking way nobody noticed and made a big stink about underwear going missing. I bribed one of my friends to steal a pair of panties off his little sister's laundry pile like 3 years ago and there was a gigantic stink about it, to the point we almost got caught - clothes don't just go fucking missing and nobody is going to take the disappearance of a pair of undergarments lightly. That's why you order online straight from the Japs. Besides, who cums on what he uses to jack off? If you're into sniffing that shit like this nigga apparently was, you don't masturbate onto it unless you want to smell your own jizz instead of what you're actually there to smell. Brainlet normies shitting on a fetish they're too low IQ to understand.

The second is the way the whole thing read like masturbation fanfiction the faggots and IT use to stroke themselves at night. As the analyst said, touches every bad point, rolls in everything reddit hates, provides too much detail that a normal father would have no fucking way of knowing, especially with the loli shit that was supposedly found, how would a man who doesn't know what a folder even is have enough of a mind to go through an HDD hunting for porn? Makes no damn sense.

And finally, I fucking love how they skirt around beating their kid so as to not lose any potential internet points from the anti-child-abuse brigade. These fucking LARPers truly care only about their sweet karma.
What I hate most about this post isn't even the demonization of incels, I'd love to have the balls of that guy. It's the white female savior complex. The sister had a poor black boyfriend who was sweet but poor... He teared up after being given a JACKET... The author of this story is a racist whore who fantasises about saving "poor black and brown people" by giving them jackets. Wow. Typical inceltears.
What a bizarre little fantasy our dear redditor has dreamed up! It exploits all of the stereotypes, populates it with all of the very worst boogeymen the author was capable of dragging up from the nastiest pits of her obviously fevered imagination. There's something almost pornographic about this grotesque work of excess that seems catered to indulge the worst fears and prejudices the healthy and happy have when confronted with the uncomfortable reality of those who will never experience what they enjoy and take for granted.

Which is why I think this work of fiction was dribbled onto a monitor and posted for the world to consume. I don't believe there's any grand conspiracy here, though I could certainly be wrong. I suspect that, when all is said and done, the purpose of this post is little different than that of the television dramas depicting incels as inhabiting secret online conclaves dedicated to rape and murder, dangerous goblins angrily gibbering their argot while they languish in their subterranean realms and dream of sunlit worlds forever closed off to them. The world of the ugly and unloved is a foreign thing, a terrible mystery, to those who have spent their entire lives having received the affection in the fashion that the vast majority do. Sure, every man and woman has his and her lonely moments. Nearly every one has endured rejection at one point or another. But to have never shared a single embrace with a lover over the course of one's entire life, to never have received the slightest hint of sexual affection, is something alien to them. Sure, there may have been moments over the course of their lives where they've wandered into outskirts of our sad nocturnal little world or glimpsed its palest shadows out of the corner of their eyes. But if they were to peer into the heart of it without flinching, they wouldn't have words to describe the things they saw there. That darkness, admittedly suffused with anger and misery, would be shapeless and thus all the more frightening. As terrible as the cries they hear resonate from its depths may be, the horror such voices relate is so much worse because they offer their laments up with the Language of the Dead.

Up until recently, the remedy to this problem was for the lovely and loved to turn away, to sequester themselves in those gentler realms where the sun never fully sets. There may be chilly dawns and bleak gunmetal dusks, but midnight in all of its fullness never visits them. There have always been incels but there had always been ways of dealing with them and the nasty truths they serve as incarnations of. The deformed were murdered during less gentle times and, even without such harsh measures, there was always the option to simply ignore those no one wanted. The misery of such abominations were endured in quiet desperation and when their time came to a close, they were dumped into unmarked graves making it so much easier for everyone to forget they had ever existed in the first place.

Things have changed. For good or evil, we abominations are able to congregate in our online forums and, together, our collective voice has echoed up from our abyssal caverns and invaded the world of the living. The barrier separating the realms of men and monsters has grown dangerously thin and, for the very first time, the latter exist in some meaningful sense for the former. It's no longer deniable that there exist things that want to be desired and loved just as they do but will never be simply because the creatures in question were born repulsive. Nature's once benign smile twists into a vicious, bloodthirsty grimace as night slowly begins to fall.

How to brighten the encroaching darkness? Good question. Well, how have people traditionally done so? They huddle around their fires and share fanciful stories about the things lurking beyond the firelight's reach. After all, regardless of how horrible the monsters they conjure up in their nightmares may be, they at least have shape and thus are infinitely less terrifying than the formless things they hear crawling and slithering in the Plutonian wilderness. And if that means plundering the cognitive graveyards where they bury their very worst anxieties about Nature and all of Her mercurial cruelty, they'll do what they must. They'll sloppily stitch together golems of racism, pedophilia, loneliness, sexual frustration and rape and, having constructed their dark god, point at it and proclaim: "This is the demon that haunts us, that's skulking about waiting to devour us!" They augment it with new diabolic features, granting it glistening fangs and curving horns. Eventually it looms so large that it obscures the darkness yawning behind it and they all breathe a sigh of relief. Because as terrible as the wicked deity they've cobbled together might appear, they know all too well that the faceless mystery they use it to conceal is infinitely worse.
Just as this fake of a story has an anti incel agenda, anti Trump agenda is also needed
I love the parts where the cuck husband is crying & apologizing profusely to the daughter's friend & boyfriend, begging them for forgiveness from his actions; that part I can believe.
I thought the exact same thing! Good, high-iq writeup @Master

Incels in general seem very high-inhib, and it's hard to imagine one person with all those negative traits. That reddit post is the Das Kapital of "Just Take a Shower Bro"

The part about the black boyfriend who is one of four kids from a single mother, and so poor that being given a jacket is enough to make him cry... there's something very funny about that. It seems racist. Was this written by a troll? Is this just what extreme leftist virtue signaling looks like?

If you guys want more ragefuel, read all the weirdo redditors in the comments taking it seriously.

this post gives a good analysis as well. it's so obviously fake.

and lol at the comment 'i hope this is fake', no you don't, the complete opposite is true, anyone who wishes it was fake would see through it instantly.

another thing that gives it away is how involved this guy is in modern culture/gender wars, and how much this guy HATES INCELS, you would think a father of an incel would have a more nuanced view, but no, they are just BORN EVIL AND HE HATES THEM and that's all there is to it.
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this sounds more like a troll or an incel himself pushing the limits to see what the reddit NPCs will upvote (especially with that "my wife works line". it seems like his experiment worked. reddit NPC's really are clincally braindead
Wow. This guy must have a serious void in his life to have the time and wherewithal to put in so much effort into making us look bad.
Never read it before but now I am glad I did with your expert analysis. My God that was a fun read. Too many points are wrong as you stated as that would NEVER realistically happen.
My family is shit and I've done some of the things the reddit post states so I know exactly how real people react to certain situations. It did help me pass the time today so there is that. Good entertainment. value.
Using an overused meme: It is over for panty sniffers.

It's been over since Sailorz blocked international shipping since they're the only ones selling the good shit. Doubly over because the western market got oversaturated with old disgusting roasties once they figured out they could sell their underwear to betas for big bucks
Reddit cucks are so easy to bullshit.
this is the next 50 shades of grey. foid are rubbing their clits reading this. it has everything they love :
a tyrone, a cuck, successful gold digging, white knighting, and above all an incel that gets beaten by everybody.

even ERs father wasn't this evil
"I suggested he try showering,..." I lost it right there, this shit is hilariously fake, all those stereotypes
- bisexual sister in interracial relationship
- strong independent mother figure
- the immigrants took out jobs
-loli collection
Awesome thread OP
I say it was right for him to beat up that guy who was fucking his jb sister. The bf should at least have the decency not to have sex with her in his own house, that's disrespectful. The dad is a turbo cuck if he allows that.
This cuck litetaly put all this shit into his imaginable son to please foids. This is some new form of self-humiliation this cucks jerking off to?

Also, didnt read comments. Did they reply ironicaly or they really believe every word of this bs?
The fact that so many redditors would believe this shit makes me question humanity in general. This is obviously fake but they upvote it anyways because they hate Trump, the alt-right, and incels so any story sounds plausible to them if it further demonizes the people that they hate.
Redditors have always been the lowest iq scum of humanity.
The incel in the story is based AF. I wish this was real.
What a bizarre little fantasy our dear redditor has dreamed up! It exploits all of the stereotypes, populates it with all of the very worst boogeymen the author was capable of dragging up from the nastiest pits of her obviously fevered imagination. There's something almost pornographic about this grotesque work of excess that seems catered to indulge the worst fears and prejudices the healthy and happy have when confronted with the uncomfortable reality of those who will never experience what they enjoy and take for granted.

Which is why I think this work of fiction was dribbled onto a monitor and posted for the world to consume. I don't believe there's any grand conspiracy here, though I could certainly be wrong. I suspect that, when all is said and done, the purpose of this post is little different than that of the television dramas depicting incels as inhabiting secret online conclaves dedicated to rape and murder, dangerous goblins angrily gibbering their argot while they languish in their subterranean realms and dream of sunlit worlds forever closed off to them. The world of the ugly and unloved is a foreign thing, a terrible mystery, to those who have spent their entire lives having received the affection in the fashion that the vast majority do. Sure, every man and woman has his and her lonely moments. Nearly every one has endured rejection at one point or another. But to have never shared a single embrace with a lover over the course of one's entire life, to never have received the slightest hint of sexual affection, is something alien to them. Sure, there may have been moments over the course of their lives where they've wandered into outskirts of our sad nocturnal little world or glimpsed its palest shadows out of the corner of their eyes. But if they were to peer into the heart of it without flinching, they wouldn't have words to describe the things they saw there. That darkness, admittedly suffused with anger and misery, would be shapeless and thus all the more frightening. As terrible as the cries they hear resonate from its depths may be, the horror such voices relate is so much worse because they offer their laments up with the Language of the Dead.

Up until recently, the remedy to this problem was for the lovely and loved to turn away, to sequester themselves in those gentler realms where the sun never fully sets. There may be chilly dawns and bleak gunmetal dusks, but midnight in all of its fullness never visits them. There have always been incels but there had always been ways of dealing with them and the nasty truths they serve as incarnations of. The deformed were murdered during less gentle times and, even without such harsh measures, there was always the option to simply ignore those no one wanted. The misery of such abominations were endured in quiet desperation and when their time came to a close, they were dumped into unmarked graves making it so much easier for everyone to forget they had ever existed in the first place.

Things have changed. For good or evil, we abominations are able to congregate in our online forums and, together, our collective voice has echoed up from our abyssal caverns and invaded the world of the living. The barrier separating the realms of men and monsters has grown dangerously thin and, for the very first time, the latter exist in some meaningful sense for the former. It's no longer deniable that there exist things that want to be desired and loved just as they do but will never be simply because the creatures in question were born repulsive. Nature's once benign smile twists into a vicious, bloodthirsty grimace as night slowly begins to fall.

How to brighten the encroaching darkness? Good question. Well, how have people traditionally done so? They huddle around their fires and share fanciful stories about the things lurking beyond the firelight's reach. After all, regardless of how horrible the monsters they conjure up in their nightmares may be, they at least have shape and thus are infinitely less terrifying than the formless things they hear crawling and slithering in the Plutonian wilderness. And if that means plundering the cognitive graveyards where they bury their very worst anxieties about Nature and all of Her mercurial cruelty, they'll do what they must. They'll sloppily stitch together golems of racism, pedophilia, loneliness, sexual frustration and rape and, having constructed their dark god, point at it and proclaim: "This is the demon that haunts us, that's skulking about waiting to devour us!" They augment it with new diabolic features, granting it glistening fangs and curving horns. Eventually it looms so large that it obscures the darkness yawning behind it and they all breathe a sigh of relief. Because as terrible as the wicked deity they've cobbled together might appear, they know all too well that the faceless mystery they use it to conceal is infinitely worse.
high iq
See this is what political correctness does to storytelling.
>Man has to be unmanly enough to cry in front of everyone for something so trivial not even a woman would cry about it
>Woman has to be "strong, independent, and professional" because "muh feminism!"
>Girl has to be a half-dyke for the (((gay agenda)))
>Token black guy and race mixing for "muh diversity!"
>Villain has to be a sub8 white alt-right "neckbeard" stereotype

He's also trying to convince us that an incel forgot his phone and left it unlocked or without password protection? How convenient…
He's also trying to convince us that an incel forgot his phone and left it unlocked or without password protection? How convenient…
Especially since he knows he has nosy sjw parents.
This story is good comedy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the writer ended up being one of us and this ended up being a massive bait.
This story is good comedy, but I wouldn't be surprised if the writer ended up being one of us and this ended up being a massive bait.

Definitely this. Seriously nobody could conjure up a story this spicy unless they were a self loathing incel themselves. Also I love how nobody questions "how was their no mention of repercussions for his actions?" FOR FUCKS SAKE HE WOULD HAVE BEEN INSTITUTIONALIZED WITHIN A YEAR WITH THIS BEHAVIOR. Sending a mildly threatening text let alone rape messages and underage nudes to a random school girl is enough to get you expelled and in a juvenile detention center. He would have been institutionalized by age 15 without his parents consent with this behavior pattern.
Also another disgusting part of the story is how it sensationalized and tried to desperately confirm the victim complex of liberals. I find it great how NOBODY literally NOBODY does anything wrong. To try to make the story more believable, the author pretends to "break" at the end and shoves his son. Any sane human being would have euthanized their son if they were in the same situation. "but I loved him!!!" ha what a dumb fucking normie delusion. People love what's convenient. This hypothetical kid was anything but convenient. Selling his wife's nudes? Nah still love him. Give me a fucking break.
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"After those fights, my wife tried to empathize with him and understand what made him so bitter but he flipped out at her, and called her a cock-gargling whore and said that she fucked her way through dozens of men until she found a “beta-fag” who was willing to shelter her for missionary sex. "

I lold at this part. Based fictional incel.

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