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Recently I took notice of this neuroscientist foid (Louann Brizendine) and I read one of her books called "The Male Brain", I'm starting to read/haven't finished reading "The Female Brian" but there was a few interesting bits I found in male brain book I'll share some of them that mostly relate to sex (cuz inceldom discussion duh):
On Teenage Boys:
Slightly unrelated:
A paragraph in "The Female Brain" (haven't finished reading it):
Other Interesting bits I have saved
Thoughts? Of course I haven't talked much about the rest of the book, It's not just about sex but more on betabuxxer mentality and other male bs
Also there are some funny bluepilled bits in there reporting sexual shit where she uses self reported numbers but yeah
MEDIAL PREOPTIC AREA (MPOA): This is the area for sexual pursuit, found in the hypothalamus, and it is 2.5 times larger in the male. Men need it to start an erection.
We also know that men have two and a half times the brain space devoted to sexual drive in their hypothalamus. Sexual thoughts flicker in the background of a man’s visual cortex all day and night, making him always at the ready for seizing sexual opportunity. Women don’t always realize that the penis has a mind of its own—for neurological reasons. And mating is as important to men as it is to women. Once a man’s love and lust circuits are in sync, he falls just as head over heels in love as a woman—perhaps even more so. When a baby is on the way, the male brain changes in specic and dramatic ways to form the daddy brain.
On Teenage Boys:
From then on, testosterone would biologically masculinize all the thoughts and behaviors that emerge from his brain. It would stimulate the rapid growth of male brain circuits that were formed before he was born. It also would enlarge his testicles, activate the growth of his muscles and bones, makehis beard and pubic hair grow, deepen his voice, and lengthen and thicken his penis. But just as dramatically, it would make his brain’s sexual-pursuit circuits, in his hypothalamus, grow more than twice as large as those ingirls’ brains. The male brain is now structured to push sexual pursuit to the forefront of his mind.
Early in puberty, when images of breasts and other female body parts naturally take over their brain’s visual cortex, some boys wonder if they’re turning into “pervs.” It takes a little while for them to get used to their new preoccupation with girls, which runs on autopilot. This sexual preoccupation is like a large-screen TV in a sports bar—always on in the background. When I share this information with teen boys in high-school classrooms, I can see recognition ash across many of their faces, if only for an instant, before they go back to looking bored.
Slightly unrelated:
Men also have larger brain centers for muscular action and aggression. His brain circuits for mate protection and territorial defense are hormonally primed for action starting at puberty. Pecking order and hierarchy matter more deeply to men than most women realize. Men also have larger processors in the core of the most primitive area of the brain, which registers fear and triggers protective aggression—the amygdala. This is why some men will fight to the death defending their loved ones. What’s more, when faced with a loved one’s emotional distress, his brain area for problem solving and fixing the situation will immediately spark.
A paragraph in "The Female Brain" (haven't finished reading it):
Until eight weeks old, every fetal brain looks female—female is nature’s default gender setting. If you were to watch a female and a male brain developing via time-lapse photography, you would see their circuit diagrams being laid down according to the blueprint drafted by both genes and sex hormones. A huge testosterone surge beginning in the eighth week will turn this unisex brain male by killing off some cells in the communication centers and growing more cells in the sex and aggression centers. If the testosterone surge doesn’t happen, the female brain continues to grow unperturbed. The fetal girl’s brain cells sprout more connections inthe communication centers and areas that process emotion. How does this fetal fork in the road affect us? For one thing, because of her larger communication center, this girl will grow up to be more talkative than her brother. In most social contexts, she will use many more forms of communication than he will. For another, it defines our innate biological destiny, coloring the lens through which each of us views and engages the world.
Other Interesting bits I have saved
While Ryan didn’t have that chiseled GQ look that Nicole found most attractive, he was cute and looked harmless enough. His smile and the twinkle in his hazel eyes disarmed her, and she could feel her own smile widening as she looked down to coyly break eye contact
During sex, both prairie and montane voles release vasopressin and dopamine, but only the prairie vole has thetype of vasopressin receptors in his brain needed to make him monogamous. And when scientists experimentally blocked these monogamy-inducing vasopressin receptors inthe prairie voles’ brains, they didn’t bond with their sexual partners. The love and lust circuits in their brains couldn’tmerge. What makes the dierence between the vasopressinreceptors in the prairie vole brain and the montane volebrain is their diering genes. The monogamous vole’s vasopressin receptor gene is a longer version, and the promiscuous vole’s is a shorter version. When scientists inserted the long version of the gene into the promiscuous montane vole, he, too, became monogamous. a
Although the brain biology in men may turn out to be more complicated than it is in voles, humans have this vasopressin receptor gene too. Some men have the long version, while others have the short one. A study in Sweden found that men with the long version of the vasopressin receptor gene were twice as likely to leave bachelorhood behind and commit to one woman for life. So when it comes to delity, the joke among female scientists is that “longer is better,” at least when it comes to the length of the vasopressin receptor gene.
“I’ve never been under so much stress in my life,” she
said as she dropped into the chair. “If my department
doesn’t get this season’s inventory done on time, we’ll lose
thousands of dollars, and we’re already in the red. I just
want Neil to listen, give me a hug, and tell me how he
knows I feel. But he goes into robot mode and starts telling
me what I should do.”
Scientists have been testing how men’s and women’s brains react when they’re given the other sex’s hormones. Researchers found that when men were given a single high
dose of oxytocin (a hormone that females make more of), it increased their ability to resonate with other people’s feelings. So when the men looked at photos of faces displaying subtle emotional cues, they read them more accurately. The scientists concluded that the men became temporarily more empathetic. In a separate study, researchers gave women a single high dose of testosterone and found that it temporarily made them more mentally focused.
Most people, men included, believe that the male brain’s overriding goals are sex, status, and power—not necessarily in that order. And it is true that a tendency to
seek these ends is built into the male brain’s circuitry. But that is far from the whole story. Boys from the get-go learn dierently than girls do and are interested in
dierent things. Action, assertiveness, and rough play are biologically wired. We joke that men are run by their libidos, but the reality is that they are not slaves to their
testosterone or sex drive. As we’ve seen, a man’s sex drive may mature into a capacity for love and attachment that is
at least as strong as a woman’s. The stereotype of the stoic, unemotional male is again contradicted by research showing that the daddy brain and mature male brain are
profoundly devoted and nurturing. And males don’t start off less emotional than girls.
Thoughts? Of course I haven't talked much about the rest of the book, It's not just about sex but more on betabuxxer mentality and other male bs
Also there are some funny bluepilled bits in there reporting sexual shit where she uses self reported numbers but yeah
@GeckoBus (nigga respond) @WorthlessSlavicShit @SubhumanGamer @Balding Subhuman @Sergeant Kelly @Stupid Clown @Cybersex is our hope @DarkStar @based_meme @eliya @incelerated @Iranianoldcel
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