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RageFuel diocel the pedo.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 20987
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Rom 1:28 And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong.

Rom 1:32 Although they know full well God’s just sentence — that those who practice such things deserve to die — they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them.

I am sick of the sickos and their defenders. Being Incel =/= being fucked up in the mind and/or support outcastish extreme views as self-purpose. There will never be a majority of the 30% Incel in men under age of 30 in the US associate with such things.
Are we really doing this pedo hunt moral fagging shit on incels.co?

We talk about killing women, beating and raping them and all of a sudden wanting to fuck foids under 18 is a problem?

Rom 1:28 And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong.

Rom 1:32 Although they know full well God’s just sentence — that those who practice such things deserve to die — they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them.

I am sick of the sickos and their defenders. Being Incel =/= being fucked up in the mind and/or support outcastish extreme views as self-purpose. There will never be a majority of the 30% Incel in men under age of 30 in the US associate with such things.
Like I said previously ITT (if I recall correctly), I don't condone rape or even hatred. But this is a male-only space, full of people who were rejected all their lives, so it's to be expected that some users will vent saying edgy and hateful stuff. I'm not saying it isn't a sin, it is, but it's just something to be expected here. I won't shame people for saying such stuff here, if they want to hear the gospel, they can PM me.

If you think about it, even the incel movement in itself could be construed as sinful since coveting things is a sin. But to me personally nowadays, inceldom is more about discussing how bad things have become for men, especially ugly men, nowadays, not about coveting women.
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obvs infiltrator @psygnosis-owl
Bro I was offline for 10 days straight. Studyslaving hard.
Fill me in the drama
@psygnosis-owl went after (alleged)pedos on the forum(some of whom r on rape(y).org). Made a bunch of threads in offtopic, sperged out, then suied via mod.

More drama btw goff n gymlet on racepill and jbw legitimactly. Went on multiple threads.

@Personalityinkwell is kissing huggin n datin foids rn
Rom 1:28 And because they did not think it worthwhile to acknowledge God, God delivered them over to a worthless mind to do what is morally wrong.

Rom 1:32 Although they know full well God’s just sentence — that those who practice such things deserve to die — they not only do them, but even applaud others who practice them.

I am sick of the sickos and their defenders. Being Incel =/= being fucked up in the mind and/or support outcastish extreme views as self-purpose. There will never be a majority of the 30% Incel in men under age of 30 in the US associate with such things.

I guess you missed the parts of the Bible that endorse child marriage and sex slavery.
  • Numbers 31:17 (WBT) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
  • Numbers 31:18 (WBT) But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Commenting on these two verses, Hebrew scholar Shaye J. D. Cohen writes:

"Moses enjoins upon the returning warriors to kill their Midianite female captives who have lain with a man, but ‘spare for yourselves every young woman who has not had carnal relations with a man; we may be sure that 'for yourselves' means that the warriors may use their virgin captives sexually. [52]"

Most historians believe that Mary was 13 years old or younger when she married Joseph.
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penislossus niggalossus asslossus
Oh you were referring to me calling out @CelticTruecel for his anti semitism?

The same anti semitism he backpeddled out of when he lost the argument when I said peope within his discord circle were Jews but it was a reason .net got a Ddos attack?

Then I get these same anti semitic trolls trying t coax me into being anti semitism despite them calling me a "jewish cunt fuck off" like @Damo the incel who isn't banned for multiple forum rules broken.

Listen if you make a dick statement (excuse the pun) and its a mistake. Own it, don't get a mod to delete it under the guise of pulling the "incel/body shaming card" to hide the fact he fell on his own sword (trolling).

You weren't even in that thread so that proves there is no "incel community", instead skullduggery going on discord behind the scenes trying to manipulate outcomes on the forum.

That is worse than sock puppets and alt accounts, again that rule is clearly stated to discourage or ban users fom harressing active posters on behalf of permabaned users to manipulate the forum on their behalf. A rule not being upheld by any of the mods.

Encouraging suicide is illegal.

A temporary rule made up in a kangeroo court from a forum with off-shore servers?
I never lost any arguments because I don't even read most of my messages, JFL at you thinking you won an argument against me.
I think it's stupid to get hung up on moral fagging.

When we call each other pedos, then we lose. The fact is that there are no pedos on this website.

No, I don't support Nathan's website and me memeing about it doesn't mean that I support anything the guy does.

No, I will not take action on empty accusations with no evidence, either, but the moral fagging displayed here isn't something that I and many others appreciate.
To be fair i do think mods should be probing the forum more for legit pedos: wanting to screw 15 year olds who look like they work in hooters is one thing, but wanting to screw 5 year olds is a whole different ball park.
And if not for "moralfagging" then do it for the forums security and future, whilst the hosts may tolerate alot of stuff paedophilia isn't one of them.
He is just trolling, otherwise I would kill him myself.
To be fair i do think mods should be probing the forum more for legit pedos: wanting to screw 15 year olds who look like they work in hooters is one thing, but wanting to screw 5 year olds is a whole different ball park.
And if not for "moralfagging" then do it for the forums security and future, whilst the hosts may tolerate alot of stuff paedophilia isn't one of them.
Indeed, clear difference between being attracted to a 13 year old and a 7 year old.
Pedo the diocel
i made a bait thread saying that raping 3 year olds is normal, i said that i wouldn't do it but i approve other people doing it, @psygnosis-owl bited the bait so hard, and the different between me and the others is that i didn't try to justify it at all, i just said "you're saying it like it's a bad thing", eventually he went ape shit after me and got banned, he shouldn't have played with the clowns.
I know my dude that is why I said you were only trolling. Jfl at people falling for bait.
is this like the n word for you ?
Yes and its offensive to all apes.

"Ape shit" is like saying Nigger rage,


cumskins conundrum


Sandnigger spatoon.


Curry crap fight
Christ what a shitshow i missed. Rip moralfags
Huh, it seems I missed out on the drama even itt
OP is still trolling around here, probably looking for some damning screenshots.

I guess you missed the parts of the Bible that endorse child marriage and sex slavery.
  • Numbers 31:17 (WBT) Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
  • Numbers 31:18 (WBT) But all the female children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
Commenting on these two verses, Hebrew scholar Shaye J. D. Cohen writes:

"Moses enjoins upon the returning warriors to kill their Midianite female captives who have lain with a man, but ‘spare for yourselves every young woman who has not had carnal relations with a man; we may be sure that 'for yourselves' means that the warriors may use their virgin captives sexually. [52]"

Most historians believe that Mary was 13 years old or younger when she married Joseph.
It was a special situation in history and a (unique) commandment of God. It is further the virgin state, not the children state, which is important. How could they ensure that were virgins: Because these were children. Children have no sex->virgin.
There is no command to immediately consummate marriage or even raping them.

You cannot put two disgraceful things together: Rape and Sex with children and it becomes ok, no it is worse.

I have nothing against marriage of young developed women.

So long it is not a dedicated pro-rape, pro-pedophilia. pro-murder forum I can also speak against the worst wickedness.
Think about, why despite the fact that this forum is only a mouse click away, relative to the number of young Incels that exist the number of people that hanging around here is small. Are they all in Darkweb to vent their frustration in even worse ways? I doubt so.
No one is without sin and everything in this world is even for the holiest person a life of compromise and a temptation to adapt to godlessness when living in the world. But in every place, it is the most wicked thing which should be called out. When in Church some women wear red lipstick and the pastor sleeps with his daughter, I would call out the second first. And yes, I see the vent function and the vent replies (which doesn't make the statements non-sinful though), but to argue for child rape is not venting.
At least I would be glad when some observer can see, that there is not an incel hive mind.
It was a special situation in history and a (unique) commandment of God. It is further the virgin state, not the children state, which is important. How could they ensure that were virgins: Because these were children. Children have no sex->virgin.
There is no command to immediately consummate marriage or even raping them.

You cannot put two disgraceful things together: Rape and Sex with children and it becomes ok, no it is worse.

I have nothing against marriage of young developed women.

So long it is not a dedicated pro-rape, pro-pedophilia. pro-murder forum I can also speak against the worst wickedness.
Think about, why despite the fact that this forum is only a mouse click away, relative to the number of young Incels that exist the number of people that hanging around here is small. Are they all in Darkweb to vent their frustration in even worse ways? I doubt so.
No one is without sin and everything in this world is even for the holiest person a life of compromise and a temptation to adapt to godlessness when living in the world. But in every place, it is the most wicked thing which should be called out. When in Church some women wear red lipstick and the pastor sleeps with his daughter, I would call out the second first. And yes, I see the vent function and the vent replies (which doesn't make the statements non-sinful though), but to argue for child rape is not venting.
At least I would be glad when some observer can see, that there is not an incel hive mind.
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If he had real evidence of wrongdoing
So, what did OP missing here?

Was there no wrongdoing of the accused user or no real evidence?
No real evidence.
Why? What is wrong with the screencap in OP? Are there "not serios baity troll vibes" a bluecel moralcuck like me cannot sense or is it more the other way though: no wrongdoing with approving of child rape.
i personally approve of child rape
Sure, but the person being accused has already confirmed that he didn't approve of child rape...
After the owl made the OP? So how can the owl then get banned for hunting without evidence, when the clarification (just a joke) came later?

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