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Serious Did you ever get in a physical altercation at school?



Low inhibmaxxing...
Jan 17, 2019
Let me know. I want the stories.
Yeah I punched him in the head on the concrete a few times, he did the same to me and we were done. Several of these. I was never some macho beast though, seeing as I'm a manlet and pretty passive around other men anyway.

We were 12, the guy I fought could quite literally kill me now. We were similar back then.
Quite a few.

All were just me defending myself tbh. I never went looking for a fight or anything. The adrenaline rush you get from a fight is a pretty amazing feeling though.

Knocking out one of my bullies is one of my fondest memories. I did get my ass kicked quite a lot though.
My hair covers them but I have scars and bumps on my head because of the fights I got into.

Also self inflicted scars on my arms and some acne scars on my face
i got into a fight when i was 14, they guy was a high T ogre who was way stronger than me. we we're insulting each other a few times until shit got real and i baited him into tapping my cheek. thats when i let loose on him. adrenaline gives you superpowers
lol yes I been in countless fights both at school and outside school
My hair covers them but I have scars and bumps on my head because of the fights I got into.

Also self inflicted scars on my arms and some acne scars on my face
lmao, cutting yourself and long hair, how's being a poofter going?
I got in more in confrontations with foids then with boys. This is how bad was my relation with foids was even when I were sjw (maybe they hated me even more when I was a disgusting pleasing weakling sjw)
Knocking out one of my bullies is one of my fondest memories. I did get my ass kicked quite a lot though.
Good on you man.
How hard did worthless public school employees bust your balls for that one?
Several, people just wouldn't leave me alone.
Physical? Not too much. Verbal? A lot.
Good on you man.
How hard did worthless public school employees bust your balls for that one?
I got into a lot of trouble for it. My parents stood by me though and a couple people who were there when it happened vouched for me which I appreciate.

I think you have to fight when you’re being mocked and bullied. Telling a teacher is beta fem shit.
I got beat up by a girl in a fight once in High School.. She had the same style black book bag as me... She thought I stolen it.. I didn’t know what was going on.. “She asked me do you wanna go” she was mad..

What got me scared was how skinny and tall she was.. Usally sort of girls can move blindly fast..
I was right of course.. I was a human checkerboard.. Her punches didn’t hurt at first but they added up and started to hurt quickly..

I tried punching her back but she just effortlessly dodged it.. She ended the fight by kicking me down.. She just took her bag, showed me it was really hers, flipped her hair and left me laying there with my raging erection..

It was after school and eventually I gathered my energy and got up to look for my bag that I misplaced..

When I showed that night I discovered slight tread patterns of her Ugg boots all over my body.. Thank god she didn’t ruin my face.. Nobody irl knew about it and I wanted it to stay that way...

(I copied this from a private conversation I had from somebody asking me the same thing)

Hope this helps!
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I got beat up by a girl in a fight once in High School.. She had the same style black book bag as me... She thought I stolen it.. I didn’t know what was going on.. “She asked me do you wanna go” she was mad..

What got me scared was how skinny and tall she was.. Usally sort of girls can move blindly fast..
I was right of course.. I was a human checkerboard.. Her punches didn’t hurt at first but they added up and started to hurt quickly..

I tried punching her back but she just effortlessly dodged it.. She ended the fight by kicking me down.. She just took her bag, showed me it was really hers, flipped her hair and left me laying there with my raging erection..

It was after school and eventually I gathered my energy and got up to look for my bag that I misplaced..

When I showed that night I discovered slight tread patterns of her Ugg boots all over my body.. Thank god she didn’t ruin my face.. Nobody irl knew about it and I wanted it to stay that way...

(I copied this from a private conversation I had from somebody asking me the same thing)

Hope this helps!
Damn...that’s humiliating.
got beat up by a girl in a fight once in High School.. She had the same style black book bag as me... She thought I stolen it.. I didn’t know what was going on.. “She asked me do you wanna go” she was mad..

What got me scared was how skinny and tall she was.. Usally sort of girls can move blindly fast..
I was right of course.. I was a human checkerboard.. Her punches didn’t hurt at first but they added up and started to hurt quickly..

I tried punching her back but she just effortlessly dodged it.. She ended the fight by kicking me down
I'm jealous. Fapfuel tbhtbh. Maybe this is your childhood trauma that made you a femdomcel.
told this story before but i got into a fight with a guy who had been giving me shit for a while, been doing judo since i was a kid though so i threw him and choked him out. Didn't improve anything, people thought i was the bad guy.
With a foid once. But it was inconclusive. We traded bitch shots and then i sat down. I was around 11-12
i got into a fight when i was 14, they guy was a high T ogre who was way stronger than me. we we're insulting each other a few times until shit got real and i baited him into tapping my cheek. thats when i let loose on him. adrenaline gives you superpowers
Same. Except in mine it was a one sided massacre in my opponents favor.
I'm jealous. Fapfuel tbhtbh. Maybe this is your childhood trauma that made you a femdomcel.
My trauma started when I got I got strength mogged by foids in middle school. It got even worse in High School..

And yes it was definitely fapfuel for me :feelsokman:
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A few nothing serious.

I had to defend myself tbh. I can't write more in detail right now because time doesn't allow me.
Yes. I got beat up.

I fought back once around maybe 8th grade and once again in 10th grade.
>tfw never got beaten up or beat somebody up

it is over for lowtcels
I had like 4 fights, won 2 and lost 2 (one for not fighting since it was a girl and I thought I shouldn't hit girls back then).

In the one I lost against a boy I was one year younger, which makes difference when you're 8-9.
Did she beat you up? :feelsmega:
Yes. It was really wild. I think someone must have spread some kind of rumor because she was really pissed at me.
Yes. It was really wild. I think someone must have spread some kind of rumor because she was really pissed at me.
Cucktears made another thread about you.

one for not fighting since it was a girl and I thought I shouldn't hit girls back then
Foids know they have this protective shield and most men wouldn’t hit them. They use it to their advantage.

I was provoked by a girl in high school and I thought that I shouldn’t hit her but I did anyway. Annoying cunt deserved it tbh.
Yes. It was really wild. I think someone must have spread some kind of rumor because she was really pissed at me.
Dammit thats really humiliating am sorry
Cucktears made another thread about you.

I saw that one, there was a user wanting my info to pay people to lynch me there.

did anyway. Annoying cunt deserved it tbh.
I envy you. I wish I could go back to that scene like in a videogame, just to beat the shit out of her.

Dammit thats really humiliating am sorry
Yeah I regret not having beaten her to a bloody pulp everyday.
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I saw that one, there was a user wanting my info to pay people to lynch me there.
Jfl at people calling incels violent when men get lynched just for having nude jb pictures in their phones. They even advocate for violence to happen to men just for using incel lingo, or saying things that are considered "misogynist." "Oh no, the evil incel said he hopes a prostitute dies, he should be lynched." :soy:
Quite a few.

All were just me defending myself tbh. I never went looking for a fight or anything. The adrenaline rush you get from a fight is a pretty amazing feeling though.

Knocking out one of my bullies is one of my fondest memories. I did get my ass kicked quite a lot though.
I salute for standing up to yourself.
Jfl at people calling incels violent when men get lynched just for having nude jb pictures in their phones. They even advocate for violence to happen to men just for using incel lingo, or saying things that are considered "misogynist." "Oh no, the evil incel said he hopes a prostitute dies, he should be lynched." :soy:
More and more it seems they consider words worse than actions.

Psy once said that in Brazil, you get more jailtime if you call a black "nigger" than if you beat the shit out of him. That's the type of crazy, inverted world those "progressives" want.
Psy once said that in Brazil, you get more jailtime if you call a black "nigger" than if you beat the shit out of him. That's the type of crazy, inverted world those "progressives" want.
I'm willing to bet that law only applies to low status and sub6 men.
lmao i'll never forget my first one back in kindergarten in P.E when some fucker punched and spit on me. Ofc i wanted revenge and punched him back, yet i was the one who got in trouble...
I'm willing to bet that law only applies to low status and sub6 men.
Yeah, if you're gl and especially rich you're mostly safe.

But if you push enough you'll get screwed even if rich, Psy himself was rich and he was jailed, he got 41 years because of internet crimes.
Yeah, if you're gl and especially rich you're mostly safe.

But if you push enough you'll get screwed even if rich, Psy himself was rich and he was jailed, he got 41 years because of internet crimes.
I bet he was sub6. If he was a chad the whores would've screamed and had him bailed out.
I bet he was sub6

Marcelo mello1

If he was a chad the whores would've screamed and had him bailed out.
Yes, but since he was only a thought criminal and not a violent rapist and murderer, he doesn't get extra points with foids.
Nah, I’m a pacifist. I once hit a foid in 4th grade though, for which I was forced to write a gay apology letter.
Yes, but since he was only a thought criminal and not a violent rapist and murderer, he doesn't get extra points with foids.
Thought criminals are who they're really talking about when they say "toxically masculine" it's never the murders or thugs.
Yes. This kid was picking on me in middle school and I went up to him one day and slammed his head in his locker repeatedly, it was kind of like that one scene in American Gangster with the piano but except it was with a locker door.

Also, a group of kids were calling me and my friend names and I punched one of them square in the face.
Most of my fighting was done outside of school. I was always outnumbered in school (specifically middle school) so I did my best to avoid psychical confrontation while I was there. Outside of school, I had a lot more 1v1 scenarios so that's when I was more willing to stick up for myself through fighting
Most of my fighting was done outside of school. I was always outnumbered in school (specifically middle school) so I did my best to avoid psychical confrontation while I was there. Outside of school, I had a lot more 1v1 scenarios so that's when I was more willing to stick up for myself through fighting
Even though I got beat up by a foid in a fair fight, im just glad nobody was watching and she didn’t challenge me to fight her after school in public
Yes I punched a guy in the face and made his nose break but he forced me to do it he tried to bully me so It was pretty fun. But I was like 11 back than. But since than I didnt have fights because I ldar mostly
Even though I got beat up by a foid in a fair fight, im just glad nobody was watching and she didn’t challenge me to fight her after school in public
I've only ever had one after school fight, and that was back in late elementary school. In middle school I would've gotten jumped by no less than 6 guys wether it was a spur of the moment fight or an arranged after school fight. The fights I mention occurred at various summer camps I attended over the years
Let me know. I want the stories.
Yes. I was shoved around by a 2x failed grade black kid, I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could and it didn't phase him, hopefully he's in jail now.
told this story before but i got into a fight with a guy who had been giving me shit for a while, been doing judo since i was a kid though so i threw him and choked him out. Didn't improve anything, people thought i was the bad guy.
better to be feared than walked over

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