In the ideal world (for men), thERe would be 2000 females for evERy 1 man, then evERy man can have sex with a diffERent female evERy week for his whole life (assuming that men on avERage biologically have an active sex life for 40 years. But in such a world, women would be the incels because evERy woman (on avERage) would only be able to sex once in their lifetime.
Equal numbER of men and women in the world is fair for both sexes (which is the way the world NATURALLY is), so this particular aspect of NATURE is FAIR.
Yet DESPITE the numbER of men and women in the world being equal, in feminist societies in the modERn ERa, the situation in tERms of “distribution of sex” is COMPLETELY UNFAIR because we incels starve to death (in tERms of pussy, we get nothing), normies get scraps and leftovers (sex on the rare occasion from foids who have already been sexually defiled by chad) and chads are enjoying feasts (harems and consistent access to numERous diffERent women).
And although nature is indeed inhERently UNFAIR in many aspects, this unfair situation (with regards to “un-equal access to sex”) is NOT due to nature being unfair but rathER due to the unfairness of the ARTIFICIAL system of feminism/gynocracy in place.
Don’t blame nature for the unfairness in the world (which is the CAUSE of our pain/suffERing). Nobody has the powER to control Nature, it is what it is.
Instead, blame the elites (who had FULL CONTROL of their actions) for structuring society in accordance to feminist ideology, because the SWITCH from a patriarchal society (whERe even ugly men wERe able to find a wife without any unreasonable level of difficulty, BY MERIT of working a job and contributing to the productivity/functionality of society, enabling ugly men to earn money and use it for the purpose of fulfilling the role of being a providER) to a feminist society (whERe women have the right to work and own propERty, consequently becoming financially “independent” due to no longER having to rely on men for money/resources for survival), which significantly decreased the quality of life of the avERage male.
it makes no sense for incels to carry on crying and complaining about being rejected by women on the basis of having “ugly looks”, considERing the fact that “lookism” is an inhERent PART of NATURE ITSELF (for BOTH men AND women), hence these incels are LOW IQ for being upset at an aspect of female behaviour (NOT even exclusive to females) which is out of women’s control.
Women can’t control the fact that they feel attraction to men who are tall, have wide-frame, have masculine facial structure (square jaw, prominent chin, huntER eyes etc.), have big penises etc. (in the same way men can’t control the fact that we naturally like women with big tits and ass), but hERe is the important part;
For most of “civilized human history” (99% or more) men’s looks didn’t even mattER because society was patriarchal which meant that men’s value came from the work we did to create civilizations and the fighting we did to destroy civilizations.
The only reason a man’s looks even mattER in modERn society to begin with (when it DIDN’T matter for 99% or more of civilized human history) is because feminism has enabled that to be the case
and unlike the human tendency to discriminate based on looks (which is out of our control), the elites wERe in FULL control of how they shaped society.
Nature isn’t good or bad, it simply is what it is