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Did nature fuck up?

CEO of beta eyes

CEO of beta eyes

Oct 23, 2022
Now we all know that females are the pickier sex and a male is fine with fucking just about any female. Females are the gatekeepers of sex and all of humanity, it’s because of their pickiness and Chadsexualness that humans continue to evolve.

Ok makes sense.

But that contradicts with the urge that males have to spread their sperm to as many females as possible. Men have millions of sperm so that they can impregnate as much women as possible, but that doesn’t really work when women are extremely picky and you basically need to put a ton of effort to get a kiss on the cheek from a land whale. I just don’t get it
Now we all know that females are the pickier sex and a male is fine with fucking just about any female. Females are the gatekeepers of sex and all of humanity, it’s because of their pickiness and Chadsexualness that humans continue to evolve.

Ok makes sense.

But that contradicts with the urge that males have to spread their sperm to as many females as possible. Men have millions of sperm so that they can impregnate as much women as possible, but that doesn’t really work when women are extremely picky and you basically need to put a ton of effort to get a kiss on the cheek from a land whale. I just don’t get it
Because police used to not exist
Because police used to not exist
But when what would be the point of women being picky if they can just get raped by any man? It makes no sense
But when what would be the point of women being picky if they can just get raped by any man? It makes no sense
For the same reason you as a man would rather have sex with a more attractive girl than a less attractive girl.
For the same reason you as a man would rather have sex with a more attractive girl than a less attractive girl.
Ok obviously all humans would pick the better option but it’s always the man who puts in so much effort to win the woman, even if it’s a barely above average woman
Ok obviously all humans would pick the better option but it’s always the man who puts in so much effort to win the woman, even if it’s a barely above average woman
They only do that because they're forced to. No choice.
I fucking hate evolution because its onesided and gynocentric
Men always used to compete for women. In prehistoric times, the strongest men would get to do exactly what you described, impregnating all women in the clan/tribe while the weaker men were weeded out. This is the way it is in nature, its the way it is today, among all mammals.
But these laws only work on the biggest Chads, not on the average man. Wouldn’t it make more sense biologically if only Chads had these urges to impregnate as many women as possible?
They only do that because they're forced to. No choice.
Us being “forced” to worship an average female shows how desperate we are as a gender yet we’ve been cursed with the instinct to have sex with so many women
How does that make sense? Yes average men were sometimes weeded out but they had to fight first. And "chad" is subjective, if there are two average men in a tribe of women and one is stronger than the other then the stronger one gets to breed.
Lmao. There's no "fighting". The female chooses the most attractive guy.
How does that make sense? Yes average men were sometimes weeded out but they had to fight first. And "chad" is subjective, if there are two average men in a tribe of women and one is stronger than the other then the stronger one gets to breed.
But tribes don’t consist of just two men, it’s usually a huge amount and ONLY the winner (the Chad) gets to impregnate all the women. Shouldn’t nature be more one-to-one instead of one chad-to many women
Us being “forced” to worship an average female shows how desperate we are as a gender yet we’ve been cursed with the instinct to have sex with so many women
How is it a "curse". That's literally biology 101. And we're forced to worship an average female by the police, not our natural instincts.
But tribes don’t consist of just two men, it’s usually a huge amount and ONLY the winner (the Chad) gets to impregnate all the women. Shouldn’t nature be more one-to-one instead of one chad-to many women
Nature is one-to-one. You as a man want to impregnate the most attractive girl you see and be with her.
How is it a "curse". That's literally biology 101. And we're forced to worship an average female by the police, not our natural instincts.
So you’re saying in prehistoric times, men jus reproduced by raping? Even back then when there were no police, men had to work hard or win a fight against like 500 other men to fuck a woman. Getting a woman has ALWAYS been hard so why are we programmed to fuck so many of them when it’s so hard to do it with just one.
Nature is one-to-one. You as a man want to impregnate the most attractive girl you see and be with her.
If nature was one-to-one, women would have the same number of sex cells as men, which is clearly not the case. That’s why there are more virgin men than women
If nature was one-to-one, women would have the same number of sex cells as men, which is clearly not the case. That’s why there are more virgin men than women
Idk what sex cells mean but there are more virgin men than women because of the police. I haven't heard a single reason to think otherwise. That's what's forcing them to stay virgin.
Idk what sex cells mean but there are more virgin men than women because of the police. I haven't heard a single reason to think otherwise. That's what's forcing them to stay virgin.
Having sex with a woman is never easy, raping a woman is also hard. Back then, rape rarely happened too because women are naturally protected by society. Tribes protect their women, you won’t randomly find an unprotected woman waiting for you to rape her. Rape is difficult and “wrong” because it messes up with nature’s plan of allowing women to choose the man with the best genes.
Back then, rape rarely happened too because women are naturally protected by society. Tribes protect their women, you won’t randomly find an unprotected woman waiting for you to rape her. Rape is difficult and “wrong” because it messes up with nature’s plan of allowing women to choose the man with the best genes.
What exactly was forcing them to "protect" their women from reproduction?
What exactly was forcing them to "protect" their women from reproduction?
Same reason men don’t want another untrusted man having sex with their daughters/sisters. They naturally protect them from intruders
Same reason men don’t want another untrusted man having sex with their daughters/sisters. They naturally protect them from intruders
They do though. What exactly do you mean by "untrusted"? How is that an "intruder"?
They do though. What exactly do you mean by "untrusted"? How is that an "intruder"?
An intruder is a rapist that the woman doesn’t want. The other men will protect her, white knights, brothers, father
An intruder is a rapist that the woman doesn’t want. The other men will protect her, white knights, brothers, father
Define what the woman doesn't want. Who is forcing them to again "protect" her from nothing for no reason?
Define what the woman doesn't want. Who is forcing them to again "protect" her from nothing for no reason?
You said that the only reason men are virgins today because there’s police and we can’t rape anymore. I’m saying that rape back then wasn’t easy either because the woman is protected. Women rarely went out alone. They’re treated as treasure and were protected by their tribe
You said that the only reason men are virgins today because there’s police and we can’t rape anymore. I’m saying that rape back then wasn’t easy either because the woman is protected. Women rarely went out alone. They’re treated as treasure and were protected by their tribe
That's the case. Were you there or why are you so sure about that? Who was forcing them to do that?
That's the case. Were you there or why are you so sure about that? Who was forcing them to do that?
You weren’t there to prove that men were constantly raping women. Rape goes against nature so logically it didn’t happen a lot
You weren’t there to prove that men were constantly raping women. Rape goes against nature so logically it didn’t happen a lot
My proof is that there was no police forcing them to not do that. Rape is literally how every species ever reproduces other than modern humans, they're the only ones who ask for consent.
My proof is that there was no police forcing them to not do that. Rape is literally how every species ever reproduces other than modern humans, they're the only ones who ask for consent.
That’s not true. Animals have mating rituals, the male doesn’t just rape the female. That’s not how it works
That’s not true. Animals have mating rituals, the male doesn’t just rape the female. That’s not how it works
They can't speak any language so they cannot ask for or give consent. That's the definition.
They can't speak any language so they cannot ask for or give consent. That's the definition.
So you’re saying women have to say shit like “I give you my consent” to Chad when he fucks them? Consent is non verbal and it’s when a woman is showing she doesn’t mind the sex and isn’t fighting for her life
So you’re saying women have to say shit like “I give you my consent” to Chad when he fucks them? Consent is non verbal and it’s when a woman is showing she doesn’t mind the sex and isn’t fighting for her life
I'm saying the wild animal just does what he wants. When the animal gets taught a language and told that he should not do that or else he gets put in a zoo cage, he probably doesn't do that.
I'm saying the wild animal just does what he wants. When the animal gets taught a language and told that he should not do that or else he gets put in a zoo cage, he probably doesn't do that.
Yes, I was talking about wild animals. They do mating rituals and everything. There’s a lot of videos of many lions fighting over the lioness. Animals rarely resort to rape
Yes, I was talking about wild animals. They do mating rituals and everything. There’s a lot of videos of many lions fighting over the lioness. Animals rarely resort to rape
We're humans so lets just talk about wild humans. The reason why men are having trouble getting women is because they're forced to by the police. If that wasn't the case, men would fuck the woman they want, not beg the woman and get rejected.
no nature is perfect it just so happens that it made us at the bottom of the pyramid.
In the ideal world (for men), thERe would be 2000 females for evERy 1 man, then evERy man can have sex with a diffERent female evERy week for his whole life (assuming that men on avERage biologically have an active sex life for 40 years. But in such a world, women would be the incels because evERy woman (on avERage) would only be able to sex once in their lifetime.

Equal numbER of men and women in the world is fair for both sexes (which is the way the world NATURALLY is), so this particular aspect of NATURE is FAIR.

Yet DESPITE the numbER of men and women in the world being equal, in feminist societies in the modERn ERa, the situation in tERms of “distribution of sex” is COMPLETELY UNFAIR because we incels starve to death (in tERms of pussy, we get nothing), normies get scraps and leftovers (sex on the rare occasion from foids who have already been sexually defiled by chad) and chads are enjoying feasts (harems and consistent access to numERous diffERent women).

And although nature is indeed inhERently UNFAIR in many aspects, this unfair situation (with regards to “un-equal access to sex”) is NOT due to nature being unfair but rathER due to the unfairness of the ARTIFICIAL system of feminism/gynocracy in place.

Don’t blame nature for the unfairness in the world (which is the CAUSE of our pain/suffERing). Nobody has the powER to control Nature, it is what it is.

Instead, blame the elites (who had FULL CONTROL of their actions) for structuring society in accordance to feminist ideology, because the SWITCH from a patriarchal society (whERe even ugly men wERe able to find a wife without any unreasonable level of difficulty, BY MERIT of working a job and contributing to the productivity/functionality of society, enabling ugly men to earn money and use it for the purpose of fulfilling the role of being a providER) to a feminist society (whERe women have the right to work and own propERty, consequently becoming financially “independent” due to no longER having to rely on men for money/resources for survival), which significantly decreased the quality of life of the avERage male.

it makes no sense for incels to carry on crying and complaining about being rejected by women on the basis of having “ugly looks”, considERing the fact that “lookism” is an inhERent PART of NATURE ITSELF (for BOTH men AND women), hence these incels are LOW IQ for being upset at an aspect of female behaviour (NOT even exclusive to females) which is out of women’s control.

Women can’t control the fact that they feel attraction to men who are tall, have wide-frame, have masculine facial structure (square jaw, prominent chin, huntER eyes etc.), have big penises etc. (in the same way men can’t control the fact that we naturally like women with big tits and ass), but hERe is the important part;

For most ofcivilized human history” (99% or more) men’s looks didn’t even mattER because society was patriarchal which meant that men’s value came from the work we did to create civilizations and the fighting we did to destroy civilizations.

The only reason a man’s looks even mattER in modERn society to begin with (when it DIDN’T matter for 99% or more of civilized human history) is because feminism has enabled that to be the case

and unlike the human tendency to discriminate based on looks (which is out of our control), the elites wERe in FULL control of how they shaped society.

Nature isn’t good or bad, it simply is what it is

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