-young (20 years old so still a chance at ascending but it won't happen because I never leave the house and don't have a reason to)
-Fat, blocky, rectangular face (prob about a 3/10 if i had to guess)
Fat face is too big for my small frame so I look retarded
-small feminine frame
im extremely underweight meaning i literally have a bit of an hourglass shape

actual suicidefuel
-small arms (weak af bcuz no father figure to do manly stuff with and mother doesn't want me lifting weights or anything like that)
-norwood has taken at least an inch of the corners of my hairline, the norwood in my family is terrible
-smol hands
Other bad traits (because i forgot this was a post solely about phyiscal traits and typed all this out before realizing):
-extremely high inhib
Caused by abusive and hateful family and bullying in school
-unfathomable level of social anxiety
Can't even get words out of my mouth when strangers talk to me, no matter how hard I try
-a million medical problems bcuz parents were basically infertile and had me in their 40s
-Live in America (must compete against white chad AND tyrone)
Specifically the American south, so men are held up to traditional Christian standards but women get a free pass to whore around and whatnot
There's a lot more but I'm going to stop typing before I cry myself to sleep