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Blackpill Der Untermensch (spiteful mutant theory)

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Cannibalistic Humanoid Untermensch Destroyer
Mar 22, 2023

Due to decreasing selective pressure on the human society harmful mutations are increasingly polluting the gene pool, leading to high mutational load and hereditary illnesses.
There is strong evidence these harmful mutation can not only be spread via reproduction, but can also negatively affect the epigenetic or even genetic makeup of other people, leading to social degeneration.
Those spiteful mutations may be linked to autism, mental illness, "wokeness", homosexuality, atheism, communism, violence, hyperindividualism and social parasitism.

This so called "social epistasis amplification model" could lead to the extinction of humanity via a so called "behavioral sink"; the spreading of behaviours associated with delitirious mutations negatively affecting reproductive fitness among non-blood-related people.

It could also be a valid explanation for the nepotism,
"free-rider" behaviour, moral bancrupcy and genetic inferiority of the jewish race and the overall social decadence that this race caused.

The mouse utopia experiment:

Between 1958-1962 ethologist John B. Calhoun conducted a series of experiments concerning the effects of overpopulation and lack of selective pressure in mice.
In these experiments, also called "mouse utopia experiments", Calhoun put various mice (both male and female at varying ratios) inside a closed off, sterile environment with an abundance of food, water and with no outside predators being present.

In one of those experiments the mice, after 1.7 years of exponential growth of the mouse population, experienced a rapid population decline due to increased intersexual violence among males, hypergamy, child neglect and even infanticide among females, and a general unwillingness to breed and rear children among both sexes.

At first the biggest, most genetically fit mouses:chad: engaged in polygyny, keeping harems of females which they aggressively protected against subordinate males.

A class of permarotter ratcels was observed, which Calhoun dubbed "the dropouts". Occasional outbreaks of random violence were observed among this group.

Soon the harems grew too large, and the chad mouses became gradually became old and weak, which caused frequent beta uprisings and rapes among the ratcels.

Due to this lack of protection from the chad mouses the female mouses started showing typical male-behaviours, started neglecting their offspring and even participated in infanticide.

Due to being fatherless, raised by neglectful single mothers, a new class of mice was observed by Calhoun:
"The beautiful ones".
Those gen-Z mousecels displayed a general disinterest in all activities except grooming, eating and sleeping.
They also displayed "stereotypic" or "autistic-like behaviour", and generally showed signs of severe mental illness.
The male rats also suffered from severely lowered testosterone levels and displayed a general disinterest in breeding.
The female rats continued to neglect their offspring and were masculinized even further.

Eventually the general disinterest in breeding and child rearing caused a self-inflicted extinction of the mouse population.

Social epistasis amplification model and it's danger to western society

In many species, including humans, it has been observed that harmful mutations among a certain specimen can affect the genetic or epigenetic makeup, the gene expression and subsequently the phenotype of other members of the species.
When a specimen carries a mutation that is disadvantageous to reproductive fitness, this specimen is often called a "spiteful mutant.
This theory is referred to the "Social epistasis amplification model" and it might be a possible explaination for the outcomes of Calhouns experiments.

To add onto that about 84% of the human genom primarily affects the brain, and therefore influences human behaviour.

Needless to say that if this theory is true,
the west and the white race could face a behavioral sink and go extinct within a few generations due to spiteful mutants corrupting the
The birthrates of western countries speak for themselves:
Crude birth rate us 1800 2020

How infant mortality, witch burnings and progroms kept the gene pool healthy:

The selective pressure in pre-industrial times was immense.
By about 1800 the average infant mortality rate was ≈43%, by now it has decreased to less than 4%.

The average life expectany in the US rose from under 40 years in 1860 to about 79 years today.
Death was imminent and life was short and brutal.
But it was eugenic.

Spiteful mutants, which today are not only allowed to reproduce, but also can change the genetic makeup, looks and behaviour of the people around them, would have simply died off in earlier times.

There is another factor in the equation:
Genetic pacification and human Self-Domestication.
During the late middle ages and early modern period over 1% of every male generation were executed.
Over 300 crimes were punishable by death in the medivial "Sachsenspiegel".
People with antisocial personalities, neurotic people and low-IQ people which are prone to commit crimes were executed exponentially more than docile, prosocial people.
People that were prone to atheism and sexually degenerate or parasitic behaviour were frequently excommunicated and shunned, or even burned at the stake, diminishing their chances of reproducing.

Jews and gypsies, two races with incredibly high mutational load and a proclivity for hereditary illnesses, were forced to live in isolated communities, reducing their chances of social epistasis.

Genetic degeneracy was selected against.

Social decadence is caused by the epistasis of spiteful mutants

The typical patterns of western social degeneracy, i.e. communism, faggotry, atheism, miscegenation, low-t, mental illness, etc. have all been linked to spiteful mutations.

On the other hand religiousness, negative and positive ethnocentrism, intelligence, pro-social behaviour and support for right-wing authoritarian policies have been linked to good genetic health.
Right-wingers on average are even more good looking than leftoids.

The kike: a spiteful mutant

Jews are well known for their high mutational load, their propensity for hereditary illnesses, their inbredness, and their general uglyness.
As all of you know they are the main proponents of both neo"""liberalism""" and communism, social degeneracy and the destruction of the family, the community and the nation.
Due to their autism and high spatial intelligence, which is also partially caused by spiteful mutations, they are able to occupy positions of power and prestige, leading the social epistasis of genetic degeneracy to spread even faster.

The idea of the yids being genetically degenerated and able to spread this genetic degeneracy unto healthy races is nothing new by the way:

@Darth Nihilus
@Adolf Hitler
@Nate Higgers
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Conclusion: cleanse all ethnics.
Too high IQ for me but good read.
A fellow Jolly Heretic appreciator I see :feelsokman:
Sadly I see some of these traits in myself except the support for commie faggotry
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Excellent and truly edifying post my comrade Brother. While I agree with the general thesis you espouse and likewise find the structure of your argument both compelling and convincing on the basis of the empirical support you adduced, I do have some very minor quibbles as adumbrated below:

1. I'm not sure how much of a sociological-biological inference you can make about homo sapiens on the basis of the behavioral proclivities of mice. That seems to me to be a bridge too far and the extrapolations you run can only have limited probity in illuminating our understanding of human behavior.

2. Communism, Marxism, faggotronics, wokeism and other ideologies and degenerate anti-social predilections are a function of historical, social, economic and cultural forces and cannot be logically attributable to some sort of genetic predisposition. Otherwise you would find that certain populations are far more susceptible to the invidious influence of these contaminating ideas but a perfunctory assessment of contemporary western degeneracy which is trans-national (no pun intended) will disabuse you of that notion.

3. The jews are inheritors of an ethnic, cultural and religious tradition which has uniquely predisposed them towards tribalism, covetousness, psychopathy and a general contempt for all non jews. This may be complimentary to your own biological postulations concerning the heritability of particular qualities but I feel that their heritage and its self-serving ethos supersedes the effects of genetic inheritance.
The mouse utopia in real life only seems to apply to white people from my anecdotal observation, im a big fan of that experiment, but it doesnt explain why brown people in heavily dense populations (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh) keep reproducing at incredible fertile numbers.
High IQ. We need to foster a high trust society again and penalize the immoral ones.
We, incels are also a part of the spiteful mutant class assuming you are actually unfuckable. Incels are the untermenschen. I accept that. No one on this website is pro-social lol. In a just society we would also be exterminited along with the other undesirables. You are just taking Dutton's theory and applying it to jews and gypsies...okay.
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We, incels are also a part of the spiteful mutant class assuming you are actually unfuckable. Incels are the untermenschen. I accept that. No one on this website is pro-social lol. In a just society we would also be exterminited along with the other undesirables. You are just taking Dutton's theory and applying it to jews and gypsies...okay.
You're 100% right.

I'm gonna make a Part 2 on autism and mental illness being caused by spiteful mutations anyway, so i might just add inceldom and reproductive failure unto that, as it is the main cause of the "behavioural sink".

I will also make a part 3, where I will argue for the utility of eugenics, genetic engeneering and genocide (@wereq is gonna love that one for sure) as a solution for the incel question.
Excellent and truly edifying post my comrade Brother. While I agree with the general thesis you espouse and likewise find the structure of your argument both compelling and convincing on the basis of the empirical support you adduced, I do have some very minor quibbles as adumbrated below:

1. I'm not sure how much of a sociological-biological inference you can make about homo sapiens on the basis of the behavioral proclivities of mice. That seems to me to be a bridge too far and the extrapolations you run can only have limited probity in illuminating our understanding of human behavior.

2. Communism, Marxism, faggotronics, wokeism and other ideologies and degenerate anti-social predilections are a function of historical, social, economic and cultural forces and cannot be logically attributable to some sort of genetic predisposition. Otherwise you would find that certain populations are far more susceptible to the invidious influence of these contaminating ideas but a perfunctory assessment of contemporary western degeneracy which is trans-national (no pun intended) will disabuse you of that notion.

3. The jews are inheritors of an ethnic, cultural and religious tradition which has uniquely predisposed them towards tribalism, covetousness, psychopathy and a general contempt for all non jews. This may be complimentary to your own biological postulations concerning the heritability of particular qualities but I feel that their heritage and its self-serving ethos supersedes the effects of genetic inheritance.
true but are you a incel
You're 100% right.

I'm gonna make a Part 2 on autism and mental illness being caused by spiteful mutations anyway, so i might just add inceldom and reproductive failure unto that, as it is the main cause of the "behavioural sink".

I will also make a part 3, where I will argue for the utility of eugenics, genetic engeneering and genocide (@wereq is gonna love that one for sure) as a solution for the incel question.
We, incels are also a part of the spiteful mutant class assuming you are actually unfuckable. Incels are the untermenschen. I accept that. No one on this website is pro-social lol. In a just society we would also be exterminited along with the other undesirables. You are just taking Dutton's theory and applying it to jews and gypsies...okay.
Excellent and truly edifying post my comrade Brother. While I agree with the general thesis you espouse and likewise find the structure of your argument both compelling and convincing on the basis of the empirical support you adduced, I do have some very minor quibbles as adumbrated below:

1. I'm not sure how much of a sociological-biological inference you can make about homo sapiens on the basis of the behavioral proclivities of mice. That seems to me to be a bridge too far and the extrapolations you run can only have limited probity in illuminating our understanding of human behavior.

2. Communism, Marxism, faggotronics, wokeism and other ideologies and degenerate anti-social predilections are a function of historical, social, economic and cultural forces and cannot be logically attributable to some sort of genetic predisposition. Otherwise you would find that certain populations are far more susceptible to the invidious influence of these contaminating ideas but a perfunctory assessment of contemporary western degeneracy which is trans-national (no pun intended) will disabuse you of that notion.

3. The jews are inheritors of an ethnic, cultural and religious tradition which has uniquely predisposed them towards tribalism, covetousness, psychopathy and a general contempt for all non jews. This may be complimentary to your own biological postulations concerning the heritability of particular qualities but I feel that their heritage and its self-serving ethos supersedes the effects of genetic inheritance.
wanna be friends

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