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Depressed UGLY lonely men videos?



Catfish master, women abuser!
Jan 8, 2018
Doesn't have necessairly be blackpilled, just sad. I enjoy dwelling in these videos while i LDAR. got any good sad videos? Of ugly men only
the only incel i know who posts on youtube is kyleincel but hes a fakecel/ mentalcel.
Virginp0wers said:
the only incel i know who posts on youtube is kyleincel but hes a fakecel/ mentalcel.
He's 6/10, masculine with a beard, and speaks comfrtably infront of a camera. wtf what excuse does he even have?

IronMike said:
woahh i just watched a bit and its good. also he has a recomnedded video of "pua advice doesn't work" im gonna like him
Kent. His face ain't ugly but he 5 foot 2 framecel
this guy isn't ugly but is incel

Eggy's magnificent Black Pill trilogy in my sig.
BlackPill47 said:
Eggy's magnificent Black Pill trilogy in my sig.
watched them like 10 times. gospel!
have you seen heedandsuceed's videos?
TheVman said:
watched them like 10 times. gospel!

Amen, brah. They should be required watching for all incels.

I even made mp3 rips of them and listen to them on a loop. kek
This egg has some good videos on his channel

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So many brutal Black Pills dropped here. Praise St. BO2cel!
BlackPill47 said:
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It's a shame he had some good stuff.
ArtoriasWolf said:
It's a shame he had some good stuff.
Amen, brother. it's a shame he choked up the Black Pill and fucked a tranny. The message is still legit as fuck though - It's over for sub-8 men as all FHOs want Chad. Why suffer further? Accept it's over and move on.
BlackPill47 said:
ArtoriasWolf said:
It's a shame he had some good stuff.
Amen, brother. it's a shame he choked up the Black Pill and fucked a tranny. The message is still legit as fuck though - It's over for sub-8 men as all FHOs want Chad. Why suffer further? Accept it's over and move on.
I don't think he fucked that tranny. he said they were just friends

@"FACEandLMS" Can't forget about this guy, he has some brilliant videos.
poor jsanza i feel so sorry for him
Grotesque said:

Good videos too, you should make thread to get more people watching.
mental_out said:
Damn, I have a long way to go.
this one is an absolute classic

2:09 is brutal
Easily oreoman. He's subhuman.
IronMike said:

That growth hormone really saved him. He would've been like 4' if he wasn't given HGH.
I'll end up like this guy now, depressed bitter oldcel and never had a g/f. Scary to see the not so distant future.

mental_out said:

boogie2988 before therapy????
mental_out said:

so fucking relatable for anyone unemployed
Schizoidcel said:

Holy Shit. I just became an antinatalist. No way would I want a kid with a brain as fucked up as this.
TheVman said:
Doesn't have necessairly be blackpilled, just sad. I enjoy dwelling in these videos while i LDAR. got any good sad videos? Of ugly men only

How does this help you in any way?
Here, watch this and have some fun:
TheVman said:
Doesn't have necessairly be blackpilled, just sad. I enjoy dwelling in these videos while i LDAR. got any good sad videos? Of ugly men only

These are lonely men looking to hook up with underage girls

The short men videos are suifuel. Short men are the most incel of all. I’m 5’7 and that is bad enough, especially in Northern Europe. Being under 5’5 is a death sentence for men - just rope. Nothing can save you at that height.
He's hilarious.
VST said:
That growth hormone really saved him. He would've been like 4' if he wasn't given HGH.

NT theory proven again
Once again I have the info you need... Ima start charging you folks for this golden info. Anyways here's a link to an entire channel devoted to nothing but pathetic losers like us. Staring legends such as... oreo man, Kent, infinite one and more!! Your welcome and enjoy!

And as a bonus here's a relatively newcomer to the tfl incel community 


Here's a sample this dude's goes by heed and succeed [video=youtube]https://youtu.be/x56WvqqPEnc[/video]
MayorOfKekville said:
The short men videos are suifuel. Short men are the most incel of all. I’m 5’7 and that is bad enough, especially in Northern Europe. Being under 5’5 is a death sentence for men - just rope. Nothing can save you at that height.

Nobody wants to listen to me
Alceste Esseintes was amazing for this, until he randomly decided to delete 99% of his online presence, this is all you can find of him now https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15204491.Alceste_Esseintes

its so depressing to me

he also had some amazing youtube videos, but he fuckin deleted his channel

does anyone happen to remember him? sadly, he always had a fairly small online presence
IronMike said:
this guy isn't ugly but is incel


Good find. I like Oreo man event tho he repeats the same 6 things over and over like a retard. Also @grotesque has some great videos that make me lmao and sad at the same time
Oh snap the hits just keep on coming how could I forget about my boy, fiber optic aka Samuel Maxwell! This is his first video were he has since made many more. In this vid he's 26, currently he's 28. He considered himself part of the true forced loneliness community up until recently where he finally lost his v card at 28. As far as i know he has since gone back to being a tfler as the relationship didn't last i think... That's it someone owes me 5$ lol

I relate to oreo man and jamil. I relate but i have it as bad as them.
I wish I knew about HGH when I was a kid. Manletism is a death sentence. FML.
Hey stop stealing my source, what the fuck? >=0. That's one oh his more recent videos though

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