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LifeFuel Degenerate Rock/Popstar singer going to jail for fucking underage teenage girls



Dec 15, 2017

So apparently this guy, a pop/rock singer from this band Hedley (Jacob Hoggard) has been going around molesting and semi-raping girls since the very beginning of their career.

At one of their first shows, an underage girl woke up on the street outside after they drugged her in the vip room and refused to let the bar owner into the room to see what was happening (likely rape). But she declined to press charges.

Since then, he and his bandmates have consistently groped girls at photo shoots and after shows. Twitter was full of teenage girls during #metoo who claim to have fucked him or had their friend fuck him often when they were underage.

Well looks like shit has finally caught up to him and he's going to jail.

Part of me wonders if this is actually his Norwood catching up to him. Part of me also marvels at how much of a sociopath this guy has been. I have looked at a bit of his music since he's been in the news, and it's all this fluffy feel good "you can do anything" emotional tampon shit specifically designed for tween girl consumption.

I don't think it's a coincidence. It seems like this guy has made his entire career designed specifically to build the trust of young teenage girls and then semi-forcibly fuck them.

Reminds me of that insane singer from Lost Prophets who went to jail for child porn and then attempting to fuck a baby. Not a child. A baby.

I will look forward to this guy going to jail. This guy thought he cheated the system, but now it's come back to rape him in return. Fuck him and his smug, very punchable face.
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Bro, this forum is pro-molesting.
Those young thots were probably glad to be whores for a famous band. They're just claiming rape now because it's trendy.
Those young thots were probably glad to be whores for a famous band. They're just claiming rape now because it's trendy.
I knew men who were falsely accused, so I'm very skeptical of claims when they surface these days.
Water wet, like every band wasn't doing the same.
I knew men who were falsely accused, so I'm very skeptical of claims when they surface these days.
Same. Feminism has killed any chance of me believing claims, now. If they don't have undeniable evidence, I instantly assume the "victim" is a spiteful bitch trying to ruin his life.
Like if these bitches wouldn't ejoyed that.
It's not lifefuel since he already won.
I knew men who were falsely accused, so I'm very skeptical of claims when they surface these days.
Tbh, claims against men aren't to be taken seriously now adays, even if the accusation is false, the man's reputation went to shit it's over for him
Same. Feminism has killed any chance of me believing claims, now. If they don't have undeniable evidence, I instantly assume the "victim" is a spiteful bitch trying to ruin his life.

As far as I'm concerned, a man accused should be granted anonymity from the press until he is found guilty, in order to avoid damage to his reputation. In addition, if a woman is caught lying, she should be given the same prison sentence as a guilty offender, and then register as an offender upon release, so that it stays on her record.

OH! And get this! In Israel, if a woman accuses a man, and the police find out that she's lying, she isn't punished at all. What nonsense is that!
He did it because of the norwood. That shit can fuck you up as a person.
As far as I'm concerned, a man accused should be granted anonymity from the press until he is found guilty, in order to avoid damage to his reputation. In addition, if a woman is caught lying, she should be given the same prison sentence as a guilty offender, and then register as an offender upon release, so that it stays on her record.

OH! And get this! In Israel, if a woman accuses a man, and the police find out that she's lying, she isn't punished at all. What nonsense is that!
Literal Zionism.
It's not lifefuel since he already won.
It's lifefuel for me because he's gonna spend the rest of his life getting it up the ass in jail and that's good karma to me.

Chads should get fucked.
I don't think it's a coincidence. It seems like this guy has made his entire career designed specifically to build the trust of young teenage girls and then semi-forcibly fuck them.
I think that's how all bands start. I know that's the only reason I picked up a guitar!

Reminds me of that insane singer from Lost Prophets who went to jail for child porn and then attempting to fuck a baby. Not a child. A baby.
Haha, I love this guy.
He did it because of the norwood. That shit can fuck you up as a person.

I'd say it was the norwood that did him in, that's the reason why they turned against him, if he had aged gracefully the girls would still love him. He was never going to get away with it looking the way he does now.

That's why no one minds that Led Zep, Bowie and Iggy Pop fucked 13-15yo's, or that Motorhead and Motley Crue wrote songs about fucking jailbait.
This makes me so happy. Hope he dies in prison.
Why do you care? You sound like a cuck.
Those young thots were probably glad to be whores for a famous band. They're just claiming rape now because it's trendy.
they just want attention they could be getting by LARPing as one of his "victims"
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Why do you care? You sound like a cuck.

they just want attention they could be getting by LARPing as one of his "victims"

Because I to some extent hate:

>White men in general for living on easy mode
>Chads and Chadlites
>Guys who are smug about their "success" with women
>Guys who cheat the system and get endless attractive women when I can't

He's all of the above. I hope they smash his face in and fuck him in the ass while he's in jail.
Because I to some extent hate:

>White men in general for living on easy mode
>Chads and Chadlites
>Guys who are smug about their "success" with women
>Guys who cheat the system and get endless attractive women when I can't

He's all of the above. I hope they smash his face in and fuck him in the ass while he's in jail.
So basically you're just jealous. Better than being a cuck I suppose.
So basically you're just jealous. Better than being a cuck I suppose.

Jealousy is something I've lived with my whole life. It's the inevitable consequence of being born with extremely high ambition and extremely poor physical features.

There's no other rational outcome.

I love watching Chads' lives getting ruined but it's rare since they coast through everything.
Because I to some extent hate:

>White men in general for living on easy mode
>Chads and Chadlites
>Guys who are smug about their "success" with women
>Guys who cheat the system and get endless attractive women when I can't

He's all of the above. I hope they smash his face in and fuck him in the ass while he's in jail.

Don't you hate on foids?
Don't you hate on foids?

Not really. I like women just fine. They just don't like me the way I like them.

Trying to hate women is an act in futility. We're genetically hardwired as men to want them.
Whores deserved it. They dress like sluts and push themselves on to these singers and when they don’t like it then it’s the guys fault.

Just lol at moralcels being denied sex their whole life and still white knighting girls.

All those girls would prefer getting raped by the popstar than even make eye contact with you for half a second
Jealousy is something I've lived with my whole life. It's the inevitable consequence of being born with extremely high ambition and extremely poor physical features.

There's no other rational outcome.

I love watching Chads' lives getting ruined but it's rare since they coast through everything.
They're just doing what their brains have been wired to do. You'd do the same thing if women found you attractive. You can't hate a dog for acting like a dog know what I mean? It's not like chads are consciously fucking a lot of women to make incels feel bad.
Lol at you, you bluepilled fuck. You actually believe #metoo allegations?
Lol at you, you bluepilled fuck. You actually believe #metoo allegations?

Why do I have to believe them to enjoy watching a Chad go to jail and his life get ruined?
You are enjoying the gynocracy, cuck.

If the gynocracy means Chads get assraped, fine with me. The gynocracy has done nothing fun for me up until now. At least it's giving me some entertainment now.
If the gynocracy means Chads get assraped, fine with me. The gynocracy has done nothing fun for me up until now. At least it's giving me some entertainment now.
The absolute state of your IQ. Angry beta male jerking off to female empowerment.
It's not chads fault that we can't get pussy and neither it is womens fault for not wanting to fuck us. I don't really understand your mindless resentment towards chads. Rationally we should be hating the nature for making humans wire their brains like that but then again mankind would've died out millions of years ago if women fucked men for their personalities.
It's not chads fault that we can't get pussy and neither it is womens fault for not wanting to fuck us. I don't really understand your mindless resentment towards chads. Rationally we should be hating the nature for making humans wire their brains like that but then again mankind would've died out millions of years ago if women fucked men for their personalities.

I've been hating Chads since I was 15 years old. Any Chad friend I've had has just led to me watching them fuck endless gorgeous girls while those girls want absolutely nothing to do with me which leads to me hating myself, me being jealous of my friend, and eventually me being angry and leaving the "friendship" because I can't take it anymore.

I need Chads in my life as much as I need a spike driven through my brain. Maybe less. At least the spike would accomplish something.
I've been hating Chads since I was 15 years old. Any Chad friend I've had has just led to me watching them fuck endless gorgeous girls while those girls want absolutely nothing to do with me which leads to me hating myself, me being jealous of my friend, and eventually me being angry and leaving the "friendship" because I can't take it anymore.

I need Chads in my life as much as I need a spike driven through my brain. Maybe less. At least the spike would accomplish something.
As I already said. It's not their fault. You can cope with your misery by thinking that chads are responsible for it for the rest of your life for all I care but a better long term strategy would be letting it go.
As I already said. It's not their fault. You can cope thinking that chads are responsible for your misery for the rest of your life for all I care but a better long term strategy would be letting it go.

Not really possible. All I have to do is think of all the surgery I've been through and all the surgery I'm going to be going through and how can I not envy guys who have it 10x better with zero effort? They aren't responsible for my misery. I just hate them for having everything I want and not even having to work for it. Hate is a natural masculine emotion. We're born to feel it. We're born to rage.
The guy is right. Sixteen years old girls are not children but juvenile bitches.

The right to do push it inside.
Well rip this guy he is fuxked. Say goodbye to your amazing life.
As far as I'm concerned, a man accused should be granted anonymity from the press until he is found guilty, in order to avoid damage to his reputation. In addition, if a woman is caught lying, she should be given the same prison sentence as a guilty offender, and then register as an offender upon release, so that it stays on her record.

Totally agreed.
Lifefuel : degeneracy getting retributed.
local radio station always played this shitty bands music and hyped them up when they came to play here, lead singers voice is high pitched and annoying

glad this degenerate is getting put away, not so sorry about the foids he fucked because thats their nature to seek out high status males to get injected by their DNA while going back home to parents and pretending they are innocent

also blame whoever manufactured and put together this shitty band, doubt they were writing their own music

Hurr durr. ... Chad's on our side guise. We need to defend Chad against the evil foids...
It's not about defending Chad, it's about not letting females ruin the lives of men on a whim.
Norwooders and incels in general should be given lenient sentencing like all women do. Hope he gets out quick and enjoys all the pussy again.
It's not about defending Chad, it's about not letting females ruin the lives of men on a whim.

I understand your perspective but Let them destroy each other i say. I only have affinity or empathy for my fellow dethnics like Aziz ansari.

I don't care if this guy rots or burns on the feminist pyre. I'm gonna enjoy it no matter what.

I don't see life as a gender war. Thanks to inceldom, I'm not part of that system.

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